XXIII {twenty three}

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he told me that since my eyes were green that meant I was evergreen like an evergreen tree or that it meant I was good with nature. I asked him how that could be. All he said was that since my eyes were also blue, that too meant I was like the sky on a clear sunny day. I knew then that he knew nothing of me because I was not at all evergreen, I was already dead and I sure as hell wasn't a clear sky.

(b,d) ( me )

[[ there's so many ghost readers I cry. LITERALLY 12 ppl comment (less than that) and stuff out of like 13k. WOAH thanks guys !!! I'm afraid to continue this story if I don't get any reactions. Feedback is very helpful for me. ]]


Why michael decided that we do something fun, I have no idea. He looks so cute this morning with his bed head and his stretched sweater. (pic) It's already getting colder outside and I love it. Im excited for winter break, hopefully so I can spend days off with Michael. He stands in the doorway of my room, watching me. I pull my sweater over my head and adjust it. I slightly frown at the sight of myself in the mirror, and glance at Michael. He frowns and stares at me as he still stands towards the door.

"Autumn, hush, you're very beautiful."

I turn to look at Michael, weakly smiling. He comes behind me and squeezes me into a hug. I hold his arms in mine as the rest at my stomach. I play with the tree pendant that rests between my colar bones as Michael kisses me.

"What are we doing today?" I ask, breathing in his wonderful scent.

"Going places." He smiles.


Hopping into Michael's truck, I plug in my phone and turn on music. I'm very glad that Michael have the same general music taste, because if we didn't, I'm sure our relationship wouldn't have gone very far. Michael drives us to the smaller, more rustic side of town. Listening to Lana with the windows down, Michael shouts the lyrics and I shout them back. He smokes a cigarette as I watch in awe at the human in front of me. Why michael had chosen me, I have no idea. Why I chose Michael, again, I have no clue. Well, I do. Michael came into my life, swooping in like a bandit, but also an angel, soothing my soul and my pains; awakening my senses. Living with Michael makes my life better; it makes me better. I love him almost more than anything.

"We're here." His calm voice pulls me from my thoughts.

I nod and wait as he opens my door. I step out and grab his hand. We start walking down the empty street. The wind pulls my hair in every direction, along with chilling me half to death. I pull up my hair with the pony tail around my wrist and re-grab Michael's hand. He smiles down at me and kisses my head, and we continue to walk. We walk silently until Michael turns us into a little shop. The sign on the door says "Richardson's Records and More" (I made this up btw). I follow Michael inside. There's no one here; it's completely vacant. I'm immediately greeted by shelves and shelves of music; records, vinyls, CD's. There were labels of all the CD's in alphabetical order, posters on the walls, collector's items available, everything about music was here, and, there's only one employee in sight. I watched Michael's face light up as he watched me. I went straight to the shelves of music and started looking. I don't have really anything in mind, but if I find something, I find something. Michael looked around too, but he mostly just followed me and added comments about everything I picked up.

"That looks good."

"They're really good."

"classic." He'd say.

It didn't annoy me one bit. I loved every single cute remark that came from his mouth. Michael then turned into a different direction and started looking at some other things, while I looked at the posters on the wall. I found a Kurt Cobain poster. It's black and white; he has a cigarette in his mouth and a guitar in his lap. He looks like an absolute God in this photo, I love it.

"Michael." I call.

He stalks behind me as I point to the picture. "Speaking of," Michael smiles.

I furrow my eyebrows. Michael pulls a cd from behind his back. I recognize it as he places it in my hands. "Look what I found!" He cheers.

I smile. It's a copy of Nirvana, Unplugged in New York. This is the cd that Michael had broken in one of his fits, (-I rly hope you remember-) except that my father's initials aren't on the inside.

"I'm sorry about what happened with your copy. I'll buy you this one."

I shake my head. "You shouldn't-"

Michael interrupts me, pulling me towards him and kissing my head. "I want to." He finishes.

"Okay. Thank you."

"I love you."

I smile. "I love you."


"And all four of us were hiding behind a trash can, and the cops start running by, but then Luke -that twat- he sneezes! He fucking sneezes!" Michael laughs.

I smile widely at his excited demeanor. I gesture for him to continue the story, he does. "So, after Luke sneezes, the cops stop running and look around all confused. They look at each other, wait a second, and then continue running." Michael laughs.

"Wow, good save." I smile.

[[ so short but I wrote it v quickly.

I have no excuses for the lateness except that I'm tired and busy. thanks for 13k, I'm very excited for this plot spin I have planned. It'd be great if you continued reading, even though I suck.

much love,

b ]]

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