Misleading Answers

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"The sooner we find him, the sooner the syndicate declines." The head of the Hernandez gang spoke. Another man said "But Froy is not easy to track he is very good at covering marks." The Head said "All these years our gang, The Hernandez has been on the second rank and the syndicate on top. Since Froy has been working with Romeo our gang is misleading itself. If we want to gain the top position then we need to kill Froy, once he dies we become the top of the food chain."

A women named Sierra said "Some of our members are posted in the school. They will update us on Froys whereabouts."

The Head smiled and said "Froy Gutierrez I will deposit your head on your fathers tomb and Romeo I will spill your secrets out soon."


Froy sat upright on his bed. He was shirtless, the wound on his left arm was deep but he has seen worse. He thought to himself 'Who was she? Why did she help me so selflessly? She stared into my eyes and I did the same and itt terrifies me is that I saw the exact same pain deep in her eyes that I feel. I know her, she studies in the same school as me, Although I don't know her name. I know she studies there, of course she doesn't know me no one does I walk in a hoodie in school , my teachers forget my last name.' There was a knock on bedroom door. Romeo peeped in and asked "Froy? You okay?" Froy nodded and replied "The girl saw me." Romeo said sharply "Them find her and finish her. You know the rules, our men can't be out in the open, if any witnesses are there then we deal with them." Froy replied plainly "First I'll talk to her and then Ill do what I need to." Romeo nodded and walked out of the room. Froy got up and got dressed, he needed to talk to her and for that he needed to attend school.


Isabelle didn't tell anyone about the incident in the cafe. Her whole weekend went by thinking about the boy and his identity. She stared outside her bedroom window wondering in deep thoughts. She got up and went downstairs ready to leave for school. Her father yelled at her "So your up eh? If your late tonight.. I will tear every limp in your body. Now do you understand." Isabelle nodded, she never argued back , if she did her father would hit her with anything he finds. He grabbed Isabelle's hands and pressed it casting a bruise. She flinched with pain. Her father laughed and pushed her towards the door. She ran outside, she wanted to run away from that house, away from that torture.


"You know Mr Carl always gives a lot of homework." Rosaline spoke in the cafeteria. They all stood in a line grabbing the food items they need. Isabelle took a juice carton and walked towards the seat in the edge where no one would notice her. She comfortably sat down with a comic in her hand. She within no time got engrossed in reading it.

Froy stepped in the cafeteria. The whole loud cheering and yelling in the cafeteria went to a silent zone. Everyone stared at Froy. All the girls jaw hung open as they stared at this amazing beauty in front of them. Some looked at him and were terrified.They never saw him in school. They were amused at seeing this handsome stranger walking with them. Froy scanned the cafeteria. He spotted the girl he was looking for reading a comic. He walked towards her and stood in front of her table. Isabelle looked up and was shocked. Her heart throbbed.She recognised him. It was the guy from the cafe. Froy said "I need to talk to you." Isabelle nodded and replied "Okay..." Froy looked around the school cafeteria and saw the whole school staring at him. He knew he would attract attention, but he attracted a lot maybe because of his purple eye and bruised face. He stepped closer to Isabelle and said "Not here, follow me." Froy gently took Isabelle's hand in his and started walking outside the school premises. Isabelle didn't know how to react she followed Froys instructions like a puppy. They went towards the parking lot. Froy oddly felt how amazingly Isabelle's hands fit into his. How soft and tender her skin was. He actually realised how fragile she was. He stopped next to his black Mini Cooper and asked a startled Isabelle "Did you tell anyone about anything the other night?" Isabelle licked her lips and replied "No I didn't." Froy didn't expect such an answer he thought she would have told the whole school about her little encounter with him. He asked "You didn't? Why?" Isabelle put a strand of her hair behind her ear and said "I didn't feel the need to too." Froy studied her, she was so beautiful he thought to himself. Her lips were so pink and plump. He couldn't understand what was wrong with him. Why was he thinking this way? When she put her hand up he saw a blue bruise formed around her tiny wrist. She was nervous and he knew her heart was pounding. His curiosity jumped in and he asked "Show me your hand." Isabelle said "Why?" Froy replied "Your hands wounded." Isabelle replied "Don't worry about it." Froy slowly touched her hand and lifted her purple sweatshirt up and saw the huge bruise sprung on her wrist. It was fresh and swollen Froy knew this wasn't from the other night but it was infact from this morning. Froy felt a gush of anger which he didn't know why it was coming. He couldn't imagine this girl being hurt. He asked "who did this?" Isabelle was frightened. She said "N.n..no one look you wanted to talk to me.. if your done can I go?" Froy nodded and Isabelle turned around to go to class when Froy yelled at her "Your name?" Isabelle turned around and answered "Isabelle. But you can call me.." Froy continued "Izzy.. I'll call you Izzy." Saying this he turned and walked the other way outside the school and Isabelle felt an awful feeling as she watched him leave. She wondered why didn't she ask his name?

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