IX {nine}

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woo nine.


"Michael, what's wrong with your mom?" Michael and I have been here just talking about random things for quite awhile now. (A.n it's the same day as last chapter.)

Michael sighs and puts his head between his knees. "It's complicated."

"Yeah and you can tell me."



"Autumn May! I said no!" I cower at his shouting.

"I'm sorry." I whisper lowly.

I stand from my previous spot on his bed and head towards the door, leaving a sigh-ful Michael behind. I wave at Karen without looking at her as I storm through and past the Clifford's front door. I hear the door slam again as I jump into my car. I head Michael jogging toward me and I lock the doors. He pounds on them as he yells at me to unlock them. I stay put with my hands covering my ears in attempt to drown out his shouts. I squeeze my eyes tightly as Michael continues on scaring me through the glass. I open my eyes and remove my arms, Michael stops. He looks at me widely, and slumps to the glass with his forehead resting on it.

"Autumn," I can barely hear him through the glass. "Don't leave me because I'm a jackass."

I sigh and roll the window down about an inch just so Michael can hear me. "Michael, you know I hate shouting. Especially when it's you."

"I know, and I'm sorry."

I roll down the window some more. "Why won't you tell me?"

"Because, it's-" I cut him off.

"Michael, it may be complicated, but, if you want me in your life, I will know about it some day anyways. So, you can tell me now, and I can help you through it. I promise I will."

Michael looks at me with sore eyes. "My mother, is sick autumn. She always has been. Not death sick, but, not normal healthy. She isn't like everyone else, she can't do certain things, and that bugs her."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"She cant have another child. I messed her up, I ruined her life. My dad left, because of that. He wanted another child, and she couldn't do it."

"Did she try again?"

"She's been trying forever. With all those damn fertile treatments, even though they don't work, she's too oblivious. She thinks that if she does have another child, we could move back to Australia, and my dad will love her again. He's just a no good prick." Michael seems so angry.

I unlock the doors, step out, and embrace Michael into a tight hug, once I see his eyes start to become teary. I know in my mind now, that Karen is sick at the moment because she must've had another miscarriage. I also read somewhere that once you experience a loved one go through a miscarriage, you cannot stand blood. And that's why Michael had freaked out when I was totally wrecked when he crashed into me on his board. I see the sadness in Michael's eyes. I know how lonely my mother got when my dad left, it must be only worse when you lose a child of your own before it is even born.

I place a soft kiss to Michael's forehead and wipe away the fallen tears with my thumbs. He's sad and upset with himself mostly, but angry too. I can understand fully why, too. Michael's birth must've caused something to happen inside of Karen. So, when Michael's father wanted another child and Karen couldn't, he left.

Once we re-entered the house, Karen had already fallen asleep on the couch. Michael placed a blanket over her and kissed her forehead. He stood above Karen for a few moments, just looking down at her. I placed my small hand in his large one, squeezed, and headed up the stairs. (a.n omg r they gonna do da deed¿)

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