chapter 29: Girlfriend

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An hour before the date, I had begun to get ready. I showered and put on my outfit. I also applied a little makeup and put my curled my hair.

" Hey " I greeted a good looking Jace at my front door.

" Wow you look good " I blushed

" You look good too " I grabbed my purse.

" DAD I'm leaving!" I yelled hoping he would hear me.

" Now would you tell me where we're going to?" I asked Jace as he drove.

" Well. We are going to see a movie" he chuckled nervously " I wasn't sure what type of movie you would like so we're going to watch horror"

My eyes widened.

" Unless you don't want to. I mean I could totally-"

" No it's okay "


After the movie I was pretty shaken up. I don't know why I agreed to watch it.

" You could have just said you don't like horror we could have watched something else like infinity wars "
Jace said slightly chuckling

I was sure I didn't watch up to eighty percent of the movie. I was busy shielding my face and clinging unto Jace like my life depended on it. Maybe it did.

The move was titled Truth or Dare.
And I don't think I can play the game without thinking of a demon daring me.
After the movie, Jace took me to a diner where we had a very tasty dinner. Then, we decided to walk and talk for a bit.

" I don't know I thought it wouldn't be that scary "

" It wasn't that scary " he laughed

" Yes it was. They were literally cutting their body parts" I shivered in fear.

" I guess it was a little bit"

" A little?"

" Yeah. You wanna get some ice cream ?"

" Sure "
We walked to my favorite dessert shop, sweet delight.

" Thanks " I said to the barrister when he gave me my ice cream.

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