Elemental Stranger

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Isabelle tossed on her bed. Her dreams wouldn't let her self peacefully. She jerked up from her bed, sweaty and shivering. She wiped her forehead and glanced at her clock. Almost time for school, she thought. She crawled out of bed, she stared at her hand. All the blood had dried up and it looked ugly. She quietly got into shower and scrubbed her skin. Wrapping herself in her towel, she dressed for school. She whispered to herself as her eyes trembled with tears. "Bella, it's just a cut, it will heal, don't cry one day everything will be fine, everything will be lilac. Promise."

She slowly walked down the stairs and prayed her father wouldn't be there. She peeked in the living room and saw her father asleep along with ocean of bottles of beer. Isabelle ran outside towards the bus stop.


Orleans High school was always loud and noisy. There was loud chirping of high school students. Some yelling, whispering, even maiming. Isabelle wasn't an outcast but she was not quite of a limelight shiner too. Clarissa saw Bella and ran towards her. Isabelle awkwardly smiled at her. Clarissa asked "The schools smartest girl, you actually killed it in the essay last week! Damn girl you got brains! I mean I wish I was as smart as you." Isabelle bit her lip and answered "Thanks Clary.. guess got it all from my mom." Clarissa smiled in encouragement and said "Gotta run! see you in bio." Isabelle nodded and saw Clary sprint away towards her friends.

Isabelle knew Clarissa since last year, she is a sweet and outgoing girl. Socially active, beautiful as well. She had orange hair with Carmel skin and loud blue eyes. Isabelle thought to herself 'If only I could fit in with everyone like that. I'm not bullied or anything, everyone in school seems really nice to me, they help me I help them, things are smooth in school, it's just I feel something's missing.'

Mrs Reed walked in the English class and announced "Today let's keep things simple, in order to understand the meaning of poetry let's carry out a activity." Everyone sighed in class and Isabelle internally prayed that the activity didn't include coming in front of the class and reading out loud.
Mrs Richard continued "I want all of you to write anything that you find really amazing, anything that you love. It could be a sentence, an essay or even a word. Now start."

Everyone scribbled random things of their likings in their books. Isabelle thought for several moments. Until she finally made up her mind and wrote down something. Infact just one word "Lilac." Mrs Reed walked around the class and read what most students wrote, nothing seemed to envy her until she read Isabelle's book. She asked still staring at Isabelle "Times up class now which of you would like to read out loud what you have written." Isabelle's heart thudded loudly. If it were possible her heart would break her rip cage.

Suddenly a girl raised her hand and read out her love for nature. Isabelle's tensed muscles relaxed. The bell rang and all students began walking, routing to their next class. As Isabelle packed her stuff and was about to leave Mrs Reed called out to her "Miss Bella I wish to have a word with you." Isabelle walked towards her teacher. Mrs Reed continued "Bella your imagination is wonderful why didn't you share it with the class?" Isabelle stared at the ground nervously and bit her lip while saying "I'm getting late for class I should go." Mrs Reed said "Bella participate in class activities, because just writing lilac won't give justice." Isabelle nodded and walked towards the library. Her safe Heaven.

Rosaline Craig jumped in front of Isabelle. Rosaline is schools top listed pretty girls. She is polite but very curious at times. She had short ruffled blonde hair, complimented with hazel eyes and tanned skin. She asked Isabelle "Hey Bella! You okay? What's up with your hand?" Isabelle said nervously "um.. it's nothing just accidentally you know.. uh.." Rosaline said "Take care of yourself smarty! and thanks so much for those amazing algebra notes ! I could never pass without them." Isabelle smiled and replied "No problem. Happy to help."

Rosaline and Isabelle stood alone in the hallway. Isabelle looked to her side and saw a boy in a hoody walking into the chemistry lab. Isabelle asked "Rose who is that?" Rosalines voice turned sharp but she tried her best to hide it while saying "No one knows who he is or where he is from. He comes twice or thrice every week to submit his stuff and then just disappears. We know only one thing about him yet." Isabelle asked "and what is that?" Rosaline answered "His name.. Froy."

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