XXIV .5 ? {twenty four .5}

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(( unedited ))


Halloween. The best holiday. Besides Christmas, of course. I don't know what my plans are, but tomorrow night is Halloween and I don't even have a costume. I have to ask Michael and the other three what they'd like or what they're doing for the occasion. So, I make a group message.

To: calcum (; (he made the contact, I swear.), wazowski, lukey, ash

what are you doing tomorrow? if you dont have plans we should make some

wazowski replies first.

Ill only make plans if youre wearing something hot bc I hate halloween

I reply.

Michael no. and why?! I love halloween you suck

Calcum (; replies:

lol mike same. i want to see autumn as a kitten (; or maybe an anime school girl

Wazowski types:

i hate cats. anime maybe. not for you . for me. she's mine remember

ash answers.

yall are nasty af.

lukey answers

tru af

i add:

I hate you all. you didnt answer my question

Wazowski: idk whatever you want babe, ill be home

Lukey: sure yeah idc

Calcum (; : I'm in

ash: sure. jill might need to come tho

I glare at my phone.

wazowski: pls no

lukey: ^

calcum (; : ^^

ash: I hate you all.

me: yea ditto tho. I'll think of something and keep u updated

Now that we dont have plans, I invite michael over to help me make some. I want do something relatively fun tomorrow night, it's Halloween for gods sake. Michael texts me back.

can't. sorry babe. I might come over later tonight. tomorrow for sure. love you

I can't help but feel a little disappointed. I text him back.

k whatever

I make some lunch, and I get a text from Calum. It's in another group message with the other three boys.

Calcum (; : there's a costume party at this guys house tomorrow night, wanna go?

I answer yes and delete the conversation. I then start looking online for costume ideas.

I know Michael won't dress up, so I'm not going to bother with him.

I text luke, calum and ash once I know what I want to wear.

to: wazowski: I'm not gonna be the only one wearing something to the party. if you don't have anything you can come with me. I'm going to the costume store soon.

They reply saying they already have costumes, and that theirs' are a surprise. Mine's a surprise too.

I get into my car and drive to the costume store that's like twenty minutes away. I arrive and pull into a parking spot. The store seems to be very busy with all of the people scramming to get their last minute Halloween costume. I enter the store and start looking for what I found online.

I do find it. I'm going to be a 'school girl'. I know Michael was joking, but I think it'll be funny when he sees me in it. I'm excited for his reaction. ( (; )

I try on the costume, seeing that it fits great. I have some black heels at home that match the picture on the front of the package. (pic) I do plan on looking 'hot' tonight. I know I can pull off the costume, and I know Michael will definitely want to. (wink)

I purchase the costume and head home. When I get there, Michael's not there, nor is my mom. I eat leftovers for dinner and sulk around the house.


It's 12:22 when I hear Michael come into the house. Sorry, my house. He doesn't knock. He just walks in, gets something from the fridge, and then he notices me on the coach. I hid my costume in my closet earlier, knowing Michael would want to see what I had come up with.

He waves at me with the hand that's not holding his beer. He plops down on the other end of the coach and watches the muted tv screen. "Where were you?" I ask.

He doesn't turn towards me when I speak. "No where important."

I'm not sure why I'm upset with him, but I am, and it feels right that I am. "Michael." I plead.

"What?" He snaps. "I was out. Get over it."

"Yeah, well. You could've text me, or something."

"I did. I told you I was not going to make it till tonight, if anything."

I breathe heavily. "Well, I-"

"Autumn. Calm down. I was helping my mum." He assures gently.

"Why can't you just tell me things?" I sigh.

"I didn't think I needed to!" He shouts.

"Lower your voice." I scold. My mother had come home just an hour or so before Michael showed up. I don't need her waking up.

"I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous." He says, taking another sip of his beer.

"I just worry, okay?" He nods. "I need to know that you're okay. I love you too much to let you be harmed."

"I know. I'm sorry." He answers.

"Now, why didn't you get me a beer?"


Michael and I lay under my sheets. He lays on his back with me in his arms, as he plays with my hair and as I rub his tummy with my hands.

"What's your costume babe?" Michael whispers.

"Nothin." I laugh.

"Tell me!" He beings to tickle me.

I gasp as I squirm to slap his arm. "No! It's a secret!" I whisper scream.

"Fine." He laughs. "Till tomorrow then."

"Till tomorrow."

sorry I suck. comment and all that shit pls and thanks

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