chapter 14 : Fine

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James dropped me off at the Monero mansion.
He said he was going somewhere near there but I knew really wanted to stay away from Crystal.

I felt bad for him.

" I'm here to see Ashton"
I said to Collins, the Monero's scary looking butler.

" and who might you be?"
He asked looking very intimidating.

"A-avrey Wilson his friend"

" this way " he said and i followed him.

We stopped in front of a door and he knocked

" go away " a deep raspy voice said from the other side

" pardon me mister Ashton but your 'friend' Avery Wilson is here to see you" he said
Making me wonder if he had magically transported from the nineteenth century.

" come in " a voice i didn't recognize said.

Collins left as i opened the door.

It was a dark room with black walls , it was dimly lit so i could barely see a thing making me trip over something and fall on my butt.

" umph"

Then the light was switched on revealing a man with dark brown hair and green eyes wearing an amused smile.

" wow just wow " he said as o struggled to get up.

I could see the room more clearly now. The walls were a dark shade of blue not black, it had black carpets. Next to the door was another door which i guess is the bathroom, there was a king sized bed in the middle of the room and two more doors in front.

I would have called it classy if it wasn't for the clothes that were littered everywhere.

" so this is Avery, not bad champ not bad"
The man's voice bringing my attention to the bed where Ashton was lying.

" hey " he said with a raspy voice.

I smile in return on sat next to him on the bed.

" are you alright" I asked

" I'm fine" he replied which was a lie because he looked pale and was shivering.

" you don't look alright "

" I'm fine Chip" lie. like he looked like he was in pain

" so you already have a nickname for her nice " the man says

" get out Seb " Ashton said.

" my where did I keep my manners I'm Sebastian, this idiot's uncle. You can call me Seb" he extended his hand for me to shake and I did.

" Avery" i replied

" A beautiful name for a beautiful girl " he said making me blush slightly.

" Seb, you're being a creep "

" you're just jealous "

" you have a fever" I said placing my hand on Ashton's hot forehead.

" im fi-"

" no you're not and you need a hospital right now "

" Really Chip. I'm good. Never felt better "

" You're hot "

" Thanks for noticing " he said with a small smile

" It's clearly a family trait " Seb said

" No. I mean your temperature is high. Do you have a thermometer? " I asked. I couldn't help it being a doctor's daughter, I was acting like one.

" Are you some kind of a doctor?" Seb asked and I shook my head.
I couldn't help but notice Seb's accent was much more stronger than Ashton's.
Seb didn't look much like anyone in Jace's family so I assumed he came from Ashton's mom's side. You could see their slight resemblance.

" Here you go " Seb handed me a thermometer and I gasped when I took a good look at it.

" What is it ?" Ashton asked

" This type of thermometer goes in your... Asshole " i rushed my words.
Ashton glared at Seb while he laughed.

" Just go to a hospital ok?"

" ok " he said defeated

" damn, just like that... so you agree with her but when I was telling you to go to the hospital you ignored me..
.. Maybe if I had dimples and a sexy female body you would listen to me always" Seb said with a flirtatious smile .

" fuck you Seb" ashton said throwing a pillow at him

" Ooh kinky. I like" Seb said sent a playful wink to Ashton which only seemed to irritate him more.

" I'll get the car while you are very get his sick ass off the bed "
Seb said leaving.

" he's nice" I commented as soon as Seb left.

" come on " I said to Ashton as I lifted him up it felt uncomfortable to hold him due to his very warm body and weight.

curse my hatred for exercise.

With a little bit of struggle and effort and almost falling down the stairs twice I finally managed to bring all Ashton to the car.

I've done enough exercise for a whole year..

" let's go "


filler chapter

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