Chapter 33.

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The clock was around 1pm and I was down at the coffee shop downtown, working a five hour shift. My date with Alexander yesterday was beyond amazing and if I'm going to be honest, I think it was the best day of my life. We got to know so much about each other and somehow, I feel like we're closer now than we ever have been. Anyways, my shift went pretty good so far and I'm happy that Jocelyn decided to take me back. I really need the money and since I actually like this job, I don't feel like my life is ending when I have to work. The best thing about this day is that today, Alexander is having his last day of school before Christmas. It's going to be wonderful to have him by my side for three weeks straight, without classes coming in the way. A little bonus is that I'm not working either during winter break so the two of us are going to spend every awake time with each other.
- Magnus, what are you still doing here? Jocelyn suddenly asked
- What do you mean? I said
- Your shift ended 20 minutes ago
I threw a quick look at the clock and realise that she's right. My shift actually ended 20 minutes ago but since I have been too busy thinking about my absolutely stunning boyfriend, I haven't noticed that the time has been flying by.
- Oh, I didn't realise that, I answered
- Go home, Bane
- Yes ma'am
- Don't forget that you're off duty for three weeks now, Magnus. I don't want to see you here before those weeks are over. Do you get it? You deserve a break, Jocelyn said and smiled
- Technically, I have already had my break. You know, when I got fired
- That doesn't count
- Fine, I'll see you in three weeks. I guess that I have to order coffee at another place then, I answered
- I didn't mean it like that. Of course you're welcome to order some coffee here. I just don't want you to work for these three weeks, Jocelyn said
- I know, I'm just screwing around a little bit with you. Have a nice Christmas and send greetings to Luke from me
- I will, Jocelyn answered
I took my things that I had with me this morning and thereafter, I left. On my way back to Alexander's dorm, I passed the church and the cemetery. Seeing the different graves made me wonder if my dad could be buried somewhere here, or at some other cemetery. Since I was extremely curious, I decided to take a look and see if I could find a name that seemed familiar. I walked around for about 10 minutes but when I couldn't find any bunt, I kept walking back to the dorm. If I'm going to be honest, I felt disappointed. I really want to find the place where my real father is buried, I felt like I owe him that. It took me about 30 minutes to return back to Alexander's dorm and when I stepped through the front door, Alexander came towards me with a smile on his lips.
- Hello there, I said
- By the angel, I have missed you so much. I don't think you understand how happy I am that today was my last day of school in three weeks, Alec answered
- I know exactly how you feel. Three weeks off work, I'm not complaining
Alexander wrapped his arms around me in a wonderful hug and after we started at each other for what felt like years, our lips met in a passionate kiss.
- Are you excited to celebrate Christmas with your family? I asked when we broke the kiss for air
- Well, you have met my family. They're all a little bit special, Alec answered which made me laugh out loud
- I think they're lovely
- Speaking of the devil, Jace texted me yesterday and said that he and Clary are going to join us for Christmas
- Really? That sounds amazing, I said and smiled at my beautiful boyfriend
- I don't know. There's going to be a lot of people there. Are you going to be okay with that? Alec asked
- You don't have to worry about me, Alexander. I'll be fine
- Are you sure?
- Positive, I answered
We kissed one more time and thereafter, we sat down beside each other on the couch. Our hands were intervened and from time to time, we shared a quick passionate kiss.
- I-I passed by the cemetery today, I suddenly said and started trembling with my hands in my lap
- Yeah? Alec asked
- I wanted to see if I could find my dad, but nothing. Honestly, I don't even know if he's buried
- We're going to find him, I promise, Alexander said and took my hand in his
- Thank you, I answered
If I'm going to be honest, I felt like I just wanted to start crying. Knowing that my father is dead because of my abusive, alcoholic stepfather, it's terrible. Seriously, I don't even know how I am surviving. I guess that having Alexander by my side is helping a lot.
- I love you so much, Magnus Bane
- I love you too, Alexander, I answered and kissed the top of his hand that was holding mine
The rest of the day passed by pretty quickly and when the evening came, we decided to order some pizza and sit in front of the TV, watching a movie while enjoying the delicious food. After that, we laid down beside each other on the bed in my bedroom with our legs intervened.
- We really need to get a bigger bed if we're going to keep sleeping next to each other, Alec said after a while of silence
- You're damn right about that. Sharing a bed with you isn't easy, especially not when you're tall as a freaking tree, I answered and laughed
- I'm not that tall, Alexander said but couldn't stop himself from laughing
- Yeah, sure
We laid on the bed beside each other for what felt like hours. If someone would see us now, they would probably take us for this cliché couple who has a love story like Jack and Rose from Titanic. Well, without the whole, the boat is sinking, one of us is going to die, drama. Well, cliché or not, I love Alexander Lightwood more than anything on this planet and do you guys want to know the best part about all of this? Alexander actually loved me too.

Hey guys😃 How are you all? If I'm going to be honest, I don't know how long this book will be. I really didn't expect it to turn out this long as it has, but I regret nothing. I love updating this book and I hope that you guys like it too☺️

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️



If you have any ideas of what should happen in upcoming chapters, feel free to comment😘

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