Fragile Feelings

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Isabelle woke up on Froys bed and looked around the room in search of Froy, but there was no sign of him. He usually slept on the couch even if Isabelle insisted on him sleeping on his bed. Her feet contacted with the cold marble floor. She walked to the bathroom and got dressed for school. She suddenly felt the urge of dressing up well today. She pulled on her black tights, a high waist denim skirt with tucked in black full sleeves top. She looked at herself in the mirror and in a hundred years for the first time felt confident about herself.

She walked in the living room and said "Froy??" Mathew yelled from his room "He isn't home! He left early in the morning for some work." She stayed silent as she heard footsteps coming from Matthews room. Matthew walked down the staircase and stopped in front of Isabelle. He was about to say "He didn't say any..." he stared at Isabelle and was amused at how pretty she looked. He kept staring at her. Isabelle cleared her throat awkwardly. Matthew said "oh yeah... he won't be able to come to school and He told me to drop you." Isabelle quickly said "no no it's fine I'll go." Mathew felt disappointed at her decline but didn't argue. He actually had began liking her but if ever Froy found out he would knock him out dead.


Isabelle walked in the hallway alone as usual except the glares given by everyone. Isabelle shoved her books in her locker. Rosaline stood next to her and said "I'm sorry about yesterday Bella." Isabelle turned around not saying anything. Rosaline continued "What Rafael did yesterday was wrong. And that's why he is here to apologize." Isabelle's heart beat paced higher. Rafael came and said "I'm sorry Bella, instead of being there for you. I made a mess and for that I'm sorry." Isabelle nodded and said "it''s okay." Isabelle turned and walked away from them. Rosaline yelled "Don't forget about the party tomorrow Bella!" Isabelle walked away without giving her an answer. Rafael and Rosaline looked at her as she walked away. Rosaline said devilishly "The plans working." Rafael said "For sure it is, I can't wait to see what drama we unfold tomorrow, Isabelle Heizer will never forget tomorrow's party."


Finally school was over. Isabelle walked outside the campus wondering how to reach Froys house. She managed to reach school but going back was surely a task until she saw a familiar black Mini Cooper. Froy stood leaning on his car. He saw Isabelle and a slight smile curved on his lips. Isabelle walked towards him, her heart was jumping with joy by just seeing Froy. Froy said "I'm sorry, I couldn't come to drop you. I had some work." Isabelle said "It's okay. Froy when will you take me back home? I know your helping me But I can't do this any longer. I hate being a pressure on you." Froy stepped closer to her and held her shoulders and turned her around slowly. He pressed her back against his car. He said looking directly in her eyes. "Izzy I don't want you to go. I know you have questions and I promise to answer them all. Just promise me you won't leave me and go like everyone else." Isabelle saw hurt flash in his face, something she hadn't seen before. She put a hand on his beautiful face and said "I'll never leave you..." Froy smiled and leaned in, he kissed her cheek. Isabelle's eyes went wide, her face was red. Froy saw her and giggled. He said "Your blushing." Isabelle muttered " I'm not." Froy kissed her cheek again. His plump lips touched Isabelle's tender skin making their hearts beat faster. Froy said "I like it when you blush." Isabelle said "I think we should just leave." Froy couldn't help but fall in love with this girl more. She was so curious but patient and he knew she felt for him too but was not ready to admit it. But he thought to himself Izzy is everything i could dream of, if she wished to wait then I will even wait for an enternity for her to accept me.


"Froy I needed your help... if.. your free?" Froy kept his gun down on the couch and looked at Isabelle curiously. He asked "Help? What kind of help?" Isabelle said "Rosaline has a party tonight and she has invited me. I really cant decide what to wear." Froy ignored what she said and spoke "Rosaline is Rafeals sister, why would she invite you? Rafael was there with those girls the other day. When they were troubling you. Izzy you can't go to the party. I don't think you should even leave this house." He kept blabbering. Isabelle said loudly "Froy stop it! Its just a party, ill leave if I feel uncomfortable." Froy said "Then I'm coming with you to this party." Matthew yelled from his bedroom "Froy remember our meeting with Romeo today!" Froy rubbed his fingers on his forehead. He looked at Isabelle and didn't like the idea of her going alone to the party. He said "Look Ill let you go for the party only on one condition. That you call me even when the slightest thing feels wrong." Isabelle agreed and said "Now will you help me with an outfit?" Froy smiled and they went in his room.

Froy pulled out a hip length floral dress with brown ankle length boots along with black stockings. Froy said "This outfit is good, it will cover your skin and you will look pretty." Isabelle said "So your even a fashion designer?" Froy blinked his eyes for a long time and said "No its a natural talent you know helping you pick out outfits." Matthew came inside the room holding a sleeveless knee length shimmer dress. He said "Senorita wear this!" Isabelle swallowed and said "I don't like stuff like that.. ill just wear this outfit." Froy looked angrily at Matthew "Matt...Quiera que te rompa la cara?" Matthew glared at him and then looked at Isabelle saying "He is just mean, your anyways extremely beautiful." He walked out of the room leaving Isabelle in shock. Isabelle said "You spoke Spanish? Why did you speak spanish?" Froy said "I'm Spanish Izzy. And if ever Matthew even breaths around you, come to me, ill slash his throat out." Isabelle laughed and went to the washroom to get dressed.

Isabelle went next to to Froys car. He sat inside scrolling down his cellphone. As Isabelle got in she said "I'm good to go." Froy kept staring at her. He couldn't get his eyes of her. She looked beyond beautiful, she dressed simple yet she was glowing, she barely wore any makeup yet she looked so amazing. Isabelle waited for him to start his car but soon she realised he kept staring at her. Isabelle said "Uh.. aren't we going to the party?" Froy still stared at her beautiful face and replied "Izzy your so beautiful." Isabelle smiled to herself , she felt a warm fuzzy feeling. She looked nervously ahead. Her heart ached, she just wanted to hold Froy there and then. Froy geared up and began driving towards Rosalines house.

The loud music and excessively irritating screams of teenagers filled Isabelle's ears. Froy stopped outside the main door of the house and held Isabelle's hand. He said "Take care Izzy, please just.. stay safe.. for me." Isabelle looked In his eyes and quickly kissed his cheek which left Froy startled. She got out of the car and smiled at Froy. Froy looked at her one last time and began driving. Isabelle looked at the house which looked like mess. Her heart paced and her palms got sweaty. She whispered "You need to over come your fear Isabelle, no more being afraid of people."

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