Angry Lover

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Froy drove with lightning speed to Rosalines house. All His thoughts were clouded, all he could think was  of Izzy's safety. He knew for sure he was going to crush Rafeals skull. He reached the house and busted inside. He saw half of the school partying there, His heart was racing, he knew what Rafael planned to do to Isabelle. Though she was innocent but still she is bearing all this nonsense. At thought of losing her innocence Froy was himself shaking. Even the thought of something happening to Isabelle made him hopelessly angry. The loud music busting in the house was frustrated him. He spotted the music system and kicked the whole set. The music went off and the whole system broke into two. He yelled looking at the crowd "Where is Isabelle??!!" No one replied. They all stood in silence. Froy was losing his patience, he clenched his fists and looked at the crowd. All of the kids backed away from him, they were afraid of the look in his eyes. They were frightened to see Froy. He looked at everyone searching for her. Until he heard a scream from upstairs.

Isabelle was yelling as Rafeal covered her mouth. She was crying bitterly. She was fighting a battle she knew she wouldn't win. She moved her arms and legs aimlessly. She wasn't going to give up it wasn't in her nature. Rafeal said horridly "The lesser you fight back the more less painful it will be." She closed her eyes not wanting see what was coming for her. In matter of seconds she felt Rafaels weight off her. She opened her eyes and saw him, her aching heart immediately found peace when she saw Froy. She wiped her tears. Froy dragged Rafael off her and smashed his body on the floor, he was mercilessly beating him, he banged him on the wall. Rafael said sarcasticly "So here the hero comes and saves his whore." Froy roared with anger, he began punching his face multiple times, Rafael tried to fight back. But Froy was unbeatable right now, his anger had taken troll on him. Froy grumbled "Im going to take your honour of being a Father." He kicked Rafaels precious part, he kept kicking him until Froys feet ached. Rafael roared in agony.He dragged Rafael outside the room and threw him down the stairs. He went back in the room and removed his hoodie and made Isabelle wear it. He walked down the stairs and saw Rafael laying all bloody and hurt. Froy held his throat and grumbled "How dare you touch her?" Rafeal said "Froy..Ss..stop." He was bleeding. Froy picked him up and banged him on the side table. He yelled at Rafael "You asshole! No one can touch her! Hear me.. loud and clear... cause I.Dont.Like.To.Repeat."

He kicked Rafael again, he lifted his face and punched it almost hundred times. He almost broke Rafaels once charming face. Rosaline rushed in and knelt next to her brother and yelled "Froy! I beg you please stop!!" Froy stopped blowing punches. He stepped back and saw Rosaline weeping as she helped her brother sit upright. He looked around and saw everyone staring in one direction, at Isabelle. Isabelle face was red from the crying, her dry tears stained her cheeks. She looked on the floor shamefully. Froy walked to her and put both her hands on his face. He asked slowly "Did he do it?" Isabelle choked on her tears and said "No." Froy grasped and pulled Isabelle into his arms. He rubbed her back while she cried in his arms. Isabelle finally felt safe, Froy had once again not only saved her life but also her respect.

He put am arm around her waist and led her through the staring crowd. As they stepped out of the house, Isabelle began feeling giddy. She stopped walking, her throat was burning, her stomach was awfully churning. She felt the urge to throw up. Cramps rose in her stomach. She felt so uneasy, she held her stomach and said "Froy I don't feel good." Froy held her. He didn't know what was happening. He was already worried for her safety. Suddenly Isabelle knelt on the floor and she felt bile rising in her throat. She pressed her aching stomach when she started throwing up. Froy pulled Izzy's hair back as she throwed up. He kept staring at her face, she was in pain and his heart was breaking. He whispered "Izzy.." he looked at the ground, he was shocked. He saw Isabelle throwing up blood. She was only throwing up blood. Isabelle looked at her blood and was startled. She looked at Froy with her blood stained lips. Isabelle head was spinning like a top. Froy helped her up. But her legs had gone limp. She was completely unconscious. Froy touched her face and said "Izzy! What's happening?!?"


"Doctor!!!" Froy yelled as he entered the hospital with Isabelle in his arms. A Doctor came to them and asked "What happened?" Froy spoke with panic in his voice "She.. she just began throwing up blood." The Doctor touched her pulse and said "Her pulse is slowing down. Get a stretcher here quickly!" Froy placed Isabelle gently on the stretcher. She was rushed inside the emergency ward.

Froy insisted on coming inside but it was against the rules. He sat restlessly in the waiting room. He called Mathew and told him everything. Within no time Matthew rushed in the hospital. He looked at Froy who was messed up. He said "No te preocupes Ella estarã bien." Froy nodded. He slammed his fists on the wall. He muttered "This is all my fault, i should never have spoken to her! Never should have involved her in all this mess. Because of me she is in this condition!" Matthew glared at Froy and said "Froy don't put this on yourself you were trying to help her, you saved her life that day and treated her like you cared. Sometimes you just have to face a good and bad side." Froy said "But I can't let this continue any longer, ill talk to a foster home, ill tell them to take Izzy in, she will be safe there. She wont be with someone as bad as me."

Matthew stared at him and almost yelled "So your just going to dump her away from you. Your going to let her go away from you just because your some gangster. What is going on with you Froy?"Froy replied "I found out something about my father Matt after what happend to him I'm not risking the lives of the people who are special to me...So Yes.. to protect Izzy if it means to never see her again then ill do it."


~~Pleaseee give me your reviews on the story so far! Don't forget to share comment and vote!~~

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