Life threatning

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"He turned up to school yesterday." Rosaline whispered on the phone. The man on the other end asked "Your sure?" Rosaline replied "I'm sure, he was hurt, his face was wounded maybe our man cause him a lot of pain." The man on the other end said "The man works for Hernandez he has to be a fighter but I'm still surprised Froy took him down alone. What was he doing in school?" Rosaline thought and replied "He came to meet Isabelle Heizer." The man on the other end went silent. Rosaline said "Hello. You still there?" The man replied "Tonight follow Froy and take him down." Rosaline asked "And what about Isabelle?" The man on the other end replied "Kill her too if she is with him." Rosaline gulped and replied "Me and Rafael will Do what is needed for the Hernandez."

Froy walked inside the library. He knew Isabelle would be here somewhere. He walked around the library hoping to find her. In the back of his head he was afraid that someone had seen Isabelle with him in the school or the man who he fought at the cafe remembered her face. That would mean Isabelle's life is in danger and he couldn't let her fall into the mafia feud between the Syndicate and the Hernandez. Right now all Froy knew was he needed to keep Izzy safe from those men who would come after her.

Izzy was sitting in between a pile of books. She read Romeo and Juliet. Froy saw her and a little spark emitted in his heart. He looked at her and all his fears, his darkness would go away. He didn't know what was going on with him. But he wanted to be next to her. He walked towards Isabelle and said "Hey." Isabelle looked up and smiled at him. She replied "Hey. What.. uh.. what are you doing here?" Froy nervously fidgeted with his fingers because an answer to that question he hadn't thought yet. He simply replied "What do you do in a library?" Izzy licked her lips and Froy thought to himself 'God she looks so pretty.' Isabelle replied "Oh yeah.. how are you? Your wound is it okay?" Froy nodded "I'll live. What are you reading there?" Isabelle face turned red as she replied "Romeo and Juliet?" Froy chuckled and Isabelle loved the sound of it, she wouldn't mind hearing it all day. Froy asked "Was that an answer or a question?" Isabelle shrugged her shoulders and said "Both...I think" she stood up and walked to put the book back. Her navy blue knee length dress swang along with her.Froy came close to her. Their lips dangerously apart. Isabelle didn't feel awkward at all this time. As leaned in, Isabelle thought he would almost touch her lips. His breath was fanning on her face. She looked into his gorgeous blue eyes. Froy asked "Aren't you curious to know anything about me?" Isabelle lowered her gaze. She replied "I want to know, but I really don't know what's going on with me.. with us?" Froy stepped away from her and asked "For starters My name Is Froy Guiterrez." Isabelle smiled and said "Hi Froy." Froy loved the way his name sounded when she said it. Froy replied "Hi Izzy." Isabelle parted her lips and said "Everyone calls me Bella." Froy stared into her eyes and said "But I'm not everyone." They both stood there in comfortable silence. Isabelle picked some books and put them back in their shelves.

Isabelle said "I know your protecting me." Froy didn't know what to say. He just heard her as she continued saying "I know your a dangerous person, but I'm not afraid of you. I'm not scared, with you I feel safe." Froy looked away from her, his truth was far dark than she could imagine. Even for Izzy to stand next to him was life threatening. Froy said "You should be afraid, im not the good guy." Isabelle blinked serveral times before saying "You saved my life that day." Froy didn't know what to say. She was so pure hearted, she was searching the good in him.

Suddenly harsh rattling of doors and shattering of bookshelves happened. Froy immediately became alert. He pulled Isabelle by her waist and hid behind a shelf. Isabelle buried her face in his chest. Froy pressed his body against Izzys,her back was pressed against the shelf. Froy was concerned about Isabelle's protection, he looked around trying to see any intruder. He was still holding on to Isabelle unintentionally. He pulled his gun out and loaded it. Isabelle wasn't even scared, she just wanted Froy to be safe. She couldn't believe her eyes the moment Froy pulled out the gun. She held his hand and said "You could get hurt." The concern that flashed in Izzys eyes made Froys heart swirl. She was so pure yet caring. He looked into her eyes and got lost in them.

Someone kicked Froy off Isabelle. The man who kicked him was completely dressed in black. His face was under a black mask too. Isabelle didn't care how dangerous he was but Her heart ached to see Froy being hurt.Froy banged on the ground. Isabelle grasped as she saw Froy being snatched away. She was about to bend next to him when the man pulled Izzys hair and she yelled in pain. He held her body against his and He put a knife around her neck. Without thought he began pressing the knife in her skin. Isabelle's squeaked in pain as the knife caused a tear in her skin. As a drop of blood dropped down the knife. Froy jaw clenched with anger, his blood was boiling he wouldn't care to rip that man's head off. He yelled "Get your hands off her!" He wouldn't let anyone lay a hand on Isabelle. He aimed the loaded gun near the man's leg and pulled the trigger. The gunshot made Isabelle hurdle with fear. She looked to her side and The man in the mask fell on the floor, groaning in pain.

Froy stood up and went to Isabelle and pulled her in for a hug. Isabelle hands were on his chest and Froy wrapped his hands around her torso. They pulled Apart and Froy touched her neck and asked "Are you okay?" Isabelle nodded. Froy signed he couldn't believe that because of him Izzy could have died. He took Izzys hand in his and began walking towards the exist. He wouldn't let anything happen to Isabelle, he will protect her in every way he could.

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