Chapter 32.

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I had just finished my math test and sat outside the classroom, waiting for my teacher to tell me if I passed or not. I've been studying like crazy these last couple of days and if I'm going to be honest, I really think that I have a chance of passing. I mean, it's not like I have a choice or something. If I fail, my teacher said that she would have to do something about my districting roommate, meaning that she's probably going to kick Magnus out of my dorm, which is terrible news. Seriously, I don't think I'll be able to keep living in my dorm if Magnus isn't there. Everything is a lot easier when he's by my side, for example, waking up. Everyone else from my class had already left as fast as they were done, but unlike me, their test doesn't affect their roommates. I don't know for how long I have have been sitting outside my stupid classroom, but when the door finally opened and my teacher came out, it felt like hours.
- Alec, I have now corrected your test and I'm proud to say that you passed
- Really? I asked and couldn't keep the smile off my face
- 100 points, you did great, she answered and smiled back at me
- That means Magnus can stay, right?
- Not according to the rules at this college, but since you're my favourite student, I'm going to let it slide
- Thank you so much ma'am, I said
- Just promise me that you will keep slaying at upcoming test
- I promise
- Perfect. Now, go and get some rest. I assume that you have been studying like crazy these last couple of days, my teacher said and reopened the door to the classroom that closed behind her when she stepped out
- I will, I answered
My teacher walked back into the classroom and since I was done for today, I started walking back to my dorm. I was just about to make a right turn when a body slammed into mine.
By the angel, Simon. First he slammed into my body and now he's going to give me tinnitus. What happened to great people with a simple handshaking?
- You need to learn how to talk with small letter, I said and Simon laughed
- Yeah, whatever. How did the test go? Did you pass? He asked
- Of course I did
- Man, that's great. Does this mean that magnificent Magnus can stay with you? Simon answered
Right, I told Simon about the whole passing test or kicking distraction boyfriend out off dorm thing.
- What did you just call him? I asked and raised one of my eyebrows
- Honestly, I don't know. It just came to my mind and I thought why not, Simon answered and laughed
- Anyways, what about you? Do you think that you passed the test?
- No, but I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't. I've been so freaking busy with Maia and my family these last couple of days. Trust me, they're all driving me insane something. I need a break
- Well, good for you that Christmas is coming up in two weeks, I said
- Thank the higher powers. Seriously, I don't think I would have been able to survive one more month
- Yeah, me neither, I answered
- Look, I gotta go and meet up with Maia before she starts working later tonight. Want to catch up tomorrow before class? Simon asked
- Sure, why not
We said our goodbyes and walked different directions. It only took me about 3 minutes to walk back to my dorm and when I opened the door, everything was so extremely peaceful. That's weird?
- Magnus, are you here? I called out but when I didn't get an answer, I started to freak out a little bit
I walked into the kitchen, which was empty. Thereafter, I walked into my room, which also was empty. My last option was Magnus room, and when I stepped through the door, I felt how all the anxiety left my body. Magnus was sleeping like the angel he is, in his bed. I smiled to myself and carefully laid myself down beside him.
- Magnus, wake up, I whispered
I kissed his cheek and felt how he stirred in his sleep.
- Alexander? Magnus asked and don't even get me started on his voice. God, it's like the call of an angel
- Hey, have you slept all day? I asked
- Apparently, he answered which made me laugh because he was so adorable
- Well, I'm glad that you're able to sleep all day while I'm sweating my ass off in math class, I said
- Oh my god, how did the test go?
- I passed
- Really? Alec, that's wonderful, Magnus answered and smiled
- I actually thinks that this means that I deserve a lot of kisses, I said
- Mhm, I don't know, Magnus whispered
- Come on, I know you want to. Kiss me, I whispered back
Magnus smiled at me and couple of seconds later, his lips were moving in sync with mine in a passionate kiss.
- I love you so much, I said when we broke the kiss for air
- I love you too
When I look at Magnus, into his beautiful eyes, I can't believe that his mine. He's a gift created by god himself. If I'm going to be honest, I don't think I ever have seen someone as stunning as him, and I have lived 18 years.
