(please read)

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Okay. Why dafaq aren't more people talking about this. The Amazon is on fucking fire. The Amazon gives is 20% of our fucking oxygen. And 10% of our fucking planets animal species live there. And if we don't do anything about it than the damage to the atmosphere WILL be catastrophic.


If you couldn't have figured it out by now. I am pissed ,VERY much matter of fact.

And now im even more pissed that the Brazilian fuck twat of a trump like president didn't give a shit about the Amazon burning, and only acknowledged it because it reached global news. This prick has the gall to flash his cash and do nothing up until now.

The EU threatened Brazil about this too.

French leader Emmanuel Macron said President Jair Bolsonaro had lied to him about his stance on climate change.

There are currently a record number of fires in the Amazon rainforest - a major source of oxygen for the world.

Environmental groups say the fires are linked to Mr Bolsonaro's policies, which he denies.

European leaders have also expressed dismay over the fires. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson called the fires "not only heartbreaking" but "an international crisis".

"We stand ready to provide whatever help we can to bring them under control and help protect one of Earth's greatest wonders," he added.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called the fire an "acute emergency... shocking and threatening not only for Brazil and the other affected countries, but also for the whole world"

Mr Bolsonaro said on Friday that he was considering options for fighting the fires, including deploying the military.

However, he has also accused Mr Macron of meddling for "political gain", and previously said calls to discuss the fires at this weekend's G7 summit in Biarritz, France - which Brazil is not participating in - showed "a misplaced colonialist mindset".


t's really fucking cheap that he only started doing shit because the Eu threatened their trade deal.

I know the majority of people on Wattpad are broke and can't donate to an actual fundraiser for the Amazon burning.

So. Im Begging you. Please spread this everywhere. The more people know. The more pressure there will be to actually do something about this. THESE ARE OUR PLANETS LUNGS FOR FUCK SAKE.

And the last time I checked we can't live on fucking mars or venus or any other fucking planet other than earth.

This is got me in tears and furious. I have plans about becoming a wildlife veterinarian and seeing all those animals and trees dying and burning has got me full of anger and sadness that I've never felt before.

I think the only good news I've gotten it that at 03:00 it rained in the Amazon and the rain put out 40% of the fire, but that's not enough. So please. Raise awareness to this. The more people making noise about this the sooner it will be resolved.

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