New Enemies

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As Isabelle and Froy stepped inside the school all eyes were on them. The school kids were scanning them from head to toe. Isabelle was never use to this kind of attention. She started shivering as she walked through the hallways. Froy didn't leave her side,he walked next to her. He noticed her discomfort and slowly took her next to a locker. He took her shaking hands in his and intervened his fingers with hers. Isabelle nervously glanced at the ground. "Izzy I'm here... I won't let anyone come close to you. I promise." Isabelle softly spoke "They keep looking at me." Froy tightened his grip on her fingers and said "People look at beautiful things Izzy and you are one of them." Isabelle looked in his eyes. They both stared at each other. Until Isabelle realised it was getting late for class. She said "Uh..we need to get to class"


Clarissa sat on the table behind. She spoke to her friend Cher. Clarissa said "I can't believe Froy is actually roaming with Bella. Damn Bella is a nutcase. She's never even dated I mean she hasn't even done it and look at Froy he's like a damn angel." Cher replied "I know right.. don't you think we need to teach Bella a lesson." Clarissa devilishly smiled saying "Yes, the whole school learns from Bella, today we will teach her a lesson."

They stared at Isabelle and Froy in the chemistry lecture. They both sat next to each other. Mr Christian came next to Bella and asked "About the sulphate solution did you find the equation?" Isabelle digged into her bag and removed some sheets of paper. She held them out to Mr Christian and said "I found the chemical equation, the number of protons and neutrons were very tricky but I managed." Froy looked at Izzy impressively. Mr Christian said "I'm glad we have some one as smart as you in class or I'm sure I'd lose my job." Isabelle smiled and continued her work. Froy smiled and kept staring at her. Isabelle noticed and cautiously asked "Is there something on my face?" Froy said "No.. no Izzy your really smart." Izzy licked her bottom lip and asked "Why do you think so?" Froy said "Isn't that obvious, you read excessive amount of books, you do math easily and learn chemistry like it's the simplest thing in the world" Isabelle blushed and said "Thank you Froy." Froy asked "For what?" Isabelle replied "For everything... for helping me... for making me feel good about myself." Froy leaned in closer and whispered in her ear "Don't thank me... I don't deserve it." Isabelle didn't understand what he said. That's when the bell buzzed. Isabelle saw her schedule and said " I have a free period." Froy said "I have an appointment with the guidance councilor which I won't go to." Isabelle said "Froy you should go.. it will be good.." Froy said "I can't leave you alone." Froy wouldn't let Isabelle roam in this horrid school by herself. Isabelle said "I'll... um.. wait for you in the lacrosse field? Once your done meet me there." Froy said "No I'm not going, I'll be with you." Isabelle smiled and tried to convince him. Froy rolled his eyes and said "Okay okay I'm going. Stay safe Izzy." Isabelle nodded and walked towards the lacrosse fields. She could feel all eyes on her, whispers from everywhere surrounded her. She didn't like being seen so much, being noticed wasn't her thing. Suddenly she regretted sending Froy away. She longed to hold his hand. With all gazes on her Isabelle whispered to herself "Froy is gone for a few minutes he will be back will be fine."
She sat on the stands in the lacrosse field. Reading her favourite book. 'Looking or Alaska'

Her book was pulled away and thrown. She looked up and saw Clarissa and her friends cruely staring at her. Isabelle stood up and said "What's wrong?.. why did you throw my book away?" They didn't answer her, all just rolled their eyes. Isabelle went to pick her book up but a guy named Ben stopped her by standing right in front of her. Isabelle said "Ben? What's wrong?" Clarissa irritably said "Stop acting so good and nice! We all know what your trying to do!" Isabelle asked "What are you talking about?" They all surrounded Isabelle. Cher said "We know you have done it with Froy." Isabelle stared at them in disbelief. She muttered "Wha..what? Who said all this?" Clarissa said angrily "No one has to say! We just figured it out!" Ben stepped closer to Isabelle and whispered "If you could give it to him and then maybe you could do the same for me." Isabelle's head was spinning she didn't know what to do. She barely had any option left. She was about to run but as she turned she bumped into someone. She looked at the person and said "Rafael." Rafael asked "Clary what's going on here?" Clarissa said "Well we were actually having a talk with Bella." Rafael asked "A talk huh.. about what?" Clarissa laughed and said "About her recent lost virginity!" They all laughed in sync. Isabelle said "That's a lie! Froy isn't that type of a guy." Rafael said "But I am."

Isabelle looked into Rafaels eyes and saw lust. She was afraid of seeing that, she needed to get away from them. All these misunderstandings could lead to something very bad. Ben looked at her, moving his eyes up and down her body.

A punch was blown in Bens face. Isabelle looked up and her breathing calmed, her body relaxed. She was delighted to see Froy standing next to her. He came next to Isabelle and asked "Did they hurt you?" His voice was emotionless, his words sent chills down everyone's spines. Isabelle said "No." No one dared to speak a word. He put his hand on Isabelle's waist and carried her bag on his shoulder. He stopped next to Rafael and said "I swear, if you do anything to her, you won't be capable of making babies." He walked away with Isabelle by his side.

They walked into the parking lot. Froy opened the car door for her. Izzy said "Everyone thinks I'm sleeping with you." Froy was puzzled. Isabelle closed her eyes and continued "Froy I'm a freak at school, because of me these people will call you a loser too. I think you should just leave me, forget everything about me." She forced her tears to stop. She heart broke as she said all that, the truth was she had developed feelings for Froy but it was for his own good to stay away from her. Froy said "Leave you? Izzy it's impossible to think that! I'm here with you cause I want to be. I don't care what those idiots think all I care is about you and your happiness. And no will pull me away from you." Isabelle opened her eyes and stared into his blue ones. Froy said "Izzy.. I choose to be with you."

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