Chapter 9.

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To say that I was freaking out was an understatement. I was terrified. What could Magnus possibly mean by "Goodbye, Alexander?" I've tried texting and  calling him, but he won't answer. Was it something I said, or has it something to do with the bruises Isabelle saw that was spread all over his face? I needed answers and I needed them now. That's why I decided to head down the the coffee shop that Izzy told me about. The one where she met Magnus for the first time, but also the coffee shop he works at. I arrived about 20 minutes later and when I stepped in to the shop, I met eyes with a woman who looked like she was about to kill me. I walked up to the counter and tried to show the woman that I wasn't as scared as I was.
- Is Magnus here? I asked and tried to keep my voice calm
- You mean Magnus Bane? No, his shift ended about 4 hours ago, the woman answered with a bored tone
- Do you maybe know where he lives? I really need to talk to him
- Are you from the FBI? The woman suddenly asked which made me flinch away in confusion
- No, I'm a friend of his and I really need to talk to him. Do you know where he lives or not?
- I do, she answered
Thereafter, the woman left me standing there, on the other side of the counter while she went to the back and grabbed something. Seconds later she came back with a piece of paper and when she gave it to me, I could an address written on it.
- Here, he lives on this address, the woman said and for the first time, she actually smiled
- Thank you, I answered
I left the coffee shop and immediately started running. I don't know if something have happened to Magnus, but I really need to get there as soon as possible. About 30 minutes later, I stood outside an apartment that looked like it was about to break down any time. Was he really living here? In this piece of crap? I tried knocking and ringing the doorbell but when no one opened, I almost gave up. Well, I said almost. I had a few tricks up my sleeve. When I was a kid, Jace taught me how to open up door that were supposed to be locked. Nice huh? It only took me a short amount of time, and seconds later I was inside the apartment. Honestly? It smelled like shit. The scent of alcohol was so strong that it almost made my eyes tear up. I walked further in to the apartment and ended up, in what I assume, Magnus bedroom. It was chaos. All of his stuff were torn apart and clothes were laying spread across the floor. Dammit Magnus, where are you?
- Who are you? A voice suddenly asked which startled me
I turned my attention towards the direction where the sound came from, and met eyes with a man that was covered in what I assume, alcohol.
- Who are you? He repeated and looked at me with a gaze that could kill
- I'm Alec, a friend of Magnus, I answered
- Bullshit. Magnus doesn't have any friends. He's all alone in this cruel world
- Where is he?
- I don't know. He left directly after I screamed at him to kill himself. He's such a worthless piece of shit and here you are, looking for him, the man said
How could he speak about Magnus like that? I mean, who gave him the right?
- Who are you? I asked
- Raphael. I'm that worthless piece of garbages stepfather, he answered
- It's you, isn't it? You're the one who gave Magnus those bruises on his face? You're beating him?
- He gets what he deserves. Don't pretend like you care about him. No one does. Not even his own mother wanted him, Raphael answered and laughed
- I want you to tell me where he is, I almost screamed because seriously, I was starting to lose my patience
- He's probably finding some comfortable place to end his pathetic life on
- SHUT UP, I screamed
- How dare you scream at me? This is my house, my rules. Now, GET OUT
The look on Raphael's face made me want to cry. I ran past him and as fast as possible, I left the apartment. I swear to god, if I had stayed there any longer, he would have killed me. I started running again. Only this time, I had no idea where my destination was. I felt more desperate than I ever had and if what Raphael said was true, that Magnus was going to kill himself, I didn't have a lot of time to find him. I tried calling Magnus number over and over again, but just like before, no one answered. My own breathing started to hitch and I seriously felt like dying. Where the hell could he be? I stopped running when I came to a motel. There were a lot of people standing outside and some of them were hysterical.
- What's happening? I asked an old lady that was standing near me
- This guy jumped from the balcony. He can't have been more than 19 years old, she answered with tears streaming down her red cheeks
- Where is he? Is he okay? Is he alive? I almost screamed and felt how my heart started beating faster and faster
- I don't know. They won't tell us anything, the old lady said and pointed towards the ambulance
I shoved myself past all the people that were standing in my way, and when I reached the ambulance, my heart almost stopped beating. A guy that fitted Isabelle's description perfectly was laying in the ambulance.
- Son, you can't be here, a man said and tried to push me away, but I didn't move
- Is going to live? I asked
- There's still hope but unfortunately, I can't promise anything. The fall was from the third floor and if it doesn't kill him, it will mess him up pretty bad
- I need to come with him to the hospital, I said and didn't take my gaze of Magnus
- Only family members. Now, get out of here before I have to call the cops, the man answered and tried to push me away
- HE'S MY BOYFRIEND, I screamed and got pretty chocked myself
Did I just say that? I mean, what? Magnus isn't my boyfriend? I haven't even met him in person?
- Fine, get in, the man answered
