May 27, 2017

15 3 8

I think it will start to become unhealthy if i stay up past 12:00 am to at least 3:00 am.

I used to do it all the time durring the summer...

Me and my friend (Apple) used to stay up until three playing mincraft and laughing histaricaly at our selves over skype at how tired we are.

That changed when school started back up.

It still was a patteren durring the weekend.

Now, our school has given us Friday (Today/Yesterday) Sat and Sun (Obviously) and Monday off for Labor day. 

So, in addition of stupid school projects that are going to tire me out just looking at them, I will not get too much sleep.

I dont really mind though.

I have gotten used to feeling a slight pain at 2:00

I do get sleep, for those who think im an all nighter (only some nights)

I go to bed when my comp starts acting up.

Speaking of no sleep...

I had to sleep over at a friends house.

Now, I know I should be over this by now....but a five year old at heart.

I am not entirely keen on sleeping in a house that's not mine.

I can sleep on the floor of my house and be so happy. Then's my house.

But sleeping at someone else's house.....i dont know....something in me breaks

So one night...My friend had a sleep over.

I was invited so i went.

We had such a good time watching Harry Potter and dramas like Struck By Lightning.

Then a couple of others left.

It was me, another friend and the one who invited me.

They started getting tired. Me, being a freaking nocturnal animal, wanted to stay up.

So here's what we did.

She wanted me to i did.

My other friend lended me a book to read. I read it (BTW it was Order of the Phoenix cause i have never been able to get past the first chapter) and started to drift in and out of a very light sleep.

I barely got sleep that night. Then i stayed up the next night watching Youtube!

So yeah.


I don't know why I wrote this.

I just started ranting cause guess what...IM TIRED! 

Sorry for this rant...but this is why you are reading my diaries! If you didnt like rants, you wouldnt be here!

So thanks!

And to those who deprive themselves of sleep to dedicate themselves to watching Youtube and updating mindless Wattpad entrys, your not alone!

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