Chapter 1: The Crush

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... Wishing for you... Tryna to what lovers do...


Many people do different things for their crushes. Some dress differently so they could be noticed, others follow them every where just like I am. Today I'm going to yet another football game to watch my crush play.
Even though I barely understand the game.

Another thing I was doing was the Herculean task of begging my very reluctant best friend to accompany me to the game with my other best friend even though she had decided that day was her lazy day.

" no, I don't want to " Crystal, my best friend grumbled as she covered her face with her thick blanket which was Odd because, it was quite hot.

" please please please " I begged hoping she would change her mind.

" no "

" please " I begged again while trying to pull the covers off her.

" no I don't even like football " she groaned when I pulled the covers off her.

" I'll do your calculus homework for you. I promise " I gave her my best puppy dog eyes.
I knew that would be my trump card because I understood how much she hated mathematics in general.
This was clear in the many times she had referred to the subject as a bitch.
I on the other has was indifferent, there were times that I absolutely despised it but oddly, there were also times I enjoyed solving stuff.

" fine " she huffed and got off her huge bed.

" by the way I'm only doing this because I hate calculus " she said as she walked into her wardrobe to pick her outfit.

Crystal had a big room. I guess that what you get when your parents are billionaires. She was completely obsessed with Shawn Mendez. The posters and pictures covering every inch of her room walls are proof to that fact. She even had a picture of him on her bedside which she made sure to kiss every night before going to sleep.

" I'm ready "

Crystal came in with a red top and black shorts, the school colours. She wore her shoes and walked out of the room with her mumbling about how much she hates calculus.

" Avy! " Tristan, Crystal's brother exclaimed when he saw me.

" hey there Tris " I smiled as I took the five year old in my arms.

" come paint with me " he said his blue eyes shinning with excitement.

" sorry Tris..... Maybe later " I replied

the boy only pouted in response and then he demanded I put him down.

" not my friend " he yelled as he stumped to his room. His elbows moving side to side.

Unlike most five year olds, Tristan was quite smart for his age. He spoke and walked earlier than most kids do and he could draw better than a lot of people, including me.

" I told you he was annoying. I don't see why people like him " crystal said as we walked out of the mansion.

" hi Janet " I greeted

" hello. Where are you kids off to? " Janet, Crystal And Tristan's nanny asked.

Even if Crystal would hate to admit it, Janet was still taking care of her like a nanny. Crystal would always emphasize that she had outgrown having a nanny but it was sometimes not the case.

" the school has a football game with the rival school today so else are going to watch " Crystal explained

" hmm and you like football ? " Janet asked with a suspicious look

" yes Janet I have developed quite an interest in football lately" Crystal lied

" young lady I have known you since you were still in your mother's stomach. I can literally read your mind and you really think you can lie to me ? " she rose a brow

" come on Janet we just want to watch some football "
Crystal whined

" uh hmm and it's not completely because you wanted to look at the good looking quarterback " Janet smirked and I could almost see the redness on my cheeks.

" you told her?! " I glared at Crystal

" no I promise I didn't " Crystal defended

" she didn't. You should really close the door every time you talk about boys. I'm very sure more than half of the staff know you have a crush on him " Janet said and walked away.

My jaw almost hit the ground. I was extremely mortified.

" well that was embarrassing " Crystal chuckled.

" I'll call James " she said tapping her phone's screen.

" hello ladies " James said when he arrived.

" you are looking particularly beautiful today ... Hoping to impress someone? " he wiggled his eyebrows looking at me.

" I could ask YOU the same " I gave him the same smile with a wiggle of an eyebrow but he just smiled in return.

James was one of my best friend after Crystal and one of the two and God knows how many people know about my crush. He could be funny and childish at times but he could also keep a tough guy act. He was one of the most popular people in school because he was good looking and was in the swim team but he only dated a few girls because he has a crush on Crystal but she never noticed.

He'd always refer to it as a small crush but I could see it's was more than that. From when he's open doors for her or when he'd leave the sweetest comments on her pictures or even how he follows her around in school. I honestly don't understand how Crystal never noticed.

When I think about it sometimes, my crush was quite cliche. I mean it's been on many occasions that someone would like the star quarterback and the most popular guy in school but I didn't care, I just couldn't wait to go to the football game to see my crush;

Jace Moreno.

First try at teen fiction
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