Chapter 2: The Butterfly

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You know that feeling when our
head says no but your heart says
yes? It's wrong but it feels so
right? I wish we could be


The football game passed by with me looking at Jace while cheering once in a while when I saw other people cheering.

He is just perfect.

I didn't really get the game all I understood was that our school had the highest point. So I guess it all went well.

Crystal fell asleep at one point but James woke her up. He actually enjoyed watching the game.

But that was all yesterday. It's a Saturday today and I am doing what I usually do every Saturday; wake up late, do my chores,eat, shower, homework, internet , watch a movie with dad etc.

I was almost done solving someone's calculus homework when my phone rang. It was Crystal.

" hey " her happy voice said immediately I picked up the phone.

" yes Crystal I am doing your homework " I sighed knowing exactly why she called me

" I wasn't calling to ask you that... I trust you " she said I could almost see her smiling.

" I'm almost done in fact " I wrote down the final figures

" I'm done "

" thank you so much"

" you're welcome " I replied

" so what are you up to? " she asked

" just about to go online on Instagram " I replied

" cool. Can we video chat then phone calls are so boring see ya " she said with an over dramatic emphasis on the word 'boring' as she cut the call.

Knock on my door stopped me from picking up my book.

" come in " I said knowing exactly who it was

" hi princess " my dad smiled

" hey dad " I smiled back.

" what's up" he said and I rose a brow

" I thought it would be nice if I spoke like people your age do. Cool isn't it" he gave a boyish nod

" no it is not " I chuckled

" okay. What are you doing ?" he asked

" just finished my homework " I replied

" there's my hardworking daughter..... Anyways I got an emergency call from the hospital I won't be home till midnight so lock the doors. There's money on the fridge. Order pizza. OK? " he said and I nodded

" love you princess "

" love you too dad take care " and he left .

I smiled at my dad's antics he was playful at times but he could be serious when he needed to. If you had met him for the first time you wouldn't believe he was an emergency room doctor. I was pretty close to my dad after all it was only him and I. He was an orphan so I don't really no anyone from his side of the family. My mom was a different story but that is a story for another time.

I put away my books and went straight to my laptop clicking on the Skype icon, I immediately got a video call from Crystal

" Yo bish " she smiled

" hi what's up " I smiled back

" I'm just dying " she said with a dreamy look on her face.

" why " I rose a brow

" Shawn Mendez just posted this amazing picture of him and l swear I want to marry him. " her expression was serious which scared me.

" he'd probably think you are a creep " I joked and she glared in return .

"He might not want me now but what if I kidnapped him and he developed some sort of Stockholm syndrome " I chuckled slightly at her words.

" This is why I worry about you " I said knowing fully well that she wasn't capable of doing that.

" whose profile are you going through? " she asked with a teasing tone

" as if you didn't know " I smiled

" it wouldn't happen to be a certain Jace Moreno would it? " she put up an innocent face.

" no. Shawn Mendez " she glared at me

" I don't get it. You like him, why not just tell him? "

" it just a crush. I'll get over it " I licked my lips

" that has been your reply for the past three years " she said.

" yeah but if I tell him what should I expect ? For him to dump his girlfriend and date me? " I scrolled through my news feed on Instagram.

" no, but at least you would know you told him. If you like someone, tell them before you regret it. Maybe not for them to like you but for you to get it off your chest " she said

" Where did you get that from ?" I eyes her suspiciously

" I'm reading it off Pinterest right now" she smiled cheekily

" so have you done your homework?" I asked trying to dismiss the topic.

" yeah just about to finish my literature " she replied typing.

" so you know that guy in my history class " she asked

" yeah Crystal I know all the boys in your class " I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

" his name is Dan or was it Dave...... Anyways he told me Freddie is dating his sister now " she said

" and you are okay? I thought you'd be crying " I asked.

Freddie was her ex boyfriend. They broke up a month ago. Crystal was a strong person and she only ever broke down a few times and that says a lot since I know her since we were about three years so seeing her cry over a guy was heartbreakingly shocking. I'm surprised she was able to say his name without crying.

" that's because I'm over him. Besides he was a really bad kisser. " she laughed.
I knew she was definitely over him.

Typical Crystal.

Crystal is one of the most beautiful girls in school. She was a social butterfly. Her bright blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair made a lot of guys like her . She's part of the school's volleyball team. She is the perfect girl.
A complete opposite of me, people only know me because I was her friend, I had dull brown eyes and chestnut hair which was hard to tame. Despite all this, she never mad me feel less. She was truly a good friend.
Sometimes I wonder how she remained friends with me after a long time. I knew I never wanted to lose her.

At the beginning of high school, I was worried she and James would leave me because they became popular. But in the end she stuck by me.

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