Chapter 35: Confused

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I heard voices, loud ones but I couldn't decipher what they were saying. it was irritating.

I opened my eyes. There was an annoying beeping sound beside me. The ceilings were white and so were the walls. I definitely wasn't in my room. I noticed the IV hooked to my wrist.

I gently sat up and looked around. I was clearly in a hospital room. I couldn't remember how I got there. It was all foggy. Slowly, they began coming back to me. Memories of the previous night rushed to my head in a dizzying manner.

I remembered going to the dance, having an argument with Tori, then leaving with Crystal. I remembered the accident and gasped. I tried my best to get up even though I was dizzy. I needed to make sure Crystal was ok.

There was a bunch of wires connected to my chest. I pulled them off. I held on to the IV stand and leaned on it as I walked to the door. I was about to reach for the door handle when it was opened and a doctor walked in.

" Miss Wilson, please get back to your bed" he said.

" But I need to go see Crystal " i protested. He called for a nurse while they both made me go back to my bed.

" It seems your vitals are stable " he said then he flashed a fraustratingly bright light at my eyes.

" Do you remember what happened ?"

I sighed " yesterday Crystal and I were coming from a party and I'm guessing we crashed" I rubbed my forehead with my fingers he nodded slowly then he wrote something down on his little notepad. Then, he told the nurse to call my dad.

" That wasn't yesterday. It was about three months ago. You've been in a coma " he said and I chuckled humorlessly hoping he was joking but he looked serious.

Deep down I really wished this was some cruel joke.

" What?" I almost started hyper ventilating but I calmed myself.
" Where... Where's Crystal?. How is she? "
" Well-" he started but stopped when my dad rushed into the room.
" Princess" he said in relief. I barely realised he hugged me.
Three months. I was unconscious for three months. I must have gotten everyone worried; my dad, grandma, Crystal.

" Dad " I said when I finally came to my senses and hugged him back.

" I'm sorry. I'm so sorry dad. This... This is my fault. It's all my fault I knew she had a few drinks and I still let her drive. I should have stopped her. I'm sorry " I felt a year slip.

" No. Don't you ever say that. None of this is your fault. " He kissed my forehead. I got to see his face he looked very tired there were dark circles under his eyes.

" I'm just glad you're okay Princess" he hugged me again.

" Dad?"

" Yeah "

" Where's Crystal? How is she "

" you should get some rest. I'll go get you some food. I'll be back okay. I love you"

He came back later on. I had some fruits and I slept for a while. When I woke up, I went to the bathroom and I stared at my reflection. I was pale alot more pale than I remember. My hair was shorter, almost shoulder length. There were a few bruises on my face some of them had healed only a few were left. I noticed a scar on my elbow. My eyes looked empty. I could barely recognize myself.

I sat on my bed and began counting the ceiling decorations hoping I would fall back asleep. There were about sixty four boxes there. I counted it three times.

" Hello " James said waving his hands in front of my face bringing out of the little math class in my head. I didn't notice when he came in. I didn't notice he came with two others.
Jack and Ashton were with him.
" Hi " I replied.

" How you doing?"

" I really don't know" I felt tears gathering in my eyes and he hugged me.

" I missed you. The doctors were saying that you weren't showing any signs of recovery and it was really scary Avery"

I started crying.

" No. No don't cry loo what I got you " he reached for his pocket and brought out a teddy bear and gave it to me. It wasn't very big, it was about the size of my palm.

" It's cute. I love it "I sniffled and cleaned my tears. I could see that his eyes were red too. He wanted to cry. " I hope you got Crystal one too. She might just get jealous and take mine or just not talk to you. You know how dramatic she can be " I chuckled.

" Oh honey " Jack said before giving me a bone crushing hug.
" I bet you missed me too " I smiled even though I knew I wanted to cry some more.

" Are you kidding me. I am ruining my hundred dollar eye liner and mascara crying for you and you think I didn't miss you " she joked

" I'm sorry "

" Listen to me honey. You have nothing to be sorry about. You hear me " she smiled

I turned my gaze to Ashton. " Hey " I said to him.
" Hey " he said back to me.

" We should probably go get her some food or something. Come on Jack let's go" he pulled a reluctant Jack out of the room.

" I'm sorry about Jace. About everything. I should have known he wasn't-"
He sat on my bed.

" Don't blame yourself for that Ashton. If anyone's to blame it's me for being stupid enough to believe him "

" You're not stupid " he said and I chuckled. " We're still friends right ?"

" Why wouldn't we be ?" There was an awkward silence.

" I bet you missed me huh ?" I teased

" I did " he said before pulling me to a comforting hug but it was cut short when some unexpected visitors arrived .

" What are you doing here ?" I asked

" Avery, I.. we came to apologise " Jace said.

" Get out " I should have felt bad seeing the sorry expressions on their faces but I didn't know if I should believe they were genuine.

" Please listen "

" I said GET OUT ! " I yelled in anger the monitor began beeping faster.

" Stay away from me. both of you" I tried to get up but Ashton placed his hands on my shoulder.

" Please leave " he said to Jace and Tori and they left.

" Are you okay? " He asked and I shook my head and began sobbing.

" Young Man you'll have to leave. She needs to rest." The doctor said

" It's cool, bye cupcake "

" Bye " I said in a hoarse voice. And he left.

Hello it's me

I know I haven't updated in a while but don't worry there's like three or two chapters left.

Remember to stay home and stay safe and

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