Changing Attitude

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Matthew stared at Isabelle, she slept soundly. Froy told Matthew to tell Isabelle that she will never see him again. But Matthew had began falling for her. She was so different, always quiet and she was never inquisitive. She observed everything around her. But if she was with Froy her life would be in danger at all times. Anything could happen to her. The mafia could get to her and use her to trap Froy. Maybe Froy was taking the right decision. Matthew thought 'If Isabelle runs away with me then she will be safe, ill keep her away from all this mafia business but will she agree to leave Froy and come with me?'

Isabelle tossed slowly in her bed. She opened her eyes and stared at the white hospital ceiling. She got up and began looking everywhere in the room. She saw Matthew looking right at her. She asked "Where is Froy?" Matthew stood up and walked next to her. He said "The doctor's said that you drank some kind of a drug mixed with water and it reacted in your body causing you to throw up blood. How are you feeling now?" Isabelle furiously asked "Matt answer me... where is Froy??" Matthew scratched his chin, this was going to be more difficult than me thought. He knelt next to Isabelle's bed and said "Listen okay.. You can never meet Froy again. After what happened to you last night. He blames it on himself. For your safety he wont ever see you again. He spoke to a foster family to take you in." Isabelle blood boiled with anger, she got up from her bed and went inside the bathroom. She wore her old clothes and came outside, she slipped on her sneakers. Matthew stared at her completely confused. Isabelle said firmly "Take me too Froy." Matthew said "Are you crazy?  Froy will kill me if i do that!" Isabelle crossed her arms over her chest and said "If you don't take me to him then ill kill you." Matthew rolled his eyes at her stubbornness. Matthew said "If Froy yells at me or anything then I'm going to blame it on you."


"Ready Froy?" Romeo asked. Froy removed his shirt and nodded. Today was the weekly street fight in southern Orleans. There were all sort of smugglers, theives, dealers present there. All were impatiently waiting for one of the best fighters of New Orleans to fight. Froy simply stood in the corner waiting for his opponent. But his thoughts drifted to one person. He just couldn't believe that he would never see her again, never hold her again. He wished he would have at least kissed her once but he knew that he would crave for more. He was losing focus. Romeo patted his back and said "Win this one Gutierrez." Froy asked "Who is my opponent?" Romeo pointed at a man in the opposite direction. He was tall and muscular, he was mocking Froy, Froy clenched his fists and said "Do you want him to live or die?" Romeo smiled and said "Do what you feel like.." Romeo felt something off about Froys behaviour so he asked "Froy you okay?" Froy didn't reply and walked forward towards the fight.

The bell rang and the fight started. Froy stood calmly as he studied his opponent. His opponent rushed in to hit Froy, but was outsmarted by Froys punch. Froy punched him in the chest and kicked his stomach. He grabbed his head and punched his face. His opponent got up and held Froys throat and began choking him. Froy elbowed his stomach and kicked his thigh. They both pulled apart and breathed heavily. Froy slammed his elbow on the opponents head, he fell down holding his wounded head. The final bell buzzed and Froy was declared winner. Froy felt more anger rising in him. He needed to get out of here. He wished to see her once. Just once.

As he went to take his shirt, he saw her. She stood there staring right at him. His breathing stopped. She looked better than before, not very pale and tired. Froy walked next to her and asked "What are you doing here?" Isabelle handed him his shirt and replied "I want to talk to you." Froy simply couldn't be mean to her, the softness of her voice made his heart melt. She nervously glanced around. Froy couldn't take his eyes off her lips. They were so pink and plump. He just wanted to keep her to himself but the way he lived and what he did for a living were very dangerous for her. Isabelle waited for him to reply but when she received no answer. She gently took his hand, she began walking outside the area. Froy followed her still wondering what he should do?

As they reached next to the woods, Froy pulled his hand out of her grip. He yelled at her "Izzy! Why don't you understand!! You shouldn't be with me! Because of me something will happen to you.. and I can't let that happen. I'm trying to protect you please just stay away from me. Forget everything we had!" Isabelle yelled angrily "SHUT UP!" Froy stopped talking, he had no idea how angry she was. The tip of her nose had turned red with anger. She blurted out "Forget it! How the hell do I forget this Froy??... damn it tell me!" Froy said "You can't be with me it's better if we both stay away from each other." Isabelle laughed. She said "Let me tell you something.. I.. Isabelle Heizer, who has been beaten up for half of her life by her own father, who has no friends, whose mom died when she was a child, who was about to get raped less than twenty four hours ago, the girl who searched the lilac sky in all her darkness when one day meets someone who saves her, protects her, nurtures her, gives her respect, when that person just one fine day says forget everything... it breaks her all over again... first her mother left her now he will leave her..." Isabelle choked on her words and began sobbing. She turned around with her back facing Froy. She couldn't face him. Froy hated himself, he made her feel so vulnerable. She needed him the most and he wasn't there for her. She was breaking and he was the reason.

He turned her around facing him. He put a hand around her waist and kept his other hand on her neck. He pulled her close, their chests were touching with rapid rise of their heartbeats. Froy looked at her tear stained face and said "I don't want to leave you. I thought that to protect you it would be better if you stay away from me. But even the thought of going away from you kills me inside Izzy. But what if something happens to you because of me.. I'll never be able to forgive myself." Isabelle spoke in between her sobs "Just don't leave me.. please.." Froy pulled her closer, he was afraid but he had no other option than admitting his feelings, he said "I'll never leave you because.. I love you Isabelle."

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