- Are you working tonight? I asked after a while of romantic staring at each other
- No, Magnus answered and smiled
- Wonderful
- Why? Do you have something in mind? Magnus asked
- Actually, I have. What do you say about going on a date? I answered
- A date?
- Yes. You know, two people that are in love, going out together?
- By the angel, Alexander. I know what a date is. I'm not born yesterday, Magnus answered and laughed
- Good, so what do you say?
-  would love to go on a date with you, Alexander Lightwood
- Perfect. I know this amazing restaurant down town. It's called Jades Wolf and their food is the best, I said
- Sounds lovely, Magnus answered
I smiled back at him but honestly, I was scared as hell. I have never been on a date before. How am I supposed to act? What if I make a fool out of myself? Ugh. We laid beside each other for maybe on more hour but when that hour had passed, we decided to get ready for our date. I walked into the bathroom where I took a quick shower. Thereafter, I got dressed in my favourite pair of black jeans and a denim shirt that I haven't wore since Izzy made me go to a stupid party. I fixed my hair and when I was satisfied with how I looked, I walked into the living room. About 15 minutes later, Magnus joined me and let me just say damn, he was stunning. He was wearing a black jacket with a brown t-shirt under, that in my opinion, fitted his muscles absolutely perfectly and with that, a pair of black jeans.
- You look amazing, I said and blushed
- So do you, he answered and smiled
Side by side, we walked down the streets and 20 minutes later, we stood in front of Jades Wolf, the best Chinese restaurant in all of New York. When we came in, we got seated by a lovely table and I could tell that this night was going to be amazing.
We ordered the food after a while and the whole evening, we got to know each other even more. For example, I got to know that Magnus loves to dance and even if he hasn't done it in a while, he hasn't forgotten the feeling.
- Wait, so Izzy seriously made you wear that to school? Magnus asked when I told him about how Isabelle made me wear a pink shirt for a whole day
- Oh yeah, it was terrible. We went to the mall that day, can you imagine how many people that looked at me? I answered which made Magnus laugh
- I can't believe you did it
- I was a little bit of a wild card when I was younger, I guess
- What a catch, Magnus said and laughed even more
- Totally. What about you? Have you even embarrassed yourself in front of a lot of people? I asked and smiled
- About a hundred of times
- Now way, tell me
- Well, there was this time when Dorothea dyed my hair light blue because she wanted to mess around with me. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the colour out so I had to walk around like a smurf for a whole month, Magnus answered
- I bet you looked wonderful
- No, not really
We continued talking and the hours passed by like they were nothing. I don't think I ever been this happy. We sat at the restaurant until they closed and not even then, we decided to walk back to the dorm. Instead, we decided to take a walk in the park, watching how New York changed by night. Since it was almost Christmas, a lot of different coloured lights where spread all over the city and it made everything look absolutely stunning.
- Do you ever think about what's out there? Magnus asked and looked up at night sky where a thousands of stars could be seen
- What do you mean?
- I mean if there's something out there that we don't know about
- Like a parallel universe? I asked
- Yeah, maybe
- Well, I would take a wild guess and say that a parallel universe with another Alec and Magnus is somewhere out there, I answered
- You think?
- Of course, but unlike our universe, Alec is a badass Shadowhunter and Magnus is a powerful Warlock
- Shadowhunter? Warlock? How did you come up with that? Magnus asked
- I read it somewhere, I don't know
- What even is a Shadowhunter?
- Someone who hunts demons, I guess. Wouldn't I be an amazing Shadowhunter? I answered and looked at Magnus
- No, you would be terrible. Remember that spider yesterday? You almost started crying because you thought it would kill you, he said and laughed
- Well, I know for sure that you would be an amazing Warlock
- In another universe, maybe
We decided to head back to the dorm when it started getting really cold. The snow was laying like a lawyer of white powered and it looked amazing. When we returned back to the dorm, we got dressed for bed and laid down beside each other on the bed in my  room.
- Thank you for an amazing date, Magnus said and smiled at me
- No, thank you, I answered
- I love you
- I love you too 
We kissed one more time and thereafter, we fell asleep, in the arms of each other.

Hey guys😇 What did you think about this chapter? It would mean the world to me if you guys could comment so I know😊 -Mathilda

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