Sudden Attack

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The door bell rang, Froy looked at Isabelle. She had given him the answer he was looking for. He was glad she confessed too. But somewhere in his heart, he carried the fear of losing her forever. The bell rang again. Isabelle was blushing, she had turned completely pink after the kiss. Isabelle said "I'll get the door." Froy said "No it's fine I'll do it." As Froy opened the door, to walk outside of the room. Isabelle said "Froy this doesn't mean I'm not mad at you." Froy smiled and said "I'll make your anger go away." He ran down the stairs and opened the door. He was greeted by an old friend. Froy said "Romeo? Didn't expect you to show up and ruin the perfect moment." Romeo mockingly said "Well, sorry for ruining your perfect moment but it's kinda urgent."


Romeo sat comfortably on the couch, Froy sat opposite him. Isabelle stood next to the staircase. She wasn't sure if she should go in the living room or no. Romeo said "The Hernandez found out about our hideout, last night while you were being attacked, the Hernandez came in and killed almost half of our men, Froy things here are getting down the line. All our dealings and shipments have been delayed or cancelled. Hernandez is surely using an excellent strategy to destroy us." Isabelle stepped inside the living room and said "The Hernandez?" Romeo glanced at her and said "So you know them?" Froy stood up and went next to her. He asked "What do you know about them?" Isabelle turned towards him and said "Nothing.. I heard Rafael say it the other night, he said if I didn't answer his questions then he will hurt me cause he was answerable to Hernandez." Froy looked at her encouragingly. Romeo said "You mean to say a school kid was linked to Hernandez. This means Hernandez has men all around the city." Isabelle asked "Who is Hernandez?" Froy answered "A gang that is our rival, they want to move us and be on the top of the food chain." Isabelle said "But you guys are strong right? You all won't let them win?" Froy said "No we won't...." after a pause of around five minutes Froy asked "Romeo how did you come here?" Romeo said irritatedly "I drove in my Mercedes" Froy said worriedly "They found us." Isabelle said "They followed you." Gunfire's roared from all sides of the House. Froy grabbed Isabelle and hid under the table. The house was being buried under bullets.Isabelle covered her ears as Froy pulled her protectively in his embrace. Froy yelled at Romeo who hid behind the couch "Do you have a gun?!?" Romeo pulled out a pistol and threw it at Froy. He grabbed it. The gunfires didn't slow down nor stop. Isabelle said "Is there like an army of these people out there!??!" Froy said "Hernandez sent all his men to kill me and Romeo." Isabelle held his shirt and said "Now what?" Froy touched her cheek as she sat on his lap. Froy said "Now we fight back."


Froy stood up and began shooting, he aimed outside the window. Isabelle sat under the table, holding her ears. Froy barely seemed distracted from all the loud gunfire noises. Romeo slid to the other side of the room and began shooting outside the window. The living area door busted open, around 5 men sprinted inside. Isabelle saw them and looked at Froy, he was too busy to notice the men who came in the house. Isabelle thought of yelling at Froy, but if he gets distracted then for sure he will get shot. Isabelle thought hard on what to do. She peeked outside the table and looked around the kitchen. She saw plates and glasses on the counter. An idea popped in her head and she took the matter in her own hands.

She crawled outside the table, the men slowly were walking towards the kitchen. Isabelle grabbed all the plates and stood next to the fridge. As one man came past the entrance Isabelle threw the a plate on his head. The other men walked inside, Isabelle threw plates and glasses on them. They all fell and began bleeding. One man grabbed her hand, Isabelle said "Oh I guess I'm dead for sure now." Froy came behind the man and slammed his gun on the man's head. The man fell down. Froy looked at Isabelle saying "What the hell are you doing?" Isabelle smiled and said "Helping?" Suddenly a bomb was thrown in the living room. Romeo saw this from the other end and yelled "Duck!" Froy grabbed Isabelle and jumped towards the entrance of the house. The living room exploded as the bomb went off. The explosion caused everyone ears to go deaf. The whole house was going down. Froy was covering Isabelle, dust and broken pieces covered them. Isabelle got up, her head was spinning. Froy lifted her up. They sat on the floor. Froy dusted off the dirt on her body. He held her and asked "You okay?" Isabelle nodded. Romeo yelled from the other side "Froy we need to get out of here!" Froy said "As if I haven't already noticed!" Romeo said "You got any ammunition?" Froy yelled "Their upstairs!" Romeo ran towards the stairs and disappeared in the room. The gunfires didn't stop. Froy helped Isabelle get up. Isabelle said "Froy let's get out from the back door!" Froy held her arm and they ran towards the back door, but to reach there was impossible as the bullets kept roaring in their direction. Froy grabbed Isabelle by her stomach and took cover behind a wall. They were panting. Isabelle rested her head on his chest. Isabelle said "Now What?"

From the Smoke caused because of the explosion, no one could see anything. From the living room three men entered and looked around searching for Froy. Froy spotted them and said "Izzy stay behind me." He walked in front and grabbed their guns and threw it away, he fought them, he pushed one of them, they other two took hold of Froy and slammed him on the floor. They began kicking him, Froy tried to hit them, but the fog covered his sight and they were blowing kicks in any direction. Isabelle grabbed a broom and ran and slammed it on one man's head. She repeatedly hit him. Froy grabbed the other two and hit them. After all the men were down. Froy looked at Isabelle and said "Thank you!" Suddenly two pair of arms grabbed Isabelle. She yelled. Many men grabbed Froy and dragged them outside the house.

Once they were outside the house, Froy got a clear view of many men were actually there, in the parking lot were almost five SUVs and one black Mercedes. The men held Froy and Isabelle in front of the Mercedes. The front door opened and a man wearing a suit came out. He had a scar of his left cheek, his blonde hair was neatly combed, he walked towards Froy and Isabelle. Froy grumbled angrily "Hernandez." Isabelle looked at him frightfully. She had no clue what was all this but she understood this man was not on their side. Hernandez said looking at Froy "I was expecting a tough fight Gutierrez, but just as expected your just like your father." Froys eyes went wide, he said "You dont know anything about my father.. so it's better that you don't say anything or else I'll slit your throat." Hernandez laughed and glanced at Isabelle. His eyes immediately showed confusion. He stared at Isabelle he stepped closer to her and said "Isabelle what are you doing with him?" Isabelle looked at him, she had no clue how he knew her name, first time in her life she had seen this man. She asked "How do you know my name?"

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