chapter 16 : Beginning

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" what are your intentions?"

" huh ?"

" what are your intentions with my daughter" my dad asked

When i told my father Ashton asked me to go to the gala as his date, he immediately called Ashton over, sent me and Crystal to my room like kids and began interrogating him.

" well, I'm taking her to the ga-gala an-and bringing her home immediately sir "
Ashton stuttered.

I don't blame him. My dad can get pretty intimidating if he wants to be.

" no monkey business?" My dad asked.

" none sir "

" Good because i happen to have a gun and a license to use it.. If a strand of my daughter's hair is missing, i won't hesitate to male you disappear.. Comprehendé ?"
My dad threatened making Ashton gulp which was ironic because he looked a lot more scary than my dad.

" yes sir " Ashton replied again.

" AVERY, CRYSTAL you can come out and pretend you weren't listening on our conversation"
My dad called out.

Fuck. I didn't realize he knew we were hidden in the corner listening to him

" oh hey daddy?" I gave a sheepish smile as Crystal and i came out of our hiding place.

" i know you agreed but do you really want to go with him ?"
My dad asked.

" yes " i replied

" you can go "

Crystal and I squealed in joy as he agreed. Really loudly.

" I knew you weren't a complete loser Brad" Crystal remarked.

My dad just rolled his eyes mumbling about how crazy Crystal was then he went to his room but not before shooing Ashton out of the house.

" I'll see you later " Ashton smiled

" sure " i smiled in return

" Mr Monero, if you don't leave my house this instance you will go to that party without a date "
My dad said to Ashton.

" gotta go "

" bye " i said to him as he left.

" you've got that dreamy and so very cheesy look on your face"
Crystal said.

" no i don't"

" yes you do. Seems like you're starting to forget about my Jace "

" i am not "

' if you really didn't we wouldn't be having this conversation "

I sighed

" you must think your real smart being right and all " i pouted

" of course I am now quit fighting so we can go choose a dress for the gala "
She smiled pulling my hand.

Oh shit

I really loved and cared about Crystal but picking outfits with her can be a nightmare she find it very hard to make decisions.
Like that one time we were picking an outfit for junior prom she made us go round the entire mall just buy a pair of shoes with her mum offered to buy but no she wanted to get it herself which I don't get the point because her mum literally owns the mall.

" it's pretty but I don't feel the vibe " Crystal said

" yes Honey " my grandma said.

We decided to facetime my grandmothers in order to help us pick out the perfect dress.

I was wearing a lace and lavender floral dress the top was an off shoulder lace shirt and a bottom was a beautiful white skirt with pink floral design that reached just below my ankle.

" I like it " i said spinning in font of my mirror.

" I would care about your opinion if you didn't like every single thing " Crystal remarked as I pouted and went to change to the next dress.

" no"

" nope. You look like you're about to go to a funeral of someone you hate "

" do you really have to sound that mean ? " I asked.

" can you just let me for once be a fashion police I mean will it hurt your ego ?" She rolled her eyes.

My grandma and Crystal said. I was wearing a long black chic chiffon gown that clung to my body like a second skin it had a huge slit running from the tip of the dress till my lap.

I groaned and went on to the next dress.

I wore a lacy forest green dress, with a bejeweled top and a short flowing skirt. It was really itchy.

" next ". Crystal and grandma both said at the same time.

viewing myself in the next dress almost made me gasp.

It was a two piece red lace gown with a slit just above my knee.

It was gorgeous.

" i think we just found the perfect dress "

I smiled.

But my nervousness just decide to ruin the moment and I felt panicky again.

' seems like you are beginning to forget Jace ' the words repeated in my mind while Grandma and Crystal started a conversation.

Was I really getting attached to Ashton. I brushed off the thought. Crystal could be playful sometimes. It was most probably a joke and I still liked Jace.


In any case, Jace might not want anything to do with me since I usually hang out with his brother who he doesn't get along well with.

" Earth to Avery " Crystal said snapping her fingers at my face " where were you ? "
I shook my head in response.

" We're you at your wedding with Jace again? " She smirked

" Crystaaal that happened one time please let go of it " I blushed slightly

" Don't tell me you still like that Moreno kid" my grandma said and I hid my face with a dress while they both laughed at me..

Ah family

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