I didn't hesitate and only a couple of seconds later, I was sitting beside Magnus body in the back of the ambulance. I couldn't stop looking at his face. Holy shit, he was beautiful. Izzy was right. He looked Indonesian and his hair was jet back, just like mine. I don't know for how long I sat in the ambulance but when we arrived at the hospital, it felt like hours, maybe even years, had passed. They took Magnus in to the emergency room and made we wait in the waiting room. Honestly? I didn't like it. The room was way too quiet and since I was almost peeing my pants from nervousness, I couldn't bare myself to sit still. 3 hours later, a girl with a white coat came out and called my name. I stood up and immediately walked over to her.
- How is he? Is he alright? I asked and was felt almost too scared to hear the answer. What if Magnus didn't make it? What if the fall killed him?
- He's going to survive, she answered
I didn't know what happened next. One minute I stood in the waiting room with the girl, and in next minute I was siting in a chair beside a bed where Magnus was laying unconscious. I knew that I was crying, but I couldn't care less. I was just so damn happy that he was going to survive. I called Izzy one hour ago and told her everything that happened. She cried with me for 10 minutes and promised me that she would stop by later. I was exhausted. The truth was, all I wanted was to go back to my dorm and sleep, but I couldn't. There's no way in hell that I'm going to leave Magnus side. That's not going to happen.
- Who are you? A voice suddenly asked which made me stand up from the chair so fast, that it fell to the floor
I looked all over the room and when my eyes landed on the bed Magnus was laying in, I could see that his eyes were opened.
- Oh my god, you're awake? I said and felt how tears started to make their way down my cheeks once again
- Yeah, but who are you? He asked again
Right, he must be pretty confused at the moment. Great job, Alec
- It's me, Alec, I answered
- Alexander?
- The one and only
- What? How? What? He asked
- When you said goodbye I panicked. I thought I had done something wrong, so I went to the coffee shop where you work, but you weren't there. I asked a girl where you lived so she gave me your address and I ended up in your apartment
- In my apartment? No, why would you even go there? Oh my god, Raphael could have killed you, Magnus answered and I could hear the panic in his voice
- Magnus, calm down. I'm fine. Raphael was being a total douche, but he didn't hurt me. I promise. I ran away before he could. Thereafter, I ended up outside the motel where an old lady told me all about a guy that had jumped from the third floor. You.
- I can't believe you went through all of that just to fine me, Magnus whispered
- Don't say that. I know that we haven't know each other for that long, but I really care about you, I answered
- I didn't want you to see this ugly side of me and my past. I thought I had everything under control, but I hadn't. Raphael pushed me over the edge, Magnus said and I could see tears streaming down his cheeks
- You're not going back to Raphael, okay? There's no way in hell that I'm letting you live with him, I answered
- Alexander, I don't have anywhere else to stay at. Raphael is the only family I got
- No, you're staying with me. Sebastian was a awful roommate anyways, I said
- You don't have to do this for me, Alec. I'll find another place, but I'm not your responsibility, he answered
- Does it look like I care? You're staying with me until we find another solution. End of the discussion
- Alexander, he started
- I said, end of the discussion
We stayed in silence for a while. It wasn't awkward though, it was comforting. Knowing that Magnus was alive made me want to scream like a teenage girl at a One Direction concert. I was so happy.
- I really didn't expect our first meeting to be like this, Magnus suddenly said and laughed a laugh that made me week. God, he was truly beautiful
- Me neither but you know what? I don't regret it either
- I know what you probably think of me, Alexander. That I'm a failure in life who only saw suicide as a solution
- Don't you dare say that, Magnus. I don't think you're a failure, okay? Honestly, I think you're wonderful, I answered
- Why did you do it?
- What do you mean? I asked confused
- Why did you look for me? We don't know each other. We have only texted a couple of times, he answered
- I looked for you because I care about you. I know that we only have texted a couple of times, but you awoken something inside of me
- I care about you too, he answered
We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, but suddenly a nurse came into the room.
- Despite the fall from the third floor, you seem to recover really good. We call it a miracle because honestly? You should be dead, she said and looked at Magnus
- Is he allowed to leave the hospital today? I asked
- No, not yet. We want to keep him over the night if that's okay
- Yeah, of course, I answered
The nurse left the room and once again, I was alone with Magnus.
- You don't have to stay, you know that right? I can handle myself for one night, he said and looked at me
- I'm staying, I answered and made myself comfortable in the chair I was sitting in
- You're really stubborn, did you know that? Magnus asked and smiled
- It's a gift
I don't know for how long I sat beside Magnus bed, but maybe about one hour later, the two of us were fast asleep, smiling, like we were dreaming about something wonderful. Who knows? Maybe we dreamt about each other.

Hey guys😇 I decided to update this book again today because I felt like I left the biggest cliffhanger

How are you all doing? It's almost midnight here in Sweden and I have school tomorrow. Which means, I really have to sleep now. It would mean the world to me if you guys could COMMENT what you actually think about this book. I mean, is it good? Bad? I really want to know☺️

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️



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