*Screeching in agony*

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This just happened to me. So i decided to make a chapter of my very recent experience.

I was in agony.

Seme male reader x Kei Kamatori

(No rin)



Just a side note.
Before anyone says or thinks Im hella dramatic when it comes to getting chilli in my eye. No this really happened, was very painful, im fine now, and thinking back to this its extremely funny.😂😂 So I hope you too laugh at my agony.😂😂😂

You being you decided to help Minori cook for once. As you were putting chillies through the food processor you got an idea. An old family recipe for delicious hot sauce.

You turned to Minori and explained to her your idea. She has had it before when your parents sent you a jar of said hot sauce and agreed.

So you were chopping spring onions, bell peppers, carrots, parsley, habanero, jalapeño, and half a Carolina Reaper.(real recipe my father uses) All of it went into the food processor an dafter in a large mixing bowl. Where you added olive oil and mixed.

After you put the mixture in glass jars that you can store for about 2-3 months in the fridge. Just as you were cleaning up you eye started to itch. And as your hand touched your eye, mind you that you just touched 3 hot ass chilies and now touched your eye.

Minori almost cut herself after you had just started screaming. You were jumping around and as you clutched you eye you made it worse.

"AAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" your Screeching got worse. Minori panicked and grabbed a glass of milk and pushed your face over the sink and poured the milk into your eyes.

In all the commotion Kōsaku and kei walked in with Ringo trailing just behind them.

"IF YOU DON'T GET THE MILK IN YOUR EYES WERE GOING TO HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL.!!!!" Minori was right so you opened your eyes to the best of your ability and as the milk poured into your eyes you felt relief.

You were so glad Minori knew that if you ever got chili in your eyes you should immediately rinse them with milk. (Actually a true fact)

Kei was the first by minori and your side helping her by holding some of you (h/c) hair back.

"What happened?!" Kei asked Minori.

"Your idiot boyfriend got chilies in his eyes!!"

"(M/n) you moron!" Kōsaku said as he got Minori more milk for your eyes.

Ringo stood there confused. 'why are they using milk to rinse out his eyes.'

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!! IT FUCKING BURNS!!" (M/N) screamed in agony.

"GET ME MORE MILK!!" Minori said

"On it!!"


Minori had finally rinsed out your eyes. Minori swatted you upside the head.

"Wash you hands next time!"

"Thank you Minori" you sat there with most of your hair soaked in milk and it was dripping down your face.

"Why did you use milk to rinse out his eyes instead of water." Ringo asked still confused.

Kei pushed up his glasses.

"Well you see Ringo Milk helps neutralise the capsaicin in the chilli that causes the burning sensation. As most chillies contain oil, the milk flushes out the oil whereas water would simply rinse off and provide no relief."

"Not just chilli it helpes for alot of things."
Kõsaku added

"Basically anything that hurts your eyes" Minori said as she finished up cooking.

"You could have gon blind (m/n)" Kei said leaning against the counter.

"Noooo. Then I wouldn't have ever been able to see your uke face in bed again!" (M/n) said with his face against the table and his arms spread out infront of him.

"Whaaa-!!!" Kōsaku was cut of by Kei putting a hand over his mouth. Kei's face was red as he cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses.

"(M/n) now is not the time."

"But your uke face is so erotic. And never fails to get me ha-."

(M/n) was cut off by Kei that had covered his mouth.

"There are girls present (m/n)!!" Kōsaku said as he was covering Ringo's ears.

*Time skip brought to you by (m/n)'s dirty ass mind*
*Your POV*

You were on your bed and Kei was straddling you as you were leaving soft kisses down his pale neck.

"No marks this time" Kei said as he held onto your shoulders.

"No promises." You replied with a sly smirk and a wink.

Kei just rolled his eyes and smiled, pulling you into a soft hug.

"You still have the most erotic uke face Kei."

Kei just sighed as he gave you one last squeeze and pulled away.

"I wager that I can keep a straight face throughout sex this time." Kei said in a 'matter of fact' tone.

You let out a snort as you flipped him over so he was pinned down onto the bed.

"We'll see about that." You said with a cocky grin on your face.


Damn it been awhile. Feels good to do something interesting again. Im still trying to think about scenarios for the requested one-shots. So I'll probably just write random one-shots for now to keep you entertained. Maybe a lemon next? Who knows? Well I needed to blow of some steem because I just found out I'm going to be held back a year. Not that im slow or stupid. But I kinda got lazy with online school and sponged Abit. So my mom was super cool with it and told me she didn't like this school anyways and told me as long as I still work a little everyday so next year will be easier for my, then i can be a mooch for the rest of the year and we'll explain to the school next year why all my grades are 0's.

Well that's my rant. Hope you enjoyed this and my recreation of my agony. Hope it made you laugh. See you next time my beautiful peoples.

 See you next time my beautiful peoples

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