chapter 18: Gala night

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" it's Jack " jack gasped.

" uh I think you ladies should go ahead. The boys are waiting downstairs " my dad said.

" kay dad "

" princess, would you please take your... Friend with you " my dad said discreetly pointing to Jack.

" of course not Brady-pie, only Sharon will go with them , I'll stay with you " she smiled flirtatiously at my dad.

We came downstairs to meet Ashton and River seated on a couch.

" woah " Ashton said as soon as he saw me.

Ashton was wearing a black suit which looks good in him. His hair was gelled backwards but a few strands fell forward reminding me of a younger Leonardo DiCaprio like  in titanic.

" you, you look breathtaking Crystal" River managed to say.

" thank you " she smiled.

" weren't you taught to close your mouth, flies may find their way in " Jack said to Ashton snapping him out of his daze.

" you look amazing " Aston breathed out.

" now its your turn Brady-pie " Jack fluttered her lashes at my dad while his eyes widened.

" OK now you kids have to move on. You don't want to be late now " my dad eluded Jack's request

" bye dad "

" bye princess "

" Ashton if a hair on her head goes missing " my dad made a gun to the head motion and Ashton looked scared.

" Dad! " I yelled

" you really look beautiful " Ashton said when we got into his car

" thanks " I blushed a bit.

The Moreno gala was very much more fancy than I have ever imagined it to be. The event took place in one of their hotels.

After a read carpet walk, we arrived at the main hall.

The huge hall was decorated with bright gold and blue colors. Beautifully designed and lit chandeliers hung from the roof giving the room an enchanted glow.
The tables and chairs were a bright gold colour and had blue ribbons on them. People dressed in elegant and formal attires.

It was like a fairy tale.

I felt out of place.

" there's nothing to worry about."

I wasn't a bit eased with his words but I smiled at Ashton.

" Ashton. You look nice " Mrs Moreno said and I noticed Ashton's expression changed.

" and is this your date ?" She gasped in surprise.

She wore a navy blue dress with a tight fitting top and a loose skirt that falls to her ankles.

" yes " he mumbled

" Melissa, this is Avery. Avery my father's wife "

The way he called his mother surprised me but I covered it up with a smile.

" nice to meet you Mrs Moreno " I offered my hand which she lightly shoved before pulling me to a hug

" nonsense call me Melissa " she turned to Ashton " where are your manners ?. You can't bring a gorgeous girl to a party and make her stand "

I blushed as Ashton hurriedly pulled me away from her.

" I'm sorry about her "

" no its alright, she's nice "

" you want a drink ? "
I shook my head.

" come on let's sit "

" so what do you think of the Moreno gala " he said when we sat down

" its amazing " I smiled " I've nev-" I was cut off by a loud gasp

" oh my goodness " Seb gasped again " pinch me I'm dreaming " and the beautiful lady clinging to him made a move to pinch him.

" I meant that metaphorically honey " he smiled at her

" what does mataphorically mean ? " she asked
" I'll tell you later " he winked at her

" Ashton is here with a date and he's not frowning and staring at everyone like he planned their death. What the fuck happened to your resting bitch face Ashton "

" what do you want? " Ashton glared

" to see my favorite nephew "

" I'm your only nephew "

" bye Ashton Avery you look beautiful" Seb walked away with the girl while I giggled.

" wanna dance "

" I don't really know how to "

" I'll teach you. Come on " he took my hand in his.

" first you put your hands on my shoulders"
He held my waist and we slowly moved to the rhythm of the song.

" see. It isn't that hard "

" I guess."

I started at his green eyes.

" what do you want ?" Ashton's expression suddenly turned cold

" mom wants to see us " Jace said from behind me

" I'm busy " Ashton snapped.

" it wasn't a request "

Ashton glared at him. Hard.

" hey Avery. You look stunning " Jace said when I turned to face him and my face turned ruby red.

" thanks. You look nice too "

He gave me a smile and walked away.

" here he is" Mrs Moreno told some guests as soon as she spotted Ashton.

I couldn't see their faces but I could see Jace , Tori and mr Moreno.

" this is Ashton and his date Avery.... " she motioned for me and Ashton and I to come forward.

" Wilson " I said

My smile fell as soon as I saw the couple. I gulped and sucked in a deep breath

" and this is Emilia Ganes I'm sure you've seen some of her movies right? And her fiancee Robert Evans he's a song writer ''

" Hi nice to meet you " I put on a fake smile.

She was wearing a crimson dress that hugged her curves perfectly and was loose from her knees to her ankles.
Her stomach had a noticeable bump.

" nice to meet you too " her face had no sign of recognition which made me more upset with her.

She was about to say something when Crystal came.

" Ave. I've been looking all over for you "

" Crystal? " my mo... Emilia said in shock.

" Hey " Crystal said in a rude tone
Emilia turned to me and gulped.

" Avery?" She asked.

" do you know each other ?" Mrs Moreno asked surprised.

" No "

I know I haven't updated in a while but in my defense I had to think about my life all summer....


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