XII {twelve}

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holy shit guys i love you

oh, and if u were wondering what inspired this book (you weren't, but still.) , it was the song, have you ever, by the lovely Brandi carlile.

// Oh and I changed the last update some. so, I'd consider re-reading to understand the next update.\\ seriously, don't continue unless u do, thnx. I changed the whole concept of their little trip.

so, if you ignored my last posted note, do it now please. x



"So, where we goin', Autumn May?"


"The stars." I jokingly quote titanic.

Michael gives me some kudos, laughing at me. "Seriously, though. Where?"

"You haven't figured it out yet?" I laugh while turning onto a different street. Michael's letting me drive his truck, because, it still is of course, a surprise.


"Good. It's supposed to be a surprise." I laugh at his despair. Michael's so curious that it actually looks like it's hurting him to not know.

He groans, I laugh and mock him.

We drive for only a half hour until Michael complains about his full bladder and empty stomach. I stop the truck at a gas station, fill up the tank with Michael's credit card, (he told me to, I swear.) while he ran into the store like a cute little kid, holding himself..

Michael motions me inside within a few minutes. I step out of the truck and walk inside. He hands me a bunch of candy, (seriously, a load.) then he stalks over to the refrigerators.

"'Member when we saw each other at the store and you dyed my hair." Michael chuckles whilst reaching for a pack of beer and a coke.

"Yeah, I do." I say back. I start smiling like an idiot, remembering the lovely time we had.

I would have never thought I'd ever be in a ghetto gas station with a guy like Michael, where he's illegally buying too much beer and candy, and where I'm just standing there like a moron, smiling my ass off.

But, it's true, and I am.

Michael grabs my hand once he's done pulling out his fake ID, paying and then grabbing the bags. We hop back into the truck and continue on our so called, 'adventure'.


"Are we there yet?" Michael whines.

"Yes, my god." I breathe. We really are almost there. We're only fifteen minutes or so away.

We have driven through the cute town that's here, and now I'm driving to the camping areas.

Michael and I walk hand-in-hand around the campground, smiling at the kids and watching Michael wave at them with his free hand.

I know that I've only known Michael a little while, and this would seem too early in it all, but, I truly do love Michael.

I have tried to deny that fact, but I can't any longer. I do love Michael. I love the way I feel around him. I love the way he makes me feel, and I love him. I really do love him a whole lot.

I smile at up at him and he squeezes our hands tighter together. We walk down to the docks and sit down on the end of one. The slight wind pulls my hair around, but Michael tucks it all to the side. I sit with my knees to my chin, with his long arms around my legs pulling me close, his chest to my back, and his legs tight to my waist.

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