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This is my first fanfic ever and english isn't my first language,so be kind,will ya?I apologise for all the mistakes,I hope I can become better.So,I thought I'd try a little scomiche.I think the prologue turned out ok - reviews or rates or reads or whatevs are lovely,I'll be very grateful as they really push me to get better and write more often.I will try anyway.Stick with me,please?

Enjoy,I look forward to any form of response!


Scott knew he would remember that night for the rest of his life - 2 months later he relives it second by second,heartbeat by heartbeat, everyday.The images are clear and vivid in his head,he knows every gesture and shaky breath by heart.He counted the gazes they shared and turned every word upside down,desperately looking for a hidden meaning or the potential for a confession - there were little gaps of opportunities here and there,when Mitch's piercing stare made every fiber of his being warm up and try to physically shove him into his best friend.He almost dug his heels into the ground not to reach out and grab him just to see how touching the soft skin over his collarbones would feel.

He felt as if outside a storm raged on, sparing only the little flat they shared - Scott was sure that the gaze they shared over the counter that night had the power of a thousand suns and could melt basically everything,including himself and everything that he was.

Mitch's POV

Mitch woke up that night because of his cat,Wyatt-the little sphinx landed with his sharp claws on him and made him jump up from his dream.He didn't exactly remember what he was dreaming-he just knew he was incredibly hungover  and his mind was still a foggy mess.He smiled to himself at the thought of the evening before.He and Scott got drunk and watched a movie - he didn't even remember which one,but he did remember laughing until crying and leaving several wine bottles empty.What he didn't want to admit to was remembering quite a bit of flirty innuendos and glances that held on for just a moment too long.His thought wandered off and he caught himself thinking about his best friend's eyes.

He couldn't stand it.He couldn't stand the way he allowed himself to compare his eyes with the ocean -his eyes weren't the ocean,they weren't the swirls of blue the California sky paints ,he wasn't the calm after a thunderstorm or the way the house smells like home,everyday when he wakes up and makes coffee for him.

He was just his best friend,period. (or at least that's what he liked-no,needed to believe)

So he got up and decided to go get some water,since he obviously wasn't going to go back to sleep all troubled and frustrated.

"Dammit" Mitch thought as he was walking towards the kitchen.There he was.Tall,blonde,sculpted in goddamn ivory Scott,absently gazing in distance,leaning on the kitchen counter."Fuck.Contain yourself Mitch - you just need some water and"

"Hey" the blonde spoke softly,not interrupting the peace of the late hour.His greeting was almost like a shadow of a cat on an alleyway and Mitch flinched.

"You scared me." His attempt to sound casual made Mitch's voice come out like a strangled cat;he kicked himself mentally for that.He was supposed to be the very definition of calm.

"Insomnia again?" he asked,this time a little less breath in his voice,trying to perhaps make conversation.However,the fact that Scott had chronic insomnia wasn't exactly the best topic.It would've been quite tragic  if Scott hadn't been so used to it by now,having it since high-school and all."Yeah.What are you doing up?"

The blonde came forward until Mitch could recognize his silhouette in the pitch dark.As he drew closer,Mitch took a deep breath of Scott's intoxicating smell.He felt extremely tingly in the pit of his stomach.It was all silly and for some reason,Mich was infuriated with himself in that moment.He leaned his head back to look at his best-friend.

"I had some confusing dream.And a roaring headache from all the wine."Scott let out a raspy little laugh,and Mitch thought it was the most adorable freaking thing ever.Which,no.Not good.Just like the safe distance between them that was now drawing closer and closer,no longer secure.

"What are you doing?"

Mitch had to back away into the wall.Everything was silent and black - he could only hear their heartbeats,synchronizing with each other in this late-night strange harmony."Are you still a bit drunk?" Mitch laughed and tried smiling,but the corner of his mouths wouldn't move,he found,his whole body was frozen (somewhere deep inside he wondered if maybe his body just didn't want to move)

No answer.The only thing that lit the room were the blonde's eyes,burning with this strange,deep flame.

Now quite literally pinning him against the wall,Scott leaned both his hands on the wallpaper,trapping Mitch between them.There was a brief moment when his palms brushed is shoulders,and Mitch inhaled sharply.This was not good for his sanity,or hi self-control.They both breathed heavily as Scott whispered,words slow and trailing.

"Do I make you nervous , Mitch?"

'God,he did.What was he doing?' the brunette thought.If this was his way of trying to force the words out of Mitch,it was moments away from working-you could cut the tension with a knife in that room and Mitch realized he had goosebumps all over his body.It was weird how just by emphasizing on the word 'nervous' Scott could trigger this kind of reaction in his body.

"I said,Do .I.Make.You.Nervous" he spelled slowly.Their bodies were now basically glued to each other and the friction between their bodies made wonders for his conscientious,in the sense that everything was wiped clean from his mind and he was now an obedient,malleable piece of clay in the blonde's hands. To support himself from falling slowly against the wall,Mitch put one of his hands on Scott's muscular back;instantly,he felt his hand burning through the light cotton of his top.He was confused- what kind of game was Scott playing?

The brunette grabbed a handful of material and clenched his teeth.The blonde's hands went up and down Mitch's back and lingered on his waist,describing soft circles.The pressure he was putting on him only made everything much more intense.Mitch felt dizzy from it,wonderfully dizzy,a buzz traveling all throughout his veins and screaming wrongly in his ears 'kiss him,kiss him already' And maybe Mitch would have,if he hadn't ..

If Scott hadn't looked like he was about to say something - instead,he just backed away,and left Mitch lingering awkwardly;he could see it in the way Scott's pupils were wide and dark - he was into this,too.So what was wrong?

"Fuck.I'm hopeless-biggest coward there is." Scott murmured to himself as he walked slowly,eyes glued to the floor.

However,Mitch heard him.

Scott backed away without a word and shut the door of his room behind him -no explanation,no anything.Mitch felt a little like going back there and punching him.Or kiss him,or both really,because what are you suppose to do when someone does something like that and leaves you hanging,with your mouth opened,backed away into a wall.He couldn't breath with how heavy he felt.

He stood there for another 2 hours,leaning against the wall.There was no sound from the other room,and a peaceful silence setteled around him like a fine layer of dust,with only the white noise of the world outside interrupting it.His heart was still racing,and  he could still feel the heat from Scott's body burning through him, leaving only a pile of confused,hurt ashes.

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