August 11, 2017

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Three years ago today, we lost a great man to depression.

Robin Williams took his own life by hanging himself in his own home because of a serious case of depression, Parkinson's disease, and dementia.

That doesn't really matter. What matters is that we lost one of the worlds best comedians to suicide.

-Voice Actor
-Amazing Person

This man has many names, but Robin Williams will always have a place in all of our hearts.

I don't take suicide lightly. I don't think anyone does. So if you know of someone who is thinking of ending it all, please contact someone.

Yes, I know many famous people took their lives as well, but today I thought I'd take the time to remember one of our founding fathers. Now, I don't mean Hamilton, Washington, those folks. I mean the men and women who made our country just an ounce better. Robin Williams with comedy, Philip Seymour Hoffman with acting and directing, Marilyn Monroe with acting. They made this world just a little bit less horrible. And many will continue to do so. Two of these people are assumed to have committed suicide by overdose.

So thank you, to all of the late and living people, who are cleaning up this world. Famous or anti-social, we're all doing something by living. 

And, a little word from me, anyone suffering from depression, dementia, stress and other things that would push you to feel like you have to end it all just to get peace or happiness, just know, it doesn't have to be like that. There are many people who are there for you, though it may not seem like it now. And things will get better. We all go through bumps in the road. And we always will, but we shouldn't give up. You all are strong enough to push your way through all that force you down. The voices in your head that tell you to give up, ignore them. Prove to them that you are stronger than what they say. Nothing can hold you down if you don't let it. And hey, if it feels like you can't turn to anyone, you can always turn to me. I'm always here. I never leave. You are not alone in this. Find your light in the darkness.

I love you guys, all of you. (Platonic. XD)

Don't give up. Push against the wind!


(BTW this is not supposed to be a lecture, it's all true. You may have heard that a thousand times, but I meant every word. <3)

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