XV {Fifteen}

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this is not a poem.

this is a plea.

this is me begging you to hear me when I tell you that I love you.


As expected, Michael didn't show to school the next day. He hadn't text me telling me, but I decided not to be upset about it. The only thing he had said to me where the texts I had gotten before I went to sleep. I'm not upset with the lack of communication, really. I know that Karen was just in the hospital, and that he is worried. A little before lunch hour, I received a text from Michael, asking me if I wanted him to pick me up for lunch. I replied with a no, and told him to take care of his mother. He replied-

From: Wazowski: Yeah but I'm worried abt you 2

To: wazowski: I know.. I'll see you tonight?

From: Wazowski: yes of course I miss kissing ur pretty face

I smiled and even laughed some, before shoving my phone into my pocket, getting into the car and driving for food. Michael's texts had made me through the day. Even Drake doesn't bother me anymore... I guess people know that I'm with Michael or something.

I finished all of my daily classes, grabbed my things from my locker and went down the hall. A lengthy popular girl in my year, approached me with her fake eyelashes and her designer bag.

She stopped right in front of me and gave me a look. "What?" I ask.

"August, right?"

"No, it's uh, Autumn."

"Cool. Anyways-"

"And you are?" I cut her off.

"Jillian." She pauses, smiling fakely.

"Now, I want to ask you what you think you're doing with my Michael." Jillian, uses a fake and rather angry tone, while she takes another step toward me.

I attempt to cover a laugh, but from her close proximity, she sees and hears it and gives me a menacing glare. "What?" I laugh again. "Your Michael?"

"Yes, my Michael." Jillian picks at her nails and smacks her gum.

I scoff again. "Look- we're actually in a relationship."

"No, he wants to fuck you because you're innocent and something new. But, right when he gets horny he'll come back to me." I lower my eyebrows at her rather unkind statement.

"Look, Jillian. If he's not mine, then he sure as hell isn't yours." She gives me a disgusted look in return.

"He was mine when he'd fuck me senseless, every single night. Does he moan your name, autumn? Or mine?" She snorts.

And with that, Jillian stalks off with her annoying gum and her annoying self. I only sounded tough because I was truly saddened from what she had said.

I shrug to myself, before opening the exit doors and walking to my car. I think about what Jillian said. I mean, yeah. Michael could've been with her before, (which it's none of my business) but Michael and I are none of hers.

I arrive home, upset now because of Jillian. I had thought about her words the whole ride home. God, thinking of her makes me sick. Thinking of what she said, how Michael would have sex with her. Once inside, mom's gone again, and I'm all alone. I text Michael about what time he wants to come over, and even after an hour, I get no reply. I sit on the living room couch and eat what my mom had left in the fridge. chicken casserole. Yay, something else to add to the feeling of wanting to vomit. After eating half the plate of disgusting, I jump myself up from the couch and sprint to the bathroom. I do throw up, twice actually. Weirdly, because nothing should be wrong. And no, I'm not pregnant. I haven't even had sex.

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