January 27, 2019

13 4 5

So I am literally never gonna live the soup fic down

Don't worry, it's not like I care

It's one of my best works and I really proud of it

My one friend crazysenpaigurl (if that's the wrong user I'm sorry, im confused 🤗) every time she sees me she yells "SOUP" as we walk past each other. Today she yelled "CHLORINE SOUP" because of the song she was listening to

And my other friend JoyeZhao was deadass reading it out loud in music appretiation. Thankfully no one pays attention to us, but hey.

Again, I don't have a problem with comments and stuff about the book. It's SATIRE, it's supposed to be made fun of. I love hearing her make comments as we walk to get water.

Anyway. We staying at a steady #1 in soup

Very proud

Also! Yesterday, I had my first babysitting gig!! Albiet, my parents were home and so was my sister, but I was still "in charge" of my nephew. Also! I changed my first poop diaper! I usually leave the poopy ones for everyone else. But yeah! I hit a milestone!

Also, I broke my glasses.

It's the same thing that happened 7th grade in Cripps' room. An entire arm fell off. So now I walk around with one sided glasses. I was gonna wear contacts all week but 1) it's a lot of work to put them in everyday and 2) I'm sick so I kinda can't.

But anyway! Yeah. That's my tea for today

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