Hurting Inside

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Isabelle never wanted to see that face again but unfortunately he stood right there, he was her father but he was nothing but a demon to her. Isabelle quickly got up from the bench. She looked at him straight in the eye saying "Stay Away From Me." Her father laughed. He said "I've been looking for you, I thought you ran away but then I thought you weren't even capable of feeding yourself." Isabelle shivered but she had to stay strong this time. She said "I was never afraid of you, you may be my father but what you did to me! someone wont even hurt their enemy like that." Her father said angrily "Lower your voice don't forget who you are talking to." Isabelle clenched her fists tight, anger rose in her, her nails peirced her own skin. She said "Your not my father, if you were you'd at least care about me, all you ever did was blame me, hurt me or beat me up." Her father groaned "You sound just like your pathetic mother, you know when she killed herself I was the happiest cause she was cheating on me anyway." Isabelle froze. She processed what her father just said. She said "Don't talk about my mother like that." Her father laughed and said "I should've told you earlier your mother was a bitch! She was in love with some Spanish guy but he rejected her and in depression she killed herself! She left you...Bella all alone! She didn't care that you were a child." Isabelle said loudly "Shut up your lying!" Her father said "Its time to go home now Bella."

Isabelle's father grabbed ber wrist and was about pull her when another hand firmly gripped his hand. Isabelle and her father both looked up to see who the hand belonged to. Isabelle looked up and saw Froy. Her father yelled at him "Who the hell are you?" Froy said angrily "Leave her hand." Froy was losing his temper. Froys eyes had gone dark and his face was still like a emotionless predator. Isabelle's father said "Ohh.. so he is the boy who pays who to do it." Froy narrowed his eyes and said "Don't make me repeat." Her father said "Or What eh kiddo??" Froy said "You don't listen much." Froy grabbed his wrist and twisted it. They heard a twitch like a bone breaking. Her father pulled his hand away and yelled in pain "You broke my hand asshole!" Froy stood in between Isabelle and her father. Isabelle held Froys hand. He looked at her and asked softly "Who is he?" Isabelle replied "My father." Froys eyes face went red with anger. He clenched his fists. He said "I've been waiting to do this." He blew a punch across Isabelle's father's face. Froy said "If you touch her.. i swear ill kill you." He punched his stomach, Isabelle's father yelped in pain and fell on the ground. Froy walked next to him and said "I saw a bruise on Isabelle's body...right on her rip cage, I understood she was kicked so painfully. So this one is for that." He kicked his ripcage. Isabelle's father yelled in pain he couldn't even fight back he was too drunk to even walk properly. Froy held his collar and was about to punch him when Isabelle stopped him. She said "Froy stop! I know he deserves it but please lets just go home." Froy pushed Isabelle's father on the ground and turned around and slipped his hand Isabelle's waist and began walking away. Isabelle said "I cant believe you did that." Froy was still angry. He said "Trust me once I get you home, ill hunt him down and kill him." Isabelle said "No... don't do it. He is a bad person but he has his reasons. My mother made him this person." Froy said "Your mother?" Isabelle said shamefully "She committed suicide when I ten, at first thought it was because of my father but..." Froy said "But?" Isabelle said "She was cheating on him and when that other guy rejected her she committed suicide." Froy hugged her. He kept a hand on her head. Isabelle shut her eyes as his body warmth relaxed her. Froy said "I know what it feels like, finding out the truth. I promise you that your not alone. Ill always be there to protect you, to fight for you." Isabelle said "I hope everything will he fine someday." Froy said "I promise you Izzy that one day it will all be fine." Isabelle said "Froy I want things to be fine when we are together." They pulled away from the hug and Froy kissed the tip of her nose. Froy wanted to ask her that did she love him back but the situation she was in Froy didn't want to pressurise her. He was ready to wait, she could take all the time. Froy wanted her but he would never force her. Isabelle meant the world to him now, he wont ever hurt her.


Romeo said "Matthew this Isabelle is distracting Froy." Matthew asked "Why do you think so?" Romeo pushed the table kept in the warehouse. He yelled "Froy isn't himself, his work is the same but he is distracted and I don't want this distraction to get him killed." Matthew crossed his arms and asked "So what are you suggesting we do?" Romeo said "I want Isabelle and Froy to have distance." Matthew said "Distance how do you expect that to happen?" Romeo pointed at him and said "You Matt, you try to convince Isabelle that she loves you and not Froy." Matthew laughed and said "I was hoping you would say something like that." Romeos phone rang he answered it. After talking for a while he disconnected it. Romeo said "The drug dealer that Froy killed his brother is coming after him." Matthew suddenly felt confused. He asked "Where is he coming to kill Froy?" Romeo said "At his house."


Froy picked up some cushions and placed them on the couch. He yelled "Izzy! Have you seen my gun?" Isabelle came from the bedroom and answered "No. where did you leave it?" From the corner of his eye he saw someone move. He walked to the window and looked around everywhere. He said "Someone's here. Go inside." Isabelle said defensively "No one is here Froy." Froy said "I know someone is here okay... just go in our room and wait for me." Isabelle said "Your just getting paranoid." Froy looked her, the situation was already intense and she was arguing, she needed to stay safe. So Froy yelled at her "I SAID GO IN THE ROOM, Izzy don't make me
Repeat." Isabelle was terrified, he never yelled at her, he was never angry at her. Isabelle stepped back and went inside the room. Froy clenched his fists and began walking around the house. He looked for his intruder. He was sure someone was trying to bust into the house. Froy opened the door and stepped outside in the yard scanning his surroundings. Isabelle peeped out of the bedroom window. She looked around the yard. She saw someone standing in front of her window staring right at her. He pulled out a huge gun and aimed it towards Isabelle's window. Isabelle stared at him, he looked at Isabelle and pointed the gun towards her. Within a matter of seconds, he pulled the trigger and gun fires roared. Froy heard the gunfire's and knew it was towards his bedroom side. He lost control and ran towards the direction of gunfire.

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