Chapter 32: Shameless

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I was at another party I followed Crystal this time not Jace. I hadn't seen Jace through out the day. I had to admit, being Jace's girlfriend did get me slight more popular. Okay very much more popular. From the ' hey Avery ' I got from strangers at school to the increased followers at Instagram.

Everything was perfect, well everything would have been perfect if Emilia hadn't shown up and threatened to keep me away from my father thought any means.

Her words repeated on my head even though I tried my possible best not to think of it. I just wanted her out of my life forever. I really didn't care about her or her baby.

I took another sip of orange juice which Kevin gave me specially to make sure no ' special ingredients ' were added. I was seated by the kitchen counter there were two other people in the kitchen a girl who was texting while a guy sat down deep in thought.

" Are you alright?" I couldn't help but ask the guy. He had dark hair and deep brown eyes and he was wearing all black he had an ear piercing and I could see a tattoo peaking from the collar of his shirt.

" No. I'm not alright. I wish I was. I really did? " I could smell the alcohol in his breath but I could also see that he was hurt.

" What's wrong?"

" You seem reasonable " he turned to face me properly then pulled out a chair next to him and motioned for me to sit.

" I'm listening " I said urging him to continue.

" How do you know if you like someone ?" He asked and I almost chuckled but I covered it with a cough.

" Well. I'm no expert in this but I guess... You are comfortable being yourself around them ok no... Uhm... You enjoy being with that person and spending time with them. You constantly think about them, you find yourself having the goofyest smile sometimes, caring about them and you want to see them with you in your future... But then again, the feeling of loving someone is indescribable " I said

" Love?. No I don't do love, lady I said like "
" Why is that?" I asked , slightly amused.

" Isn't love spending time, wearing matching pink sweaters, holding hands and stuff?. I know she would want that and I can't give her " He asked

" It doesn't have to be, every couple have a different relationship and they don't really have to do all that. Did she specifically ask for all that "

" no. I just assumed. How do you know if they feel the same way?"

" I guess they wouldn't try to change you, they'd make you smile and all that cheesey stuff " i said and he Chuckled.

" Do you have someone who makes you feel that way?"

" I.. " i started my mind wandered off to Ashton how he made me laugh and I involuntary smile appeared on my face which scared me.
Did i fall for Ashton? It couldn't be because I liked Jace right?

" Are you okay?" He snapped his fingers at my face.

" Yeah " I nodded but I knew I wasn't doing that to answer his question but to answer mine.

" I'm Jayden by the way " he said before taking a huge gulp of his drink.

" Avery "

We sat there for a while no one said anything for a while, we were both thinking. I, about my boyfriend's brother and he, his love interest.
The sound of the music disturbed the silence I needed to think clearly.

I went outside to get some fresh air.

I've liked Jace for as long as I could remember, Ashton just showed up out of no where, well out of Spain and he's making me feel things.

I felt like a horrible person. I was a horrible person. I was dating one brother and thinking about another. I felt like I was two timing them.

I'm a shameless bitch

" BOO " someone yelled, startling me. I hadn't realized that I had walked to the street. I remember taking a walk there with Jace.

" Why would you do that? "

" Well Chip I did call your name twice but you didn't answer " Ashton said " so tell me, what's going on in that beautiful mind "

" Nothing " I replied

" Are you sure ?"

" Yup "
We walked a little more in silence I really didn't want to be with anyone at that moment.
Especially him. So I turned and made my way back to the party

" So, you like parties now? "

" I guess so"

The silence was back and so was my thought.

" Avery, can I tell you something?"

" Sure " I replied. I didn't want to hear what he wanted to say.

" You look beautiful "

" Thanks "

" And I like you " I froze
" And not just like you I have feelings for you and I know you're in love with Jace and you two are a couple now and It hurts me but I just want you to know "

" I..I "

" I don't expect an answer Avery I just needed this out of my system. I don't expect you to want me too. I... Don't expect you to leave him. Even though I can't fucking stand him or the idea that you two are dating. Just know that if you're happy I'm happy "

" I... Don't know what to say "

" I don't expect you to say any Avery "

I stood there in shock.

" I don't feel the same way " I said, mostly trying to convince myself " I'm sorry " I felt my eyes water slightly.

" It's ok-"

" Avery " Jace cut him off as he wrapped his hands around my waist and pressed his lips to mine.
I saw the most broken look on Ashton's face before he walked away.

I stood there frozen while Jace kissed me.
" I'm sorry I didn't pick you up today things have just been crazy you know?" He asked.

" Yeah " I said while watching Ashton go into the house where the party took place.

" I think I'm gonna go home " I said

" Are you mad at me ?" He asked

" No. I'm just really tried and it's a school night "

" Are you leaving with Crystal?"

" Yeah "

" Okay, let's go find her " he put his hand around my waist and I felt a single drop of tears fall from my eye.
Why was this hurting me so much ?

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