Little Havana

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The weather was chilly, the frosty wind blew across the whole city. With an icy blue sky, everything felt good as Froy and Isabelle drove through the outskirts of New Orleans. Isabelle had rolled down the window, she enjoyed the icy wind harshly crashing on her freckled skin. Her hair had turned dry and she loved the crisp feeling in them. She pulled her hands out of her jacket and rested them on the window. Froy blew warm air on his palms, his face had turned pale, his freckles sparkled, he looked frostbitten and beautiful. He saw Isabelle admiring the scenario passing by. He asked "Big fan of the cold Izzy?" Isabelle glanced at Froy and answered "I just like the snow and the cold hue." Froy smiled, she sure had unique preferences.

Froy couldn't help but think of the opposite of winter, he liked warmth and the sun. He missed his home, his real home in Cuba. He was born there and brought up a couple of years, blurred memories rushed in his head. Froy said "I never lived here all my life." Isabelles curiosity jumped in as she asked "What does that mean?" Froy replied "Well, I was born and brought up somewhere else before I moved here." Isabelle turned her full body towards Froy as she asked impatiently "Where were you living before??" Froy didn't answer, he was simply enjoying her curiosity. He accelerated the car and said "How about you guess?" Isabelle pouted and said "Wha... no no tell me Froy!" Froy smirked and said "Keep guessing I'll tell you when you've guessed right." Isabelle grinned at him. She knew he wasn't going to change his mind so she thought for a while of many Latin places. She placed her index finger on her chin and thought rigourously. She said "Mexico?" Froy pouted. Isabelle said "I'll take that as a no. Umm... Brazil?" Froy sighed. Isabelle continued "Spain?" Froy blurted "No." Isabelle narrowed her eyes at him. She said "Argentina?!" Froy nodded no. Isabelle groaned in frustration and said "Just Say it!" Froy said "The deal was you guess I'll tell if your right or not." Isabelle said "What are you from another planet? An extra terrestrial being!" Froy giggled. Isabelle said "What about Havana?" Froy widened his eyes. He looked at Izzy and signaled a thumbs up. Isabelle smiled. Froy said with happiness in his valour "I was born in Havana, a place of culture and peace. Our family lived there for a while until my dad felt New Orleans had more charisma to his business, so we moved here." Isabelle said "You remember your childhood in Havana?" Froy grinned at her and said "Of course I do! The whole lifestyle had its own magic honestly... the festivals, the music, everything." Isabelle put her hand on his shoulder "Your lucky to have a place to call Home." There was awful sadness in her voice. Froy looked at her with concerned eyes. He said "Izzy is something bothering you?" Isabelle glanced down and fixed her gaze on her lap. Froy kept his hand on hers and said "Havana is not my home." Isabelle looked at him with confusion flustered on her face as she asked "Then where is your home?" Froy looked at her and said "You are." Isabelle blushed, Froy knew the how to make her heart beat at lightning speed. She rested her head on the seat and closed her eyes. Froy knew what he said made her feel better but she would never express it. She surely was good at hiding emotions, but something was surely bothering her and Froy was eager to know it. But he wouldn't force her, he wanted her to take her time to open up. He watched her as she fell asleep. He admired every flaw of hers no matter what.


"I'm sorry ma'am they left this morning." The receptionist answered Rosaline. Rosaline walked in the motels parking lot, she spotted Clary waiting by the car. Rosaline said "Clary they left this morning." Clarrisa grinned. She was getting tried of looking for Froy and Isabelle. Clary said "Why cant they just hide in one place damn it." Rosaline rolled her eyes and said "Froy and Isabelle are not stupid, they know that staying in one place is too risky besides the lady on the desk said that the two other men left separately." Clary said "This means Romeo is not with Froy, they are separate, now what does that mean?" Rosaline sighed and said "I honestly have no clue what they are planing but its important that we find Isabelle ,she needs to know about her mother."
Clary said "So where do we start looking?" Rosaline smirked and said "I know someone who can tell us where to look." They both said in sync "Bart."

