XIX {nineteen}

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i went to the neighbors house and they have a son my age and then my mom brings up how I write fanfics im like pls bitch this is no no.

media on side (or top) is just mautumn after they do what they do amirite

im right.

tweet #imatrumautumnhomie to make me happy bc school sma

also, this chapter might be a little triggering idk just warning you.



A week goes by, and Michael and I are 'official' even at school. So, it definitely has been an improvement. Walking into the high school hand in hand, and even down the hallway is something else. People move at seeing him anyway, but then they see us together and look like they're going to shit themselves. It's quite a scene, really.

I smile up at Michael as we make our way down the hallway. Freshman look even worse, and I silently laugh to myself. Michael walks us to my locker and helps me put my stuff away. He holds my hand and my books, as he walks me to my first class. I forget that I haven't slept in twenty four hours, and make it through the day, barely. I fall asleep during lunch, but Michael and the boys took care of me.

My last block class is Math, and I make it through without people bothering me. Michael's at my locker after the bell rings.

"Hi," I breathe, pulling him into a hug.

He hugs me back and kisses my lips. Younger years walk around us carefully, avoiding Michael. "How was your last class?" Michael asks.

I tell him it was fine, and we exit the school. Jillian and her clan of sluts glare at us, and Michael flips her off. I laugh and we kiss again, strutting down the hallway like the ultimate golden couple. (Just like Calum had said.)

Michael lets me into his truck and we sit in the school's parking lot traffic for fifteen minutes, blasting Green Day, All Time Low, and a bunch of other bands. Kids glare at us as they pass by, but I just ignore it. It feels so good to ignore everything, because it really doesn't matter. I've really been missing out. I used to care about every little thing, and now I just let it be.

Michael and I do end up getting home, but we go to his house. I say hello to Karen, and we have a nice conversation. It feels like forever since I've talked to her, but it's only been a week. She discusses how she feels okay, and how Michael takes care of her. She also told me about Michael's father, and for once, he didn't seem to be constantly rolling his eyes at the topic. He even seemed alright with listening to Karen and I discuss his father in Australia. (*idk his dads name so imma make it up k dont hate or ull die)

His name is John. He seems pretty okay, I guess. Until you hear about him leaving and then, I just can't help but not stand him. He hurt Karen and Michael, of course I'm going to not like him. I love the both of them, and yes, I feel quite attached and protective. Mama Autumn will kick his butt if he comes any where near, ever again.

I know, I know. Jesus, calm down, Autumn. But, no. I won't. Because, I freaking love these people and he's apparently a jackass. Karen had made us both dinner, and it was amazing. My mother had text me telling me that she doesn't care what I'm doing, as long as I go to school.

Michael spanks my butt as I stand at the kitchen sink, drinking a glass of water as I stare out the window. "I could get used to seeing this." He mumbles, quiet enough for only me to hear.

"What?" I ask quietly.

"Just you, looking cute." Fuck, Michael. Really? You're so cute. ((kms. actally not funny bc autumn probs could and would- O that joke went too far oops sorry now bye.))

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