Helping Hand

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"Have a good weekend!!" Clarissa yelled from the parking lot. Isabelle smiled and replied "You too clary!" Saying this Isabelle walked towards the bus stop. She was trying to recall the weekends homework when her thoughts struck to the hooded figure she and Rosaline saw in school. She was curious but didn't bother much and took the bus, she reached home still hoping she wouldn't encounter her father and her prayers had been answered, he wasn't home. Isabelle took a shower, dressed her wound on her palm, she dressed up for her weekend shift tonight at the Downtown cafe.


The door bell rang and Isabelle opened the door. She greeted her visitor by saying "Hey Rafael!" Rafael stood in front of her and replied "Hey Bella! Here Rosaline gave me these books to give it back to you. She said a very enthusiastic thanks too'" Isabelle laughed and said "sure not a problem at all." Rafael was Rosalines older brother, with almost the same fetaures as Rosaline, he shared the same hazel eyes only a darker shade of blonde hair.Isabelle found him intimitading, actually all girls did, he was the hottest boy in school. He gave his charming smile at her while saying "Well, I guess I should leave.. hey your heading out somewhere? Isabelle replied "Ya actually I was leaving for work." Rafael generously replied "I could give you a lift?" Isabelle said "No really I'll go by myself... won't be an issue." but Rafael insisted and Isabelle replied "Your sure right?" Rafael sighed and replied "Of course Bella! Gosh it's not like I'm going to kidnap you... I mean it's not like I wouldn't like too." Isabelle blushed, her cheeks and nose turned into a shade of pink. She wasn't use to being around flirty boys. She awkwardly said "Oh.. um.. so let's leave I guess."

Saying this they both got in the car and headed in downtowns direction. Rafael saw how uncomfortable Bella was. He asked "Uh Bella your fine right?" Bella replied "Oh yeah.. I'm fine it's just I'm not used to you know sitting in cars with someone alone." Rafael smiled and said "Well there is always a thrill in everything Love." Isabelle eyes went wide and her heart stopped beating. She couldn't believe he actually called her Love, like the hell she never even spoke to a lot of guys. She said to herself 'Knock out of it you idiot! He is just flirting with you.' Rafael stopped the car and turned towards Isabelle and said "And we have arrived your destination.. reach home safely." Isabelle got out of the black ford and replied "Thanks Rafael.. for the lift." Rafael smirked and replied "Well anything for a beautiful women." Saying this he speeded off. Isabelle stood outside the cafe frozen for a few minutes. The whole thought of a extremely hot guy flirting with her wasn't really adding up in her harsh reality.

She snapped out of it and walked inside the cafe for another usual weekend which meant a lot of work. Isabelle worked till around late 10. The owner of the cafe Mrs Martin said "Bella I'm heading out for today.. just shut this place by 10:30 alright?" Mrs Martin was a gem of a person always caring for Isabelle and the staff, she was kind as well. Isabelle replied while mopping the floor "I'll do it Mrs M!" Mrs Martin replied "Thanks Bella your an angel." Isabelle smiled and continued with her work. She went inside the kitchen to clean up the left dishes when she heard the main cafe door bust open.

Isabelle said "Sorry but we are closing..." but there wasn't a customer. Isabelle's body went numb as a tall, ugly man stood in front of her pointing a gun right at her. He was a couple of inches away. Isabelle didn't know who he was. But the look in his eyes terrified her. She just stood there afraid of moving a muscle. The man was about to pull the trigger when another person stood up who was laying on the floor and pushed the other man down.

Isabelle failed to notice the man on the floor. He moved quickly and He was beautiful, Isabelle stared at him. His left eye was bruised and his lip was bleeding. Isabelle realised he wasn't a man but infact the same age as hers. The boy tackled the huge man. The ugly man took a knife and stabbed the boy in his arm. Isabelle squealed "Stop it!" She took a vase from a table and slammed it on the ugly man's head. The ugly man fell unconscious. The boy was bleeding, he took support of a nearby table and sat upright. Isabelle sat next to him and touched his arm. She said "Your really bleeding badly! The longer the knife stays in there the more you bleed." The boy replied "Pull it out." Isabelle was astonished at his words she asked "What?" The boy repeated "Pull it out!" Isabelle nodded and touched the knife. The boy winced in pain. He grabbed Isabelle's palm and pressed it. She pulled the knife quickly. She threw it to the side and studied his features he was of medium height, his chestnut brown hair were messed up and his shiny blue eyes stared right into Isabelle's brown eyes, she noticed his freckles that sprung around his nose. She was in awe of this angel. The boy stared back at her, he admired her features as well, he felt she was godly so beautiful and pure.

Isabelle snapped out of her thoughts and said "I'll get the anti septic! Wait here!" She ran inside the the kitchen to find the first aid kit. She barged through the kitchen counters and drawers. As soon as she found the kit. She ran outside but was meet with silence. The ugly man and the mysterious boy who saved her life had disappeared. Isabelle saw the ugly man limping across the street but the mystery boy was no where to be seen.

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