The Line rung a couple of times until finally Bart answered. Rosaline asked "Do you know about any safe house where Froy could take refuge?" Bart thought for a while and answered "As a matter of fact I do." Rosalines heart pumped faster as Bart spoke "There is his house somewhere out of new Orleans basically in the outskirts. Its his family mansion but I don't have an exact location." Rosaline said "That's more than enough, thanks Bart." Rosaline hung up and looked at clary. She knew this was going to be a rough search. She said "Clary we need to get to the outskirts of new Orleans, Froy is hiding there." Clary nodded and sat in car, the first thing she was going to do is get some survival kits, simply known as guns.


Froy hit the brakes and Isabelle jerked forward. She got up from her beauty sleep and gazed at her surroundings. Froy croaked "We are here." Isabelle was struck, her eyes were wide open. This place surely looked like heaven. She got out of the car and admiried the beauty of the mansion on front of her. She blurted out still staring at the heavenly house "Its beautiful." Froy locked the car and replied "Thank you." Isabelle said "I cant believe this, you call this a house its a bloody palace! Oh my God its so amazing. I've never seen such a big and pretty House in my life heck I've never even dreamt about it." Fory hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear "Calm down... lets get inside I don't want you freezing."

Froy pushed the huge ceramic doors open. Isabelle stepped inside, the living room was as big as a garden. Huge and sculptured. Froy helped her get her coat off and held her hand. He said "This is the living room." Isabelle nodded and they walked towards the huge couches, she traced her fingers of the delicate golden fabric of the couches. Froy pointed at a door on the right and said "That's the study which was used by my father." He held her by the waist and walked her towards a passage on the left. Froy said "this leads to the kitchen." They entered the kitchen. Isabelle screeched, the kitchen was huge, with large amount of counter space and beautiful decor, the dishes were lavishly kept and everything was organised. She touched the glasses kept on the side counter, she blew on it and tiny rims of dust splattered. She looked at Froy who said "What? I don't live here! Its obvious its going to be dirty." Isabelle said "I wouldn't mind working here as a maid." Fory blushed as he said "I was thinking maybe you could be the owner." Isabelle looked at Froy and stammered "W..what mean?" Froy regretted what he said, he replied "uh nothing."
He held her hand and led her towards the stairs as they climbed Isabelle looked on the sidewalls and saw pictures of a beautiful family. She stopped and pointed at a frame with a beautiful woman who carried a little child in her arms and said "Your mother is so beautiful." Froy replied "So surely was." Isabelle then pointed at a frame of a happy blonde child. She asked "Whose that?" Froy scratched his head and said "Me." Isabelle giggled and said "Look at you! All happy and goofy." Froy said "Excuse me I'm offended here." Isabelle kept her hands around his shoulders and said "So the bad boy doesn't like being called happy." Froy smiled and said "The bad boy doesn't like it when Izzy makes fun of him." Isabelle smiled and said "I wasn't making fun of you I mean your so cute here.." Froy gripped her waist and said "Well am I not now." Isabelle answered "No." Froy looked at her narrowing his eyes. Isabelle said "what I mean is your way hotter now. Happy?" Froy said "Ill pass."

He opened the door to a dark room. Isabelle held his hand firmly, she didn't like the dark .Froy felt Isabelle hand gripping his tightly. He told her "Wait here alright." He walked towards the windows, he pulled the majestic curtains, the hallow winter sunlight dimmed the room. Isabelle saw the bedroom it was so pleasing to the eye, it was simple but still felt so cozy. She sat on the bed and looked at Froy who stood next to the fireplace with his arms crossed and admiring her. Isabelle asked "What's wrong?" Froy walked towards her and said "Nothing." He sat next to her and kissed her forehead. He asked "I hope you liked my house?" Isabelle replied happily "Liked? I loved it! Its like a fairytale you know, coming to a palace and all." Froy chucked at her excitement. Isabelle said "Froy in the frames I saw your mom dad you and a little girl." Froy stared at the ground, hurt consuming his eyes. He said "That's Emerade my sister, she also died in the accident." Isabelle said "I'm so sorry." Froy said "its alright." She hugged him. As beautiful this house looked it had some of the darkest secrets buried in it.

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