Chapter 42.

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Magnus wasn't laying in bed when I woke up the next morning. Today is the day that Magnus is going to meet his father for the first time after so long time, and even though I just woke up and haven't talked to him, I can tell that he's extremely nervous. The clock was almost 9am and since the bed felt really cold without my wonderful boyfriend, I decided to leave the bed and see if I could find Magnus somewhere. The floor felt could against my feet when I left the bed and as I entered the living room, I could hear faint sounds coming from the kitchen. The first thing my eyes came across when I walked into the kitchen was Magnus who stood in front of the oven and made, what I assume, pancakes for breakfast.
- Good morning, I said and walked up to him and put my arms around his waste
- Good morning, my dear Alexander. Have you sleep well? Magnus asked and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek
- I slept wonderful thanks to you
My answer made Magnus let out a quiet laugh that made me smile. Every time he makes that beautiful sound, it's feels like I'm going to explode. He's just so adorable and stunning at the same time.
- Are you ready to meet you father today? I asked after a while
- Yeah, I think so. Has Isabelle found any address or something? Magnus said
- Yes, she sent it to me yesterday
- Okay, he answered
- Look, I know that you're nervous right now and probably very anxious, but everything is going to turn out okay. Your father is going to love you and he's going to be very happy to meet you again after so extremely long time, I said and dragged my hand through his hair
- What if he sees me and gets disappointed? What if I'm the kind of son that he doesn't want? Magnus asked and I could see how his eyes started to get watery with tears
- Hey, don't say that. He's not going to get disappointed, trust me
- I do trust you, Alexander
I pressed a light kiss on his forehead and after that, Magnus continued making the pancakes that according to me, are the best fucking pancakes I ever tasted. When the two of us had finished our breakfast, we got dressed and thereafter, we left the dorm to catch a taxi and start the searching for Magnus father.
- I think it's here, I said when the taxi finally stopped after about 15 minutes
- Oh god, Magnus whispered and I could see how he started shaking
- Magnus, it's going to be okay
I took his hand in mine and pressed light kisses on his knuckles.
- Ready? I asked
- As ready as I ever will be
We payed the taxi driver and left the car together. Only a couple of seconds later stood the two of us in front of a apartment building and when we walked through the door, the name "Bane" was printed on one of the mailboxes. According to the mailbox, was Magnus father living on the seventh floor, so we took the elevator and when we finally reached the door, Magnus ringed the bell with shaking hands. Seconds felt like hours and I floor tell that the both of us were anxious about to see who's going to open the front door. Suddenly, the door opened and in front of us stood a man with jet black hair and eyes with the same color as Magnus.
- Oh my god, Magnus? He asked chocked and looked at Magnus
- Hey dad, Magnus stuttered
Before I even got the chance to think about anything, Magnus father had pulled Magnus in for a hug.
- I can't believe that you're actually here. God, I have missed you so much, he said with tears streaming down his cheeks
-  You remember me? Magnus asked
- How could I forget you? It's been over 10 years since I saw you and not even a day have passed that I haven't been thinking about you, Magnus father said
- Really?
- Of course
Nicolas answered made Magnus let out a cry of happiness and I could see how they pressed their bodies harder against each other, almost like they were afraid that the other one would disappear.
- And who might you be? Magnus father asked and looked at me when they broke their hug after so long time
- Alec Lightwood. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Bane, I answered
- Please, call me Nicolas, he said and smiled at me
The three of us walked into the apartment and when we reached the living room, Magnus and I sat down in one couch and Nicolas sat down in the other couch on the other side.
- Tell me everything, Magnus. How have you been? Nicolas asked
- Well, it's been a little bit of a rollercoaster, Magnus answered
- Let me guess, Raphael?
- Do you know him? I asked
- Everyone knows about Raphael Santiago. I'm sorry that your mother didn't understand that she deserved a lot better than him. How's she doing anyways? Nicolas asked
- You don't know? Magnus asked and I could see how he's eyes got watery for the second time today
- Know what? She's okay, right?
- I'm sorry, but she's dead, I answered when I could tell that Magnus wouldn't be able to tell his father himself
- What? No, she can't be dead. What happened? Nicolas answered
- She killed herself, Magnus whispered and faced the floor
Tears started to make their way down Magnus cheeks which made me feel how my heart broke into pieces. I carefully took both of his hands in mine and tried to show him that he wasn't alone in this cruel world.
- Magnus, why didn't you contact me immediately when she died? How long time ago did happen? Nicolas asked
- Over 10 years ago, Magnus answered
- Have you been staying with Raphael all this time? Oh my poor little baby
- I moved out only a couple of moths ago, Magnus said and wiped his tears
- Where are you staying now?
- With me, I answered
- That's really nice of you. Are you guys friends? Nicolas asked
Wow, okay, here it is, the moment we all have been waiting for.
- He's my boyfriend, Magnus said
- Really? I'm so happy for the both of you, Nicolas answered
- You're not mad? I asked chocked
- Mad? Why would I me mad? If anything I'm beyond happy and proud
Nicolas answer made both me and Magnus let out a sigh of relief. The think we feared the most turned out not not even be a problem. I don't know for how long we sat and talked with Nicolas but when it started to get dark outside? I could tell that we had been there all day.
- Can I just ask you one thing before we have to go back home? Magnus asked and looked at his father
- Of course, he answered
- Why did you leave?
Nicolas froze and I could tell by the look on his face that this was a question that he really didn't like.
- Things got complicated
- How? Magnus answered
- You're not going to like what I'm about to tell you, but it was actually your mother who told me to leave and never come back, Nicolas said
- Why did she say that? Magnus asked
- I cheated on her
Instead of answering, Magnus stood up from the couch and started to walk around in the room.
- Magnus, listen to me, Nicolas started but he didn't got the chance to finish because Magnus interrupted him
- Why did you do it?
- When you were born, your mother stopped talking to me. I needed someone and one night I actually met someone who took interest in me
- Are you saying that it's my fault? Magnus asked
- Of course not, Magnus. You're mother was sick, she always has been, Nicolas answered with pain in his voice
- Yeah, and now she's dead
- Magnus, don't say that, I started and stood up from the couch
I walked over to him and placed my hands on his cheeks, trying to calm him down.
- Can we go back home? He asked
- Yes, I answered
- I want you to know that I love you, Magnus. No matter what happens, you'll always be my son, Nicolas said
- What you did was wrong. Mum needed you and you cheated on her. Your excuse why you did it was nowhere near acceptable. When you left, I was all alone with a suicidal mother and a stepfather that beat me up everyday. My life has been worse than hell and if it weren't for Alexander, I wouldn't be standing here today, Magnus said coldly
- I'm sorry
- It was nice meeting you, but I'm starting to think that it was a mistake, Magnus said and with that, he walked out of the apartment.

Hello guys😇 Magnus finally met his real father. What do you think about this chapter?

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️



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