chapter 3 : Perfection

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... all your perfect I'm imperfections ...

Sunday came and went with me studying. It's Monday morning and I just had my breakfast. Dad left about thirty minutes earlier. I was ready for school. I waited for Crystal to come.

When I heard the familiar horn from Crystal's car, I made sure to turn of the unnecessary appliances and lock the door.

" ola " Crystal greeted

" Hey " I greeted back .

" sorry I was late, Tristan insisted I should drop him off. So annoying " she groaned as she drove.

Crystal's parents let their children pick their place of study. Crystal chose to stay with me while Tristan picked Paris because he liked the name of the place.
That day, like usual, Tristan left for his European school and would come back when there was a holiday or mid term break.

Crystal's parents made sure that even if they were busy with work, they would still have time and attention for their children and that was something I admired.

" it's not annoying, it's cute. I think it's nice he wants to spend time with you " I said to her.

" the way you talk , it's obvious you don't have a sibling " she said with the slightest bit of irritation but deep down I knew she would miss her baby brother.

" yeah but I wish I had one" I sighed.

When we arrived school, Crystal was immediately greeted by a group of her friends so I decided to let her talk to them while I went into the school.

As I walked through the familiar hallways of Brighton high, I could hear everyone talk about Friday's game and how we ' we kicked their asses' their words not mine.

Opening my locker, I took out my biology text book and note book just then, everyone was cheering. I looked around and found the source. It was Jace and the other members of the school's football team.

Jace looks nice today. Not like he doesn't look like a Greek god every day. His blonde hair was in its usual quiff and he was wearing a dark blue shirt ,a pair of black jeans and of course the signature team jacket.

He was the work perfection.

He smiled as he made his way to his locker which I just realized was two lockers away from mine. So I walked away .

" running from someone? '' a voice whispered in my ear startling me.

I let out a breath of relief when I turned to see James laughing .

" why did you do that ? " I asked

" because it's funny " he replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

" where's Crystal ?'' he asked

" parking lot "

" ok.... Tell me something "

" what? " I asked

" why can't you talk to Jace? " he asked

" well Everytime I'm around him I can't seem to pronounce words and I'm a terrible at starting conversations and or making friends. I can't even look at him in th freaking face" I replied

" I have a conversation starter for you " he's smiled
" really? what" I asked slightly excited but a whole lot more suspiciously.

" well you are going to have to figure that out because in about two seconds from now Jace is going to be behind you and I have to go find Crystal. Good luck " he ran away

" James, wait COME BACK " I yelled but he just kept running so I did what I usually do when I'm close to Jace Moreno. Run away.

I'm a hopeless case.

First period ended faster than I wanted. It's like everytime I like a class, time just seems to go fast but when I hate the class, it just goes tortuously slowly.

it was almost time for my next class which I had with James but after what happened earlier I didn't feel like walking with him.

" hey Avery " James seemed to appear form nowhere

" don't ' hey Avery ' me young man " I walked faster to keep distance between us

" come on, you can't seriously be mad about what happened earlier " he stood in front of me

" uh yeah I am " I tried to walk away but he blocked my way

" what did you expect me to do? " he asked

" maybe you could have told me discreetly thay Jace Moreno was behind me or walked me away from him " I glared

"why would you want him to do that? It sounds like you're avoiding me " Jace asked from behind me  and I turned to see his handsome and confused face.

" er..... No reason " was my lame reply that I managed to squeak out as I quickly walked ,almost ran to my next class. Its official I spoke my first words to Jace and it wasn't up to four syllables. Not that it would matter because I'm hopeless.


" that was hilarious I wish I was there " Crystal laughed after James told her about my little encounter with Jace.

" haha very funny " my voice dripped with sarcasm.

" I just wish Jace would realize you have a crush on him " James said and I slammed my hands on his mouth.

You might be wondering, why did I do that. It's because James happens to have an extremely loud voice. Seriously I bet the guy could scream in China and the whole of Bangkok could hear him.

Ok I might have exaggerated a little bit.

" You know Jimmy if you said that just a little bit louder I'm sure that the next five continents can hear you" I glared at him mostly because he licked my palm and he replied with a cheeky smile

" well I'll see you guys. I have practice " crystal said.

" I'll come with " James said. She just shrugged in reply.

" bye " I left them and began my walk home.

I had the chance to speak with my crush and I could barely say a word. I felt an emotion, something between highly embarrassed and very disappointed maybe even a mixture of both.

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