VI {six}

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who could've thought.

(a.n. as u can see autumn is a total gg.) I knew the smell of marijuana from the teenagers I've walked by that would smoke it. Of course, I judge no one that does it. Michael's flannel smelt wonderful nonetheless.

It was weird, I would have despised the scent right off the bat. Michael's skateboard sits propped against the sheets of my bed, leaning against my bedroom window. I plan on bringing it to him today at school, since he hasn't swung by to grab it.


I enter the campus and immediately start looking around for the boys that hang out with Michael.

I spot them in between two buildings outside. I walk up to them with the board in my hands, along with the flannel. (which I did not want to actually give back). I attempt to keep my shoulders back as one of the boys notices me- I fail. 

its just Michael.

I take a deep breath as I tap on the red and black haired boy's shoulder from behind. He ignores it. I clear my throat, he ignores that too. The blonde haired boy slaps him on the shoulder.

Michael shouts."What?!"

I flinch away and close my eyes. Don't be affected. I push out his belongings in my arms, letting him take them in confusion. Once he has them, I walk away as fast as possible.


I walk back to my locker after classes, thankfully not spotting Drake nor Michael. I'd really appreciate an explanation some time soon from Michael about why he felt the need to freak out at me. Maybe I run into him too much. Is that why? Do I come off annoying?

Maybe I annoyed him. Or maybe he just didn't want to see me then? Who knows.

Walking across campus and then exiting it is always a drag. Someone almost always has to barely run me over with their car, and then not apologize.

I made it alive this time.


"Can you please get dinner for us?" On the phone with my Mom always ends up something like this: I'm at work, too lazy to make an actual dinner, be home late, go pick up something like Panda. - It's almost exact each time.

I end the call telling her I will. My mother has two cars; one for her to take to work, and one for us to share. I plan on driving to the nearest Panda Express like she had asked, which is only like ten or fifteen minutes away.

Wearing only black running shorts and a ripped and tucked in Kurt Cobain shirt, I pull open the door and enter the wonderful smelling building.

 I give the Asian looking lady my order, (which happens to be the same each and every time,) and wait as the creepy old man takes my money.

"Take out for Mike?" The Asian woman shouts another order.


I finish filling both of the cups with soda and turn around. I'm guessing that you can guess who it did happen to be.

Why god, WHY did I always run into this boy? Seriously?!

I quickly reach over and grab my bag from Michael's right, hoping to sneak past him.

I, of course, fail. His eyes bore into mine. Michael then grabs his order and motions for me to sit down with him. Great great great great great. Cool.

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