chapter 19: Gala Night 2

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" no " I replied surprising myself with my cold tone.
" we're dancing if you need us" Crystal pulled me away from the group.

" are you okay " Crystal asked. We went to our seats while Ashton and his family we're in the group.

I looked at the group and locked eyes with Emilia making me turn away.

" I need fresh air " I replied and got up.

I said I would forget her and I promised myself I would cry because of her. I felt hurt. She barely remembers me.

I pulled out my phone. My dad had called twice so I called him.

" hey dad " I placed my phone on my ear.
" hey princess, how's the party ? "
He whispered

I never liked lying to my father. The guilt always made me say the truth. My dad isn't sad about her anymore. Telling him about it would be bad. I just couldn't...

" fine... Why are you whispering ?"

" your friend Jack is still hear. I'm in the closet hiding from her "

I literally laughed out loud

" there you are braddy poo. I missed you " I heard in the background.

" sounds like you're having fun. Bye dad- I mean braddy poo " I cheekily said.

I stood outside for a while staring at the blue sky. It was a beautiful night. Maybe I wanted to appreciate how beautiful the night was or maybe I was trying to stop thinking about Emilia.

" hey " Ashton came out " you wanna go back in ?'

" no really " I answered truthfully.

" let's walk "

I followed him as we made our way to walk around the huge hotel.

" can I ask you a question? But you have to promise not to be mad " I asked

' sure '

" why do you talk to your mom that way ?"

I noticed a change in his expression

" you know what forget it, you don't have to reply I shouldn't-"

" no its okay " he sighed " she's not exactly my mom "

" oh " I raised an eyebrow in question.

" forget it. I'll tell you later "

" OK "

We continued walking in silence. Enjoying the night's cool breeze until I spotted a couple practically sucking each others faces.

" I think I want to go back in now " I blushed, embarrassed while Ashton chuckled

" sure "

" are you OK " Ashton asked

" yeah "

" no I mean with the fact that your mom is here "

" I am " I lied

" you know its okay not to be okay "

" I... I know that. But I'm sick of being sad because of her. She had an option and she chose to leave and it hurts. I really wish I could say I don't care and it doesn't affect me but it does and I hate that Ashton ... I hate it " I felt moisture in my eyes.

I broke down. Ashton surprised me by hugging me.

" its going to be fine. Time heals all wounds. You'll get over it. If she isn't with you  it means she's not a part of your life but if she's meant to be part of your life, she'll come back"
He wiped my tears with his hands.

" I must have ruined my makeup " I chuckled.

" No. You still look like a goddess "

I blushed a little.

" Let's go inside" he said which sounded more like a question.

" Sure "

The party was exactly how it was loud chatter over powering the slow song that played .

'' have a seat , I'll get us some drinks " Ashton said and left.

One again my eyes caught Emilia's for a few seconds until she looked away.

" You know I was kinda surprised I seeing you here " Tori, Jace's girlfriend said.

" Uhm why is that " I asked as she sat down next to me while her two friends stood behind her

" Considering the fact that you are poor-" she gasped " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to use that word " she smiled.

I began to feel uncomfortable. Where was Ashton with those drinks.

" I mean ,you must have spent your entire savings on renting what you're wearing. Am I right " she giggled and her friends joined her.
" Or you must have borrowed it from Crystal didn't you ?" They giggled again.

I looked away and tried to focus my attention on the live band playing but they made it really hard.

" I asked you a question. Answer it "

I sucked in a deep breath and tried to prevent myself from bursting into tears or confronting her.

"  And how does that bother you " Ashton said from behind me.

" Ashton" her tone changed from a scary smile to a flirty one.

" What do you want Tracy" he said in a bored tone.

She looked a little taken aback by his tone but soon her smile came back to   her face.

" You look really good, what are you doing with her" she said in disgust.

" Don't you have better things to do? You know other than being a complete slutty hoe "

I almost gasped at his profanity but she did and must have taken offense seeing that she stomped away angrily with her friends on her tail.

" I'm sorry about that " he handed me a glass of orange juice.

" No. She's right, I don't belong here, I don't even know why I came , this night just gets worse " I sighed

" No it's not , she's only trying to bring you down " he sighed " don't let her "

I gave a tight lipped smile.

I sat through the entire party. Ashton tried to make small talks but I wasn't into it.

Mr Moreno said his speech and soon everyone started leaving. River and Crystal said their good-byes and left.

The ride home was quiet and as soon as as I went home, I managed to evade my father's questions. Apparently Jack got fraustrated looking for him and she finally gave up and went out.

As soon as I changed into my pyjamas I fell asleep. The party was tiring. I really regretted going.

I scoffed at myself. I felt like a fairy tale night but it was a disaster. I couldn't wait for it to end.

I know I haven't updated in a while. My life is messed up.
What are you thoughts on Tori?

I don't wanna rant but being a teen girl is really worse than a rollercoaster of emotions.


Being confident

School and did I mention boys??

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