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*****Warning swearing*****

As you were walking through the mall, looking through the windows. As you were turning the corner you heard as what you pressume a "cat fight".

"Uugghh what the fuck, of course you screwed it up again"

"That's exactly what you asked for are you joking!"

"Bitch, does it look like I'm joking, how am I supposed to walk around looking like this!"

"You're fucking loco, this is always how I cut your nasty ass hair."

"Nasty!...ugggh don't even. Look who's talking. Skank."

"No bitch. My hair isn't dried out and reeking of smoke okay."

"Whatever, hoe. Why  don't you go get knocked up again?"

"You need to turn around and walk away."

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you're whore feeling?"

"Turn around and walk away"

"Gladly. Atleast I don't have to look at your whore face anymore."

After the Latino woman walks back into the salon. Audrey finished with

"Fucking whore ass bitch needs to lurn."

You could clearly see she's pissed. But you still walked up to her. "That was some of a fight huh?" You said with a amused laugh."What the fuck do you want?" She said with clear annoyance laced in her voice. "I heard your shitty fight and wanted to see if you were alright" you trying to cheer her up. "The fuck is it to you? Are you trying to waste my time?" She said with her brows furrowed. "If you want we could go shopping and go get you're hair fixed, my treat." You offered. "Fine" she said with her arms folded.

You both spent the next 4 hours shopping and got her hair fixed by an other hairdressers. Your just glad you have a very well paying job, because she likes expensive shit. "

"Hey (y/n) wanna get some weed?" Audrey said with a smirk. "Uuuhh suuuure?" You said not really sure why you just agreed to get high. "Yeah, that's what I like to hear~" she pulled out 2 joints (joints?). She then hands you one and lights them.

*Time skip*

You and Audrey got to know each other more the past week. You both had exchanged numbers. She had invited you to a go to a rave with her. As you were getting ready, you couldn't help but notice that you like-like Audrey. Yeah she is a 'Mega Bitch' but that didn't faze you that much. After you got dressed in your 'rave' outfit

You then went to lusties nightclubs where the rave was being held

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You then went to lusties nightclubs where the rave was being held. Once you got there you saw Audrey dressed in.

"You ready (y/n)? Or are you gonna pussy out?""Nah, I'm ready for this"

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"You ready (y/n)? Or are you gonna pussy out?"
"Nah, I'm ready for this"

You both walked in and the music was loud and lights flashing. You then see Audrey walking up to you with two drinks. "Here, the next rounds on you." She hands you the cup of vodka/tequila mix.(don't judge me)

6 drinks later you and Audrey were making out on one of the seats in the corner. You were wasted. Audrey was use to this so she was still fine.

"You're probably not going to remember this but I really like you (y/n)." She said with a genuine smile on her face. "I-i love *hiccup* tooooo~" you said with a slur.
"I think you've had enough to drink." She said as she took your hand and lead you out of the club and back to your apartment. After a struggle she finally got you in bed and you were passed out. Audrey decided that she was going to spend the night here, so she got in bed with you."I love you too loser" she said as she fell asleep.

I have mixed feelings about Audrey. But just like Dragon age inquisition I've been playing Huniepop nonstop aswell. So here you go next up is my Cullen lemon part 2. Bye~

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