uke! YouTuber!reader x fanboy!Jeremy part 2 lemon

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Sorry it's late.=_= It took me awhile to think about were this is going to play off. And I've decided that it's gonna be where it began in the office.


As you were on your way to the pizzeria, you couldn't help but think about your relationship with Jeremy. Ever since that night were he said he wouldn't let anything happen to you. That sentence alone made your heart flutter.(cheesy ik)

**Time skip**

You were cuddling with Jeremy on the office chair with your head on his chest. And he had wrapped his arms around your waist.


"Yes Jeremy?"

"Well I've been thinking. You know we've been together for about 4 months now and......"


"I w-would like to have.. .."


"Well you know..."

You quickly realized what he meant when you felt something poke your thigh. You could feel your face getting warmer.

"U-uhmm Jeremy we can't do it here."

"Please...(M/n).... I need you"

"Y-you need me?..."

"Yes (M/n) please"

You have a slight nod, as you got on your knees and unbuckled his belt. As you pulled down his pants, his hard member sprung up and hit you in the face.(poked?)

You took it into your hands and started licking the tip all the way down to his balls. You looked up and saw that his head was leaned back and he was panting. You then took him into your mouth and started sucking. You could feel your pants get tighter as you sucked him harder.

Jeremy grabbed a fist full of your hair and groaned loudly as he came. You some how managed to swallow every drop of cum, as you pulled away you look at him and saw his face was red and he was panting. As you got up he pushed you onto the desk.

"Aaah!" You let out a surprised yelp as Jeremy caged you in between his arms. As you looked up at him, you felt your pants get tugged off and your shirt lifted up. Jeremy started playing with your nipples.

"Aa-aah! J-jeremy more.." you let out a shallow breath as you felt his lips on your left nipple and his hand on your right nipple twisting and turning.

"Jeremy p-lease no more t-teasing" you manage to get out. Jeremy then lifted your legs onto his shoulders.

"(M/n) are you sure you want to do this. We really don't have to-" you cut him off by giving him a light kiss. "Yes I want to do this with you." You said as you stared into his green card.

Jeremy groaned lightly as he thrusted into your tight hole. "Aa-aah! J-j-jeremy~" you moaned loudly as you gripped the back of his shirt. He had started to thrust in a steady pace, but went faster when he heard you moaning loudly.

"(M/n)." Jeremy was covered in a thin layer of sweat.

"Aaaahhhh!!!" You yelled out feeling your prostate being pounded into. Every time your prostate was hit a jolt of pleasure went through you.

"Jeremy.. I'm c-close"

"Me too.. (M/n). Just hold on a little longer"

Jeremy then flipped you over onto your stomach, going doggy style. You gripped the desk as he went deeper than before. You felt a knot in your stomach get extremely tight.. And the it snapped and you came onto the desk and floor.


Jeremy felt you get tighter around him. Which caused him to cum. He pushed deep inside of you and gripped your sides as he rode out his orgasm.

You both were panting as you heard the 6am bell ring. After you two got cleaned up you left and went to your house and took a shower. After the refreshing shower you both fell asleep almost instantly.


Sorry for such a looong wait. But here it is I've wrote down a list of ideas on top of the story that I'm planning on doing. I was so uncomfortable with writing balls and nipples. But for the sake of the story I must endure it. So see you soon. I Love you all. Bye~


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