Chapter 51

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They stood in the parking lot facing each other without uttering any words further. After realizing who they bumped into, Adrian and Jamie looked at each other's face in awe, but with hesitation to speak.

The rain keeps pouring hard. The waters dripped all over Jamie's hair through her body as she holds her shivering shoulders. Looking straight at her, Adriane slowly shaded her with his umbrella. For a few minutes, not minding the rain and the cold. Silence was all they needed to tell each other how they've been missed.

Almost giving in, Jamie snapped into reality.

"Uhm, Hi! Adrian. Ano, why are you here?"

"I work here"

"No! You don't! Duon ka sakabilang branch diba?"

"I transferred"

"You transferred? Ah, great. Just great!"

Adrian just stared at her, not even bother to open up his mouth to speak.

Seconds after a crew caught up in them and gave Jamie her car key.

"Ma'am, naiwanniyoposa table" The crew handed her the key and went back inside the store.

"Oh god thanks! Heaven sent ka"

She turned away from Adriane and rattling to get into her car. Adrian followed her with his umbrella until she gets inside.

"I'm okay, Adrian, thanks" Still trying to start up the engine, avoiding Adrian's gaze.

But her cars suddenly had the hardest time starting. She tried a few more times but it fails her.

"WHAT? Not now, please not now"

All wet and water drips from her golden dress, Jamie is in panic and frustrated to leave as soon as she can. One moment her eyes get stuck on Adrian's face and she'll loose it even more.

Accidentally she pressed a button that opened her window. Adriane leaned over to check her out.

"Need help?"

"No! Thank you, but I can manage this one"

"Of course you can. It's obvious" Referring to her messy wet hair and wet dress.

'What? Sarcastic kanapalangayon ah" "Anyway, again, I do not need your help. Salamatnalang."

"Have you been drinking?'

Jamie stopped what she's doing and looked at him in the eyes.

"Yes! I am! I actually did just hours ago Adrian. See? I'm not as perfect as you or anybody around me thinks! I am a mess, I have darkness in my soul. You don't know me at all!"

Adriane stepped back from her car.

"Of course I don't know you at all. You've taken away my chances right?"

Adrian started to walk away slowly from her car and uttered.

"Goodbye Jamie"

She watched Adrian as he walks away from her. It's beginning to sink in, the same pain she causes him. The pain of someone leaving you. Jamie looks at Adrian slowly fading at her blurry sight. Her hands tightened its grip on the steering wheel as her tear from her left eye fell.

She wiped it dry when her car finally succumbs to her plead, she drove off fast.

While he walks away, there's something in his heart that is yearning. Yearning to look back at her, wishing to hear her say his name, to call for his attention, to take him back.

But she didn't. All that he sees is someone who keeps running away from him. With vague reasons.

As he watched her car leaves the premises, he let down his umbrella and soaked himself of rain. The water from his eyes met with the water from the sky, but are the same. Pouring harder than expected.

"Maybe, I'm not deserving of her after all"

He stood there crying. Hoping the rain could wash his pains away.

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