twenty eight

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Michael is back in school. I had to fight him about going, but he finally agreed. (I used sex)

I have felt nothing much different from Michael. he's the same. he's a little more down sometimes, but he's the same guy I knew before the accident. I'm not sure if I'm grateful for that or not.

He's hanging out with the guys and stuff, but he's not as nice as he used to be. I understand why though.

We just got home from school. I'm watching Michael throw his things down on the ground. He kicks his bag into the corner and kisses me.

"you okay?" I ask.

he nods, turns on the tv, and throws himself onto the couch.
lately I've been having trouble with talking to him, not that I'm not comfortable around him or anything, I'm just a little scared. We're waiting for his hearing to be gone, it's not the easiest thing to handle.

I miss him incredibly, even though he hasn't really left my side. like I said, he's so distant... I have trouble handling that. Anyways, even with all of these things going on, I'm still happy that he's alive and that we're together.

all Michael and I have been doing lately is being at home. he's almost horny all the time now, i don't know why but it's probably because he's bored.
I do love him but I wish something would change. it feels like we're stuck in an alternate universe and we can't get out.

I decide to ask him again. "Michael, are you okay?"

He turns to look at me and lightly smiles. "Yes, Autumn May, I'm okay."

He does grabby-hands at me and pulls me into his arms, squeezing me tightly.
I breathe in his smell and remember how much I love him. I remember how glad I am that he's alive.

I kiss him softly, running my hands through his now blue hair. When Michael and I were first together, I felt like it was all fake, and that it couldn't be real, but now there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that he loves me too.
"I'm so in love with you." He laughs.

I smile and kiss him again. This is how our nights go. We're tired almost all of the time, trying to get good grades to graduate, and trying to survive. 

"Michael?" I ask, rubbing his shoulder.

"Yes cutes?" he smiles.

"Do you wanna go anywhere?" I ask simply.

"I'm good. Do you?" I nod no, even though I do miss how much we used to do. We were almost never just 'chilling'. Michael used to take us anywhere.

"We'll do something soon, okay princess?" He says, kissing my lips. 

I nod. 


Michael was almost asleep, laying spawled on the couch in between my legs, playing with a loose string on my sweats. His phone vibrates, he groans and reads it. "who is it?" I ask.

"Luke." He groans again. I ask what he wants.

"Nothing, he's just drunk texting me." He huffs.

My phone then vibrates. toe-luke: comme over!!1

I tell Michael. he says no.

"Why not?" I pout.

"Because, Luke's an idiot." I slap his arm.

"No he's not." 

"Yes, Autumn May. He is." 

I whisper a whatever and get up from the couch to grab another glass of wine. "Don't you want to do anything?" I ask. Michael's eyes peek from the couch.

"No. It's almost one AM, anyways." 

"So? Time has never mattered to you anyway." I mumble lowly.

"Don't." He raises his voice and sits up fully.


Michael stands from the couch and joins me in the kitchen. "Princess, he's at a party. I don't want you around that, okay?"

"I always used to." I say. Michael pulls me towards him into a hug, with his chin resting on my head.

"I know, baby girl, but tonight I don't want you to." Michael purrs, kissing me. 

"What are we gonna do then?" I ask, looking up at him. 

He smirks. "I might have a few ideas." 

tree climber-- cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now