Dark Secrets

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Froy entered his house, his body ached with pain. All the fighting and chaos had him tired. He knew Isabelle might be deep asleep, the only body part of his that was hurt was his knuckles. He had punched many guys today and he didn't regret it. He sat on the dinner table. His stomach was grumbling, he frowned  "Great! I'm hungry and I don't know how to cook.. and it's 2 am which means I won't get any takeaway." Isabelle stepped inside the kitchen and switched on the lights. She looked at Froy and said "You don't have to." She walked towards the fridge and pulled out a plate, she heated it and placed it in front of Froy. Froy asked her "You cooked for me?" Isabelle said "Yeah... I did. I thought you'd be tired so I just you know was looking out for you." Froy smiled at Isabelle and her heart did a back flip. His smile just made Isabelle's day, she loved how his cheeks would lift up and cause his eyes to pop. Froy grabbed the spoon and barged in his steak. He said with his mouthful "This feels like heaven." Isabelle chuckled. She noticed the red soreness on his knuckles. She kept a hand on his knuckles and asked "Does it hurt?" Her care for Froy made his heart ache. He couldn't let her know it was hurting, he pulled his hand away from hers, he plainly said "This Steaks delicious." Isabelle sat next to him and said "So it does hurt." She took his hand in hers and looked at the wounds. She said poetically "If you share your pain, the deepest scars fade , Your heart won't be blue and you will let the misery through. I've read this in my moms journal, always makes me feel like.. there still might be good people left in this world." Froy looked straight in her eyes and said "You say that because you haven't seen the world." Isabelle bit her lower lip. She knew he was right but she didn't have any options.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Isabelle asked. Froy scratched the back of his head which caused his copper hair to gently bounce. He said "I can't sleep." Isabelle walked inside the living room and switched on the Tv. She sat on the couch. Froy asked her "What are you doing?" Isabelle asked "I'm watching Tv. Do you want to join?" Froy smirked and went and sat next to her. Their legs were slightly touching. But to Isabelle's amazement she didn't feel awkward, infact it felt comfortable.

After a few hours of watching action movies. Isabelle drifted to sleep. She kept her head on Froys shoulder. Froy noticed this and tried to move away. But Isabelle was too sleepy to even manage herself. She dipped onto his chest. He put his hand under her waist and held her, He was cradling her like a baby. She slowly put her hand on his torso. Froy smiled at her. He prayed Isabelle wouldn't wake up. He just wanted to stare at her beautiful face, she looked more beautiful up close. He saw the slight veins on her skin. Her pink lips chap from the cold. He stared at her all night and didn't stop admiring her even for a minute. His blue heart was finding its lilac sky.


Rafael sat in front of the Head of Hernandez. Rafael shakily said "Our intel says it was Romeo and Froy who stopped the shipment." The Head said "What are you planning to do about it?" Rafael gulped nervously. He stammered but couldn't say anything. The Head seemed irritated. The Head said in cold voice that sent shivers under Rafaels spine "Do you know why I have personal hatred for Froy?" Rafael confusedly said "No sir I.. I don't." The Head said "Froys father and I have a long history. A women named Idina was in love with Froys Father, but he was already married so he rejected beautiful Idina. Idina herself was married and had a little girl. But that didn't stop her love. On rejection in anger Idina asked me to kill him." Rafaels eyes went wide. The Head continued " And I killed Froys Parents and portrayed it as a car accident. But when Idina found out about his death she went insane and killed herself." Rafael asked "Does Froy know all this?" The Head laughed and said "No he doesn't, but Romeo does and he is hiding it. I'm planing to turn them against each other." Rafael inquired "How?" The Head said "I want you to prepare the men by the end of this week we will attack the Syndicate. Catch Froy and bring him to me. Alive."


"Maldiciõn Froy I won't baby sit anyone!" Isabelle heard the shouts coming from Froys bedroom. She was still on the couch. She got up and felt a fabric on her. She saw it an blushed, it was Froys black hoodie. She got up and walked towards the bedroom. As Froy and Matthew saw her they both stopped arguing. Isabelle said "Please don't argue." Froy said "We're sorry, we woke you up." Isabelle said "It's okay." Isabelle felt Mathews eyes on her. Discomfort arose in her. She pulled Froys hoodie closer to her body. Froy asked "Izzy your not cold right?" Isabelle said "No..no actually I wanted to ask if i can go to school, I've missed already too many days and.." Matthew said "Don't worry Beautiful, you can go to school." Froy eyed him angrily, he felt his heartburn at the nickname Matt called Izzy. Froy said angrily "Go to Izzys house and get her books. Do you understand?" Mattew nodded out of sheer fear and walked outside the room.

Froy looked at Izzy she looked so cute with her messy hair and puffy eyes. Froy asked "Did you have a goodnight sleep?" Froy crossed his arms. Isabelle couldn't help but notice his muscular arms peaking outside his T-shirt. Isabelle replied "I was comfortable." They both smiled at each other. Froy said "Okay get ready now, we don't want to be late for school." Isabelle raised her eyesbrows in confusion. She asked "Your coming with me?" Froy replied "Of course, I won't leave you in that hellhole alone."

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