chapter 28: His Princess

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Dedicated to @jmam12


School passed by very slowly. I felt as if time had slowed down but, I'm sure it was due to my anxious mind. I wanted to know what was going on at home. I was worried for my dad.

As soon as the bell went off, I rushed out of class. Almost sprinting I rushed out of school until I was pulled toward someone's body.

" Hey you " Jace said as his hand went around my waist to keep me from falling.

" Hi " I said breathlessly.

" Why are you in such a hurry? " he asked

" No reason" I chuckled nervously.

" Avery "

I hummed in response.

" Would you like to go on a date with me ?"
I froze.

" You know what forget it I shouldn't have asked that" he shoved his hand into his pockets and made a move to leave with a frown on his face.

" Yes. I'd love to !" I finally found my voice.

" Really?" His face lit up " thanks " a smile graced his face that made my insides turn to goo.

" Come on " he took my hand and we walked to his car.

" ...and that's when I realized I was walking with my cousin's dog's leash for two hours and the dog wasn't even with me "
I laughed my heart out while Jace told me a funny story about his cousin's dog.

" Oh look we're here " I looked around and I was aware that we had arrived at my house. We had been talking for so long.

" I guess we are " he replied

" About our date?" I asked

" Yeah "

" You didn't exactly tell me where we're going "

" It's a surprise" he winked

" How I'm I supposed to know what to wear?"

" You look beautiful in everything you wear "

" Cheesy " I scoffed

" Wear something casual. I'll pick you up at seven "

" k. See you later "

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before I stepped out of his car and he left while I just stood there blushing.

After about ten minutes, I managed to composed myself and the feeling of worry I felt for my dad hit me like a moving train.

I rushed into the house. No one was at home. I called my dad a but his phone was switched off.

An hour later, I was ready to pull my hair out of it's socket. I was very worried. So when my dad walked in the door front door, I ran and hugged him.

" Daddy. I was so worried. I came home you weren't there then I tried calling you but your phone was switched off" I sighed in relief " thank goodness You're home and safe "

" I'm fine princess. I had some work to do and I forgot to charge my phone. I'm sorry if you were worried about me "

I wanted to believe him I really did but I had a feeling he was lying about something.

" Everything's gonna be fine right?"
I asked

" Yeah, of course princess" he kissed my forehead

" Dad. Are you alright?" I asked

" Of course. I'm just tired that's all "he started walking to his room

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