Silent Feelings

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Isabelle looked at him startled. She was whirling with emotions, feelings of happiness joy exploding in her. She looked into Froys eyes. She wanted to Say it back. She wanted him to know that she felt the same. Her heart had stopped beating. She looked at him, she felt her whole world lighten. She was searching this feeling for her whole life. She was in the dark, her heart was blue and her pain was red. But now she found him and he was her lilac. She said slowly "My lilac sky." Froy looked at her wondering what that meant. Before she could tell him she loves him. Mathew came in and said "Froy congrats. And yeah I'm heading out with Romeo... I'm sorry about your father." Froy said "We will talk about this later." He held Isabelle's waist and lead her towards his car. Isabelle didn't say anything, she surely loved him and she was ready to admit it but Froy wasn't himself right now, after Matthew said sorry about his father, his behaviour changed.


Isabelle sat on the couch staring at the walls. Froy was in his room making some urgent calls. Isabelle heard the creaking off stairs. Froy passed the living room and he said "Izzy, stay home I'm heading out I'll be late so don't wait for me, go to sleep." Before he could leave. Isabelle plainly said "Froy... can I ask you something?" Froy came inside the living room and sat next to her. He said "Ask me anything you want." Isabelle looked at him and turned her body and sat in a position facing him. She looked at her fingers, Froy put his hand on hers. He said "Izzy is something wrong?" Isabelle asked without looking at him "About your father.." Froy immediately felt uncomfortable and shifted his body. Isabelle noticed this. She said "No it's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Froy didn't expect her to say this, he thought she would force him to talk to her. He sighed and shifted his gaze to her. He said "My father was a good man, he was a businessman pure of deed and work. My mother was so pure and beautiful just like you Izzy, we were the richest Spanish Business firm. Everything was perfect, until one day when they died in a car crash." Tears rolled down his cheek. He sniffled his nose. Isabelle went close to him, she put a hand on his shoulders. Froy looked at her, his blue eyes blinked glossy tears. He rubbed his palms together and said "All my life I thought it was a cruel accident that took my parents away, that made me this man. My beautiful family was snatched away from me. This made me the worst demon of my life." He wept harder. Isabelle put both her hands on his face. She said "Froy your not a demon, your an angel who is chained to hell, but I promise you, I'll do whatever I can to fix your beautiful heart." Froy smiled at her, she just knew how to make him feel better. She pulled Froy in for a hug. He rested his head on her chest. Isabelle held his body, he was strong but his past was eating him everyday. Froy felt so light in her arms, she was holding him when he was at his worst. They pulled away after a while. Isabelle kissed his cheek and said "Don't blame yourself for all this." Froy stood up and said "But today I found out that my parents didn't die in an accident but they were murdered." Isabelle grasped "Do you know who did this?" Froy angrily answered "No.. but once I find out they won't live." Isabelle stood up, she was short, she reached Froys shoulders. She stepped on her tip toes and said "Till then maybe you could not be so angry, see angry makes you look really hot but I like caring Froy more." Froy blushed and said "Izzy thank you ... for coming in my life." Isabelle smiled. Froy bent and kissed her forehead and turned to leave. But his heart didn't want to. He wanted to stay with Isabelle. He stopped and looked at Isabelle. He said "I was wondering why don't we out somewhere?" Isabelle face lightened up. She said "Good idea."


"I would choose chocolate over anything." Isabelle said as she licked her ice cream. Froy and she came to a park. It was around 9 pm in the night, the moon shone brightly. Froy stared at her with a grin. Isabelle barely noticed. She continued licking her ice cream. It had been ages since she actually had something sweet. Froy giggled. Isabelle spoke with her mouthful "Do you want some ?" Froy said Still giggling "No no it's alright you seem to crave it more than me." Isabelle smiled, her mouth was dripping with chocolate. Froy smiled and put his thumb on her lips, he took some of the chocolate and licked his thumb. He said "It's surely tasty." Isabelle blushed. She knew she had to get the topic out. She had to tell Froy that she felt the same. She felt butterflies rise in her stomach. She said "Froy about what you said... I.." Froy cut her off by saying "Izzy I don't want to force you into anything, if you think your ready you can tell me and if ... you feel that it doesn't work out then tell me. Cause whatever I said I meant it." Isabelle said "No Froy that's not what I want to say. I need to say that I..." she was cut off by a little girl running towards them. She came next to Isabelle and Froy. She saw them sitting on the bench. She crossed her little arms, she had blonde hair and rosy lips. She looked suspiciously at Froy with her green eyes. Froy looked at her and asked sweetly "Hey.. what's wrong?" The girl said "Were you kissing this girl next to you?" Isabelle and Froys eyes went wide. They both felt a rush of anxiety, their cheeks turned red. Froy muttered " why do you think so?" The little girl said "I just thought so, but big boy you can't kiss girls like that in the public, my mom says it's not good manners, so if you want to kiss her, then do it at home okay." Froy nodded not knowing what else to do. The little girl looked at Isabelle and said "I want to be as pretty as you when I grow up." Isabelle said "You will be the most prettiest girl but don't forget to be beautiful in there." Isabelle pointed at the little girls chest. She happily ran towards the park play area. Froy couldn't help but fall in love with her more.

Froy stood up and said " I'm going to get more ice cream for you." Isabelle smiled widely as she saw Froy walk towards the ice cream stall. She looked around the park, she loved places like these. She wanted to tell Froy how she felt but she isn't getting an opportunity. Something or the other interrupts her. She got lost in her thoughts, she heard someone sit next to her. She looked at the person and her face went pale. The person sitting next to her said "Hello Bella." Isabelle was frightened seeing that face again. She whispered with tears in her eyes "Dad."

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