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This was requested by softcookie12

seme reader

im so sorry if he's little oc. I'll probz do a sebby too :/

since you didnt say wat should this be this will be a lime. So lets get to it. ps. love the song^^^

oh yeah and your a reaper.

I'm writing this at like 11pm and ive had a glass of wine with my mom. So i'm sorry if there are any grammar issues. And sorry if it's too short.



As you were walking the streets of london pondering to yourself of what just happend about an hour ago.


<at the trancy manor> (I really hate alois. i'm sorry hes like joffrey from GoT.)

As you smugly walked through the halls waiting to see your fav butler. You has twisted williams arm a little and convinced him to give you the day off. With a smug look on your face you had turned a corner and saw your target. Your smile grew wider. You walked as quiet as you could manage behind him. You streched your arms out and- "hello (Y/N)."

"You're no fun" you said with a groan. "I don't have time to have fun, you of all people know that."

"I still don't know how you put up with that brat."

"For his soul" He had pushed you against the wall.

"And then you'll come back to me?"

"I was never with you to begin with"

"you're so cruel" you said with a pout.

You had turned you both around amd trapped him between your arms. (kabedon) As you both stared at each other you moved your knee up to his crotch. His brows furrowed alittle but no reaction. you started littering his neck with bite marks. He had gripped your shirt, you had moved your right hand down to the bolge in his pants. You looked at him and his eyes were fuschia. You got a mischievous look and lifted him up by his thighs and had him wrap his legs around your hips.

You had started grinding both of your erections together. He had started groaning and panting. You on the other hand had a shit eating grin on your face. You could see the frustration on his face. But you had other hand had different plans. You had pulled out his erection and started jacking him off.

Right before he could finish you had stopped. You put his erection back in his pants and leg go of him. You're smile grew as you saw the aggravated and frustrated expression he had on. Before he could scold you, you had disappeared all the while laughing. You knew he was going to give you hell later tonight but for now you had your fun and all.

*End of flashback*

So there you were walking with you're scythe swinging back and forth. You were mentally and physically preparing yourself for the hell claude was going to give you tonight. But the thought of his frustrated look made you're smirk ever bigger.


Well hope you liked it softcookie. Can I call you oreo? Because you remind me of a oreo. Sweet. You are one of my fav people now because you like claude, not alot of people like claude. Why? Well thats all for now and as always see you next time. Bye~ and remember I Love You All you beautiful people.

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