July 27, 2017

18 2 5

So! I was talking to the woman who birthed me. Oh god that sounds creepy. I was talking to my mom today and we were talking about jobs! And she was like "When I had my job at.....I did...." and she started listing off all this work of how she would carry heavy things and transport stuff everywhere all the time and be at everyone's beck and call. Then, she proceeds to tell me that her last year of highschool, she DOUBLED her work so she could graduate in January instead of June. And here I am going: Normally when I have homework or a school project I sit there staring at my paper with a calligraphy THE on my paper.

Then as she continues to talk about work and stuff like that, my mind flies to the rest of my family. My dad works all the time. My eldest sister works all the time PLUS is a new mother now. And the middle sister, well let's not talk about her. I'm sitting here thinking of all the great things my family has done in highschool, in life, and here I am procrastinating over a book I have to read and summarize four times. See the difference? I don't see how you couldn't....

I mean, my life style of sitting on my butt all day and watching youtube for an unhealthy amount of time and being on Wattpad and occasionally getting up to eat and use the bathroom isn't necessarily healthy. But I like it. And, hey! I'm not gonna be sitting on my butt forever. I have some things I want to do with my life. Ever heard about genetics? Ya know, that really awkward follow up of cells in science class? I'm really into that! There is a human~pig chimera hybrid that is the embryo of a pig that was injected with the stem cells of a human. Now you might think: Hey how does this work? Wouldn't it be dead by now because it's two different species coming together?

You're wrong! This hybrid actually grew to be four weeks old by the time the article was published. It could be even older now! There was also a mouse that had vital stem cells taken out and replaced with rat stem cells of the same kind. Ya know what happened with this little guy? He grew to be a year old AND grew a gall bladder, which hasn't been part of the mouse body for 18 million years if I'm not mistaken. And there was a pair of pig lungs that filtered HUMAN BLOOD! This is amazing!!! *Ahem* I digress. (Link to the article will be at end of entry.)

And voice acting! I have so many inspirations. Robin Williams, Alejandro Saab, Patrick M. Seymour (not just because those two were in Aphmau, there are other reasons) So many more! But that's just as hard to get a jig as regular acting. I can manipulate my voice in many ways. I can sound like Kawaii~Chan, I can make my voice go really deep, I can sound like I'm five. I'm even experimenting with Kermit's voice. (Not too many ways, but I'll gain more as I go.) One of my biggest dreams is to voice in something. My side-major dream is to voice in a Disney film. That probably won't happen, but hey, gatta be ambiguous! 

I wrote this just to show how small I am compared to my family! XD I accept that I'm not as great as most people. Frankly, I dont care. But compared to them, I'm a tiny ant and they are like.....dogs or something XD.

ANYWAY! I'll probably rant about the genetics later. Be prepared.

Link to article- http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/01/human-pig-hybrid-embryo-chimera-organs-health-science/


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