chapter 27: No Tears

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" you wanna come in with me ?" I asked him

" No thanks, I'll just go for a walk" he replied stepping out of the car with me.

" Can I come with you ?"
Crystal wouldn't mind if I walked around a bit I thought.

" Sure "  he took my hand in his.

" can I ask you a personal question" Ashton asked

" Sure "

" Why does your mom- I mean Emilia treat you like this ?"

" It's a pretty long story"

" I have time" he shrugged.

" My dad wasn't very high up in the social ladder, he was alone , but then he met my mom and they fell in love I guess " I swallowed a lump in my throat.
" My mom's- Emilia's parents weren't very happy about it. They thought my dad only wanted to use her for her money or she was just going through a phase but as soon as they turned eighteen, they got married... My dad everything to please them. To gain their love. He even sacrificed his dreams for them. My grandmother agreed eventually but my grandfather was stubborn. He kicked Emilia out of his house. My parents worked hard on their own, they got a house and they had me. Well with the help of Crystal's parents"
I shut my eyes as I recalled the bittersweet memory.

" We were the perfect family until she got the crazy idea of going to seek her father's apology. Long story short, she left and never came back. My dad went through a lot, he went through college while taking care of me at the same time. He did it. In the end he was able to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor, built his hospital and still find time for me " I sniffled " he's the best and I wouldn't have it any other way " a stray tear fell from my eye.

" I'm sorry " Ashton hugged me.
" Your mother shouldn't have done that "

" It's alright you know why ?" I asked tying to change the topic.

He shook his head in response.

" Cause RIGHT NOW IM IN A STATE OF MIND, I WANNA BE IN LIKE ALL THE TIME I'VE GOT NO TEARS LEFT TO CRY! " I yelled and sang at the same time as horribly as I could earning a round of applause from Ashton which I returned with a bow

" Thank you thank you thank you "

" Chip"

" Yeah "

" I think your voice broke someone's window" he replied with a serious tone which made me laugh.

" Have anyone told you, you have five different smiles ?" He asked

" Very cheesy Ashton" I rolled my eyes.

" No. I'm serious.
The first one is when you just feel like smiling
The second one when you find something really funny
The third, when you're talking about someone you care about
The fourth when you're nervous
The fifth, the most beautiful and my personal favorite, the smile on your face when you're blushing "

I couldn't help but feel my face heat at his words. The sincererity in his gaze could make any girl swoon and I think I was too.
" There it is " he said with a wide smile

I realized how close out faces were. I could smell his minty breath and if I moved an inch, our lips would touch.

No Avery stop, you can't kiss Ashton and expect to kiss Jace again.
A small voice at the back of my head said.

I gently shoved him away.

" I should probably be at Crystal's house"

" Yeah sure " I could Sense the covered disappointment in his tone.

Aston walked me to Crystal's house and left.

" Who is it ?" Janet said through the intercom

" It's Avery " I said
The gates immediately opened following Crystal running towards me with full speed.

" GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT" she squealed after pulling me to a bone crushing hug.

" What ?" I chuckled

" River asked me to be his girlfriend"
She squealed again louder.

" Wow. Congrats "

" But there is one thing..." She said as we made our way into the huge house.

" What "

" I'm gonna have to get rid of some of my Shawn Mendez stuff "

" You think ?" I deadpanned.

And so we spent two hours, peeling off posters from Crystal's room. I had almost forgotten that the room had a purple wallpaper.
After that we decided to watch an old romantic movie, fifty first dates which made us cry.

"Hey honey " Michael, Crystal's dad said.

" Dad! You can't just barge into my room like that " Crystal yelled aiming a pillow at him but she missed him.

" I would but the door was wide open " he chuckled
She stuck a tongue at him.

" Ave, how are you "

" I'm okay Mike " I gave him a soft smile. He probably already knew what was happening at home.

" Well I'm heading over to your house to help Brad. I might not be back till midnight or tomorrow. See ya " he said and left.

" Do you Know what your dad needs help with ?" Crystal asked

" No biggie" I finished my popcorn" Emilia just appeared at home and she wants to talk to me "
I shrugged and watched as a frown rested on Crystal's face.

" You don't have boxing gloves Crys" I rolled my eyes

" I know" she smiled " now let's watch another movie, the notebook?" She asked and I nodded in response.

"I'll get more popcorn" she skipped out of her room.

I thought about my dad. What could he be talking about with her.
I felt uneasy. I tried to push the feeling away as I spent my time with Crystal.
But then I kept thinking of what happened earlier with Ashton.

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