X {ten}

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he swore to god he loved me,

but, he also told me he had no religion

(a.n- I may do poems or quotes or whatever here from now on idk. but enjoy xx)


A week (almost two) went by after Michael's bad night and I haven't really spoken to him since. I had text him, but he only replied with a simple 'hey' or 'ok'. I had seen him around school, too, but we both kept our distance for some reason. I thought that after he kissed me and we spent the night together, he would be more open with me around public. I thought wrong. I have honestly just been ignoring the tug at my stomach every time I think of him or I get reminded of him. Calum has been chatting with me, nothing about Michael though. He just says hi to me at lunch or after school. I'm still puzzled on the situation with Michael. I can't seem to get over it. We seemed fine that night, and then he left the next morning and never came back.

I see that Michael has dyed his hair green this past week while he has been avoiding me. I'm not sure why green, but it suits him somehow. I'm so sick of seeing him so okay without me, because I know how much of a wreck I am. I know that I shouldn't rely on a simple boy so much, but then I remember that Michael is not just a boy to me, and that I care deeply for him, also that I can't seem to live with out him. The whole thing is complete and utter bullshit. I should be growing and progressing, not waiting around, sulking for boy I had met just a few months back.

I have been worried sick for Karen. I really do hope that she feel better, or, at least alright. She's such a great mother, she really is. I give her so much credit. she's raising a wonderful boy into a man whilst being sick beyond what I could ever handle. Michael does seem to take good care of her though. He is always making sure she eats and sleeps and stays okay. She had raised him that way.

I sit on my bed upstairs studying my butt off for the semester science final. I know all of the material, I had just forgotten it badly, so I have to attempt to re-learn it, at the least.

My bedroom window is propped up enough to let the slightly chilly air through, moving my white see-through curtains to fly about. I literally feel like my brain is going to explode from maximum compacitation. I have like three other tests to cram for, also. I continue skimming and re-reading over each unit again and again, until I hear footsteps up the stair case. I stop reading and pull my pen in between my teeth- a terrible habit which I must break sometime soon- and look to my door to see Michael.


"Michael." I sigh. His greeting reminds me of one of the first days we knew each other, when he met me at my tree.

He looks at me from the door, probably taking in how trashy I look. I have no makeup on, running shorts, and a white sweater that used to belong to my mother, with my red hair in a (really) messy bun pinned high to my head.

"I missed you."

I scoff and look back down at my books, flipping through pages to find what I need. "You could've maybe uhm, spoken to me? Wow, that's such a crazy idea!" I spit sarcastically. I notice the more I've known Michael, the more I've let me my sarcastic and sassy side out to show.

"Autumn, please."

"Honestly Michael, I have no idea why you are here. There's no need to miss me, I've gone no where. You've been ignoring me."

"I haven't been ignoring you, just..."

"Didn't have time for me." I finish for him. I still don't look up from my books,

I'm just randomly skimming and flipping to pages just to avoid his gaze.

"We both know that's not true, Autumn May." He's calling me that again. He must be getting angry or something, he never calls me that any more.

tree climber-- cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now