January 13, 2017

30 3 17

Sorry I haven't updated! I forgot! -3-

So, do you guys ever have the feeling that all your friends have turned against you and your alone in the world?

Yeah...well that has been me all week.

I am not gonna mention names, but I feel like everyone paired up and I have no one to turn to.

Two of my friends have so much in common, I understand. But it still hurts...ya know?

My other two friends...well...I don't know how to say it without giving to much away

It just feels like I can't do anything and that I am alone in the world.

It's scary enough always feeling out of body...or not in control of myself or that I forget. But having all your friends leave you....that scares me even more.

I never want to be alone in this world...welp...looks like I will have to learn to live with it.

I'm gonna rant but I don't care.

I'm gonna face it. Everyone hates me. I've accepted it.

Why should I deny it? I face the facts. I am alone. Everyone...and when I say everyone, I mean everyone, as In everyone I have ever come into face to face contact with...has immediately hated me. I have seen it in their faces, in their eyes, even though they don't want to hate me...they do. To be honest...so has my family.

At this point I don't care. It has been such a part of my life, the realization of hate towards me from everyone.

If you don't like rants...well sorry for your luck pal.

If you can relate...or just want to leave a comment so I know your there...comment down below! Please! I would appreciate it and I always try to reply to all comments!


Thank you for being here....if ya'll care of my existence at all.

Oh! And also!

There is a song that I can relate to soooooooooooooooo much!

Comment if you relate!

(Also! Go check out Cherry's Youtube! "The One Who Laughs Last" and "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" are my favs of hers! She is amazing!